Mu Tianhao said that going home is not going abroad.

It is estimated that no one can think of it. In fact, the old house of Mu family is in China, in city B.

The old house of Mu family is in a natural manor in the suburb. It is a private area of the famous family in B city in the early years.

Now, there are not many people who can live in this area.

Among them, a magnificent private building is particularly eye-catching.

The word "Mu Zhai" publicized in front of the house does not obscure the prominent identity of the owner.

Pure white background color, means the full Oriental tone.

China is the nation that pays attention to the internal temperament most. All the breath revealed by this villa shows the inner temperament, which is introverted, implicit and the unity of man and nature.

The owner of the garden likes mountains and rivers, so the whole house is set off by green stones and green water. The ranks, pavilions, pavilions and pavilions are all built near the water. In particular, the shape of the water area twists and turns. It changes with the changes of pavilions and pavilions. The shape of the whole house is like a painted boat along the water.

In the villa garden, the white walls and black tiles are plain in beauty; the exquisite pavilions and pavilions make the south of the Yangtze River colorful; a variety of flowers, plants and trees overlap, forming a rich and colorful plant landscape; in the guide of the pavilion connecting the pavilion, it seems that you have stepped into an excellent ink and wash painting.

Now, this magnificent courtyard is located in the snow, adding a touch of magic color to it.

After Xiaohua started to drive into the courtyard, the speed had dropped to about 30 yards. However, the car still took more than ten minutes to stop.

Of course, Mu Tianhao doesn't need to take any luggage when he comes home. There are clothes he is used to wearing in his old house, which is even more comfortable than that outside. After all, most of the time, Mu Tianhao wears ready-made clothes, but the clothes at home are actually tailor-made and hand-made.

Back to the old house, even Xiaohua is very solemn, not in the past in the outside of that random.

After parking the car, Xiaohua gets out of the car and opens the door for mu Tianhao. Mu Tianhao comes from the car. The old housekeeper of the Mu family has come out to meet him. Xiaohua salutes the housekeeper slightly, and the housekeeper comes up: "Mu Shao is back. The old man and wife are not at home. The eldest lady is here."

"My sister is back?" Mu Tianhao picked up his eyebrows and brought some smiles to his lips.

The housekeeper's expression is a little bit loose, and seems to have brought a trace of smile: "well, the young master also came back with him."

As soon as the words fell, a small ball of meat rushed out of the room and rushed directly into Mu Tianhao's arms: "little uncle! You're back. Mommy didn't lie to me

Mu Tianhao picked up the child in his arms. He kissed the girl's pink face affectionately and said, "do you miss my uncle?"

The little girl holds Mu Tianhao and doesn't give up.

A voice came from the door, with a slight anger: "two people come in, also don't mind outside cold flustered!"

Mu Tianhao went in with a little girl in her arms. After walking a few steps around the porch, he saw a man sitting on the sofa with a dignified manner who was tasting tea.

"Sister, come back." Mu Tianhao's voice is rare with a little respect.

The person on the sofa wore a simple black sweater with a black narrow woolen skirt. Her hair was gently coiled in the back of her head. She had a plain face. When you look up, you can see her eyebrows and eyes, which is amazing.

She is mu Tianhao's sister, mu Liufeng!

Mu Liufeng is still the real helmsman behind the Mu family. Speaking of it, Mu's consortia is not the mainstream industry of Mojia. Mu Tianhao founded mu Liufeng's consortia and has developed into such a trend in recent years.

And Mojia, their own family business, does not match the word "Mu"!

After graduating from Harvard Business School, mu Liufeng has gradually taken over the business of Mojia family. She is only a temporary helmsman. Mu's industry will eventually be handed over to Mu Tianhao.

However, no matter how powerful and valuable an outsider looks, in the eyes of Mojia, it is just a toy for mu Tianhao when he was immature.

Of course, this also includes Liuguang international.

However, no one thought, including Mu Tianhao himself, that he could develop the "Mu's Consortium" to such a level.

Therefore, when mu Liufeng is ready to give up his family business, he will have such a headache.

If such a "Mu's Consortium" is sold and dismantled for nothing, it would be a pity. It is not only its own value, but also the efforts of Mu Tianhao.

However, it is not very good to return it to the Mu family's industry. After all, the family property of the Mu family is not owned by Mu Tianhao's family. It is a huge family, and the relationship among them is too complicated.

Mu Liufeng is in charge of Mujia industry for only a few years, and he is obviously not able to do it.Money is easy to earn, but the heart is hard to be steady.

Nowadays, the branch of Mu family has been scattered all over the world, and every country, even famous and unknown city, now has its own people.

If they are in charge of the family, they must do what they should do.

Now, it's time to hand over the Mu family to Mu Tianhao, and what the "Mu's Consortium" should do is for him to decide.

Mu Liufeng put down the teacup in his hand and waved to the curtain Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao obediently walked over.

The little girl still holds Mu Tianhao's neck and doesn't give up.

Mu Liufeng's eyes were angry and said softly, "you can come down to me, and don't speak to your uncle in English in China."

"I don't want it!" Jun Yan's small mouth was obstinate, holding Mu Tianhao's hand tighter: "I'm going to hold my little uncle. I haven't seen him for a long time. I miss him!"

Mu Tianhao looked at mu Liufeng and was about to get angry. He lowered his head and gently said something in the girl's ear. Although the little girl was not happy, she still obediently spread her hand, jumped to the ground, and said in hard Chinese: "mom is right. I'll go back to my room now. Mother, uncle, goodbye

With that, she left like a little lady.

Mu Liufeng looked at his daughter's departure, some helplessly shook his head: "do not know how you are to her soup, the year also can not see you several times, but can be every day talking about you, a listen to say to come back with me, even her father do not want!"

Mu Tian Hao sat down beside mu Liufeng with a smile and asked, "where's brother-in-law?"

Mu Liufeng mentioned that her husband is speechless: "still in the laboratory, tomorrow will go home."

Yes, mu Liufeng married a scientist!

It's a real scientist. Anyway, what her husband is studying and doing can't be told to anyone outside.

Mu Liufeng in the past two years is more difficult to force, running all over the world.

The reason why Mu Tianhao respects his sister like this is that he knows better than anyone else that if his sister is not here to support Mojia, he would not have time to develop his own career, just for Mojia would be enough.

However, no matter how you play, it's time to come back.

"I don't have a rest during the Spring Festival. I'm almost ready to make wood by doing experiments." Mu Tianhao didn't like his brother-in-law. At first, mu Liufeng didn't like Junyan's father at all. It was just because the two families were well matched. Moreover, Jun Yan's father fell in love with mu Liufeng at first sight, and people didn't have the flamboyant feeling of a rich son at all. To put it bluntly, in addition to making experiments, people can see that his intelligence quotient is exploding

Mu Tianhao thinks that his brother-in-law is a life idiot.

But these two years After having Jun Yan specifically, he is not very clear about whether the feelings of the two people have changed.

After all, I'm a man. I can't gossip about my sister's husband and wife's harmonious life every day.

But it is certain that we should gather less and leave more.

Jun Yan's father is a drill to the laboratory are difficult to come out, not to mention mu Liufeng, busy running all over the world.

Mu Liufeng left Mu Tianhao behind, of course, there is something to say: "how is your company handling?"

Mu Tianhao didn't say much. He just said, "it's going on. Xiaohua will help me. When I get it done, you can relax."

Mu Liufeng eyebrows a pick: "how, for you to bear these years, you have not played enough!"

"How can it be?" Mu Tianhao quickly flattered: "I also love you, or by my parents, you think you can move me."

Mu Liufeng sneered: "I know you have a spectrum about the company, so I won't ask more. Now I want to know what's going on with your girlfriend

"What's the matter?" Mu Tianhao chooses to pretend to be stupid: "I just fell in love, what can happen?"

"When you're in love, you're going to get pregnant from time to time?" Mu Liufeng didn't listen to Mu Tianhao's banter: "Xin Shanshan, an orphan, has an adoptive father. He runs away in debt! Before I went to your place, it was almost like a little actor with three noes. You flattered people so much with one hand. Next year, you asked her to go to Colombia for gold plating. You're trying to find a young lady after the film for our Mu family. "

Mu Tianhao of course knows that everything about Xin Shanshan can't be concealed from mu Liufeng. He doesn't refute or explain. He listens to everything mu Liufeng says, but he doesn't speak.

Mu Liufeng also knows her brother too well. She can feel the bottom of xinshanshan very well. What is the origin of Mu Tianhao? She doesn't know at all, just like other people outside.

Those who know the family background of Mu Tianhao are Xue shaoran and others. However, mu Liufeng is more aware of them. They are smarter than monkeys. They are clear about what to say and what not to say.

Now, mu Liufeng looks at Mu Tianhao's attitude, and she knows that she is going to attack and conquer step by step.The key is

Mu Liufeng also didn't say anything more, but she just said, "you know the temper of my parents, especially my father! At the beginning of my business is ready-made, what temper do I have you don't know? My parents hurt me more than you when they were young. They didn't give in to this, let alone come to you. I don't want to say more. I also know that the girl xinshanshan is a good girl except that she doesn't belong to your family. However, you can think about how to live with your parents. "

Mu Tianhao is still silent.

"Ha ha." Mu Liufeng was smiling: "if you are just a pure love play, this will be when I did not say, you don't worry, you don't mention the business, parents will see a lot of things."

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