In fact, the interior decoration is a typical British apartment. Under the camera, this apartment may have a space of 100 square meters. However, due to the need for a camera and lighting effect, the actual space is far more than 100 square meters. Moreover, the studio is very large. Next door is the autopsy room, police office, conference room, hospital and laboratory.

in short, often Almost all the indoor scenes of the play are finished here.

however, the most surprising scene is the scene of this apartment.

it can be seen that Mu Qing spent a lot of time here, and also spent a lot of money.

the whole apartment is completely completed according to the standard of hard decoration. Not only that, but also the designers are invited from home The living room is designed facing the courtyard. It can fully enjoy the sunshine. The elegant space design is just right.

the pure gray sofa with the light green cushion is hanging on the wall. The multi-layer bookshelves embedded in the wall are hung on the wall.

the end of the living room is the dining area and above the dining table The chair beside the table is pstisidhir designed by hrs & ryms for vitr. The kitchen connecting the living room and bedroom is also an aisle. It is like a transitional space connecting two independent units.

the kitchen floor is paved with parquet floor. The whole cabinet of apple green is embedded with oven, disinfection cabinet and refrigerator The ceramic wall of the bathroom is made of small pieces of green. The large half wall high mirror increases the sense of visual space at the same time.

while most of the indoor decorations are placed on the table. Although she can't remember where she has seen it, she always thinks that it matches with Feng nuoyuan's personal style.

now, Feng nuoyuan is sitting on the sofa with his legs up The posture of his family.

Xin Shanshan is across the table and is sitting face to face with Feng nuoyuan. Mu Qing is sitting on the side.

"director mu, your words are a bit too choking. Those reporters still don't know how to write when they go back." no one said anything. But the little assistant beside Mu Qing opened his mouth. But what they said was the truth In fact, the reporter's question just now was too much. "

during the talk, she was still inclined to Feng nuoyuan.

Xin Shanshan shook her head and laughed. She also said:" it's none of his business. "

looking around, she asked," this is the house I shared with Feng nuoyuan in the play. "

Feng nuoyuan corrected Xin Shanshan:" exactly, I borrowed it It's a house for you. "% - (-

Xin Shanshan glanced at Feng nuoyuan and said," Oh, you've got Xiao Chen on your body so soon. "

Feng nuoyuan shook his legs:" that's. You're a cold faced doctor. When can we get into the state. We're in a hurry for this play. "

Xin Shanshan knows that Feng nuoyuan is holding his breath. Who let that reporter not grow his eyes just now Well, I'm afraid he won't be able to act any more after taking a long rest.

earlier shooting means that the TV series can meet the audience as soon as possible. Xin Shanshan has never doubted Feng nuoyuan's acting skills. To be exact, as long as you have acted with Feng nuoyuan, I'm afraid you can't ignore the intuitive shock he brings to you A good actor can not only interpret the role perfectly. What's more, he can bring you more feelings and make you join in it. It will make you feel passionate.

although Feng nuoyuan is not the so-called old actor. Even though he is very young in his line of work, you can really have this feeling when you act with him.

maybe some people will comment on an actor The acting skill is so good. It's a matter of course. But Feng nuoyuan From Xin Shanshan's own point of view, he is not a professional. However, he has his own unique side. Of course, there is no doubt about acting skills.

at the same time, Mu Qing also hopes that the progress of the play can be faster. Of course, he never reduces the quality of the whole work because of the progress. He just hopes to save some costs in terms of labor and time.

however, he is not a professional< The assistant Mu Qing has already started to distribute scripts and calculate the number of shows today. In a word, the studio has been busy. Obviously, Mu Qing is going to work.

and the first scene is the play code of Xin Shanshan and Feng nuoyuan respectively.

Xin Shanshan is still in the first place.


in this play Xin Shanshan is called Tan Luo. The role she plays is a doctor. To be exact, she used to be a military doctor, but later, she almost became a forensic doctor.

Feng nuoyuan is called Xiao Chen in the play. She is a lonely character with an IQ of 180. She makes mistakes in school and is idle at home.

the beginning of the story is a dream of Tan Luo lying in his roomIt's a battlefield. There are gunshots and explosions. It's either blood red or camouflaged army green at the entrance.

Tanluo is also wearing camouflage uniform. His face is black and red. His hands are full of blood.

when a grenade is thrown to her side, she doesn't react. The black shadow comes up and rolls around with her one after another. The grenade explodes It's all blood.

the dream wakes up.

Tan Luo sits up from the bed like a mechanical rebound. It's all dark.

she's the only one in the room. She's quiet and comfortable.

she just hugs the quilt. I don't know how long she's been sitting. Tanluo gets out of bed and turns on the floor light.

the room is very warm. It's a special space design for girls. It's on the desk Her laptop computer was scattered. Tan Luo walked by in a sleepwalk. The screen of her notebook lit up.

the desktop was her photo. She was wearing a military uniform on her body. Yingzi was so cool.

that was taken before she went to Vietnam. She has come back now. But since the moment she came back, she has never opened her mouth again.

the day is gradually getting brighter.

Tan Luo's mobile phone rings. She looks at it. It's her Today, it is the fourth week of her psychological treatment. However, she still did not speak.

this is the way in which Xin Shanshan appears in the pursuers.

Mu Qing first photographed the process of Xin Shanshan waking up from her dream. Xin Shanshan finished very well. About the scene that happened in her dream, Mu Qing originally planned to find a field, but this scene was in the dream It's not very realistic for them to take a real shot. So, I found a space in the studio temporarily. I pushed some soil and covered it with vegetation. To put it bluntly, what we need here is a state of mind and a close-up of Xin Shanshan. Other pictures can be virtualized.

the key is that she has to get blood on her face It's true. It's just a temporary morgue set up in the studio.

the corpse is also fake. Find a staff member to lie on the bed with bare arms. The effect is a bit gloomy The actual scene is still quite funny.

Feng nuoyuan didn't care at all. Instead, he joked: "how can I start to look forward to our cohabitation life."

Xin Shanshan would like to fight Feng nuoyuan.

Feng nuoyuan jumps away with a smile.

this scene is ready. Xin Shanshan goes directly on the stage and doesn't need to take off her makeup. Anyway, she needs to spray blood on her face for a while Mu Qing is very strict with these requirements. He doesn't want the effect that Xin Shanshan's face is pasted with ketchup on her face.

it's just that Xin Shanshan's face has suffered a little. But it's OK. This is the scene this morning. You can go back after shooting. Feng nuoyuan is still here She has to wait. She has to meet Zhuang Qiang, who is the director of the spy film.

about Xin Shanshan's taking another film, she told Mu Qing on the way back from G province. It's not that she wants to be flexible in time. She must go here with Mu Qing. After all, she is the first time Xin Shanshan is now in a red house. He can't let Zhou go to South China and wait for his own time to shoot. What's more,.

is Mu Qing's side. Even if it's a better adjustment of.

TV series from time to time, it will not be enough for the film to be streamlined. Feng Nuoyuan is also willing to discuss this. The key is Feng Nuoyuan is too busy now. After all, she is mainly in the film market. Now she comes back to make 80% of the TV series because of herself. What's more, she didn't pay much for the film. She also took five million yuan from others. Compared with Zhuang Qiang, Mu Qing has already shown weakness.

Xin Shanshan also wants to make money.

after all the preparations are made, Xin Shanshan will make money The moment of plasma gushing, she hardly considered whether she was good-looking or not. She just used a pair of eyes to express her fear, shock, guilt, and weakness from her bones.

the sound of a card.

she said The scene in the morning is over.

Feng nuoyuan has been standing on the edge for a long time. He took out his mobile phone to take a picture of her now in distress.

"Feng nuoyuan, you dare to send..."

"Plasma" has already flowed into the mouth before the two microblogs have said it.

the late Xiao Mo immediately sent water to let Xin Shanshan gargle.

Mu Qing saw it behind the monitor. After drinking Feng nuoyuan, he said, "stop making trouble. Let Xin Shanshan wash her face. Don't paste it for a long time and it's hard to make it allergic."Feng nuoyuan ignored Xin Shanshan's warning at all. He took her photo and sent a micro blog: "the new play is on.

after that, he replied to Mu Qing:" director Mu knows that the face of an actress is the most important thing. "

Mu Qingtou did not lift his head:" I'm afraid she's allergic and has to ask for leave, so I can't make a movie. I have to shoot more of the scenes that Xin Shanshan can shoot before Zhuang Qiang's film starts. " When she was about to wash her face, Xin Shanshan almost fell into a trap.

Feng nuoyuan laughed

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