Xin Shanshan nestles in Mu Tianhao's arms. She leans gently against Mu Tianhao. She wants to say something, but thousands of words are pressed in her heart. She looks up and kisses Mu Tianhao. Silent miss.

Mu Tianhao lowers her head. Xin Shanshan naturally looks up to his lips.

originally Mu Tianhao wants to tease Xin Shanshan. But his hidden emotion and long-time missing make him unable to control himself.

Xin Shanshan himself She wanted to put her hand into his clothes and suck his neck. She wanted to tell Mu Tianhao that she missed him very much. She really wanted to think about him very much.

Mu Tianhao held Xin Shanshan in his hand "Shanshan In the car... "

She didn't move any more. She didn't want to take the initiative. She just wanted to lean on it. Listening to the rain hitting the window. She closed her eyes. She just wanted to hold him like this.

the fragrance from his neckline was around. Xin Shanshan raised her hand and buttoned his buttons.

the car drove directly into the villa.

the car drove directly into the villa

When Aunt Wang saw Mu Tianhao and Xin Shanshan come back together, she was not surprised at all. The way she took the slippers for mu Tianhao was the same as Mu Tianhao had always lived here.

the old horse sent Xiao Mo back.

Mu Tianhao took Xin Shanshan and saw her change. Then she said, "go upstairs. Take a bath first. I'll ask Aunt Wang to make you plain noodles. How can I eat something in this weather It will be more comfortable in the stomach. "

Xin Shanshan had lunch box lunch in the production team at noon. Although she had an incubator, her hands were almost half cold. She didn't eat much. She almost drank hot water all day.

she nodded cleverly. Xin Shanshan let Mu Tianhao lead herself up.

after returning to the bedroom, Mu Tianhao released his hand and pushed the door to the bathroom She sat down. She heard Mu Tianhao ask her in the room, "would you like to take a bath with water?"

"well," Xin Shanshan replied.

after a while, the sound of water was heard in the bathroom.

Mu Tianhao came out again. His suit coat had been taken off. He was wearing a gray shirt. It was a very elegant color. The cuff of the shirt is a folded sleeve design. Now it is pulled by him When he got to his elbow, two buttons of his shirt collar were untied. He turned it out and revealed his beautiful clavicle. The secret flowers in the shirt were just in his clavicle.

look, Xin Shanshan is sitting there like a good doll. Mu Tianhao walked over and hugged her: "just finished talking about those children in the car. What's the matter with you? Do you think I regard charity as a kind of thing It's too unsympathetic for the company to explain to you like that. "

Xin Shanshan shakes her head and says," it's not true. In fact, I went out with benevolent people this time. I heard a lot of things. You were right to say that. Charity only depends on love. It can't be done as work. It may be better. "

Mu Tianhao rubbed Xin Shanshan into his arms. Suddenly, he felt it But he didn't say anything now.

Xin Shanshan felt Mu Tianhao's deep tenderness. She patted his hand. Just wanted to talk, she was turned around. Mu Tianhao asked her side of her head. She was very close to her Why did you do that just now. "

Xin Shanshan pasted it directly:" nothing. I just miss you very much. "

when Mu Tianhao heard her say this, she was suddenly too soft.

but at this time, the water in the bathroom was put away. Xin Shanshan was tired for a day. Taking a bath was a way to relieve fatigue.

Mu Tianhao let go of Xin Shanshan. First go to the bathroom to turn off the water, then come back and take her all the way in The steam spread in the room. He hooked the instep of his foot and closed the door. He put Xin Shanshan on the hand washing queen to help her take off her clothes.

until he put himself in the bathtub. She didn't say a word. But her eyes never left. She bent slightly. It was like a smile.

"you soak for a while. I'll go downstairs and ask Aunt Wang to make noodles for you." Mu Tianhao After touching Xin Shanshan's head, she turned around and went out.

soaking in the hot water for a long time. It seemed that the hot water around her warmed every cell of her body. Then she felt comfortable. She didn't soak for long. She was getting ready after ten minutes. She wanted to wash and eat noodles quickly. Mu Tianhao came in with his noodles.

Mu Tianhao looked When she came to xinshanshan to get up, she said, "soak for a while. Although the air conditioner is on in your studio, it's cold. Don't be lazy. Soak in hot water and eat noodles."

Xin Shanshan blinks. Obedient and obedient, she comes back to the hot water again.

she takes the bowl of noodles from Mu Tianhao's hand. Mu Tianhao doesn't mean to leave. Just watch her eat.

this is the moment. Xin Shanshan's heart has I can't say it. It seems that Mu Tianhao has never left. He left these days. He came back with him. Nothing has changed between them It's not right. The heart seems to be closerXin Shanshan picked up the noodles and ate them in small mouthfuls.

Mu Tianhao looked at her like this, watched her eat noodles and looked at her graceful body in the water.

Xin Shanshan ate and ate. She was a little embarrassed. She stopped her chopsticks and raised her eyes: "what are you looking at?"

"you seem to be a little fat." Mu Tianhao's tone was very happy.

Xin Shanshan listened and stared . I couldn't eat any more. I quickly looked down at myself: "am I fat? I haven't moved much since I came back from G province except for normal eating. I started to be busy again. I didn't weigh myself in these two days..."

Mu Tianhao shook his head helplessly: "I don't mean you're fat. I think you look just right now."

"it's just looking good. It's fat when you're on camera."

Xin Shanshan has lost her appetite. It's all due to her. She's too lazy and doesn't exercise well recently.

the "pursuer" of Mu Qing is nothing. Anyway, it's all daily clothes. Now, it's thick. You can't see it However, the film "fengsha" requires cheongsam.

Mu Tianhao is helpless. He knows why Xin Shanshan doesn't eat. He can only take the bowl in her hand and eat the rest of her. She goes out at the same time.

Xin Shanshan is not in the mood to take a bath any more. She just comes out of the bathtub. After opening the shower and taking a hasty shower, she wraps her hair in a dry towel without wearing anything The cloakroom.

there is a large floor mirror. She just stands in the mirror and looks at herself.

in fact It's just Wu Meili's eyes. If Xin Shanshan is more than five Jin, even if she wears more than five Jin, she can be carried out directly. She has been forced to lose weight.

Mu Tianhao said that. She thinks that Xin Shanshan looks very good recently. The whole person is in a state of spirit.

Xin Shanshan stands in front of the mirror and shakes around

when Mu Tianhao came in, he saw the door of the cloakroom open and the light was on, so he went straight in. But when he came in, he saw that Xin Shanshan was pinching the flesh on her waist and couldn't squeeze anything out at all.

she couldn't help laughing.

Xin Shanshan looked back: "you scared me."

Mu Tianhao said with a smile: "OK, I'm wrong It's raining heavily outside. It falls on the garden. It falls on the windowsill. It stops in the yard. It's on the top of Mu Tianhao's sports car. It's on the glass of their bedroom.

on the big bed. Mu Tianhao is up. He looks down at Xin Shanshan and holds her in his arms. Xin Shanshan has just taken a bath. She is fragrant. He is a little bit

Xin Shanshan followed him blankly and longingly. She felt her own disorder. His possession.

she felt that her whole person was boiling. Emotion and desire needed to accumulate. He opened his heart. His soul was untouched by others. There was also secret curiosity.

Xin Shanshan looked up. Mu Tianhao's sudden entry made her feel a little pain, but more satisfaction. That kind of unable The satisfaction of description makes her eager for more.

"Shanshan..." Mu Tianhao leaned in her ear and whispered Do you like it? "The voice was touching to the bone. Xinshanshan thought that she had seen him suddenly just now. She lowered her head and heard him speak. It was like something dripping in the lake of her heart and rippling away.

this is. As soon as I hear it, I will feel the voice that I can't control myself.

besides, at this time, he oppresses himself, calls himself low, and takes himself happy. That tone is more lingering. Love. There are many more to say When the dew falls, every leaf and every vine is becoming full of green, such as life, eager to plunge into the soil, bury in the invisible depth, and grow savagely. It is the power of nature that destroys and destroys and spreads away.

she feels intermittent It was blank in her mind. In the occasional moment of overwhelming emotion and desire, she felt her own bone which was about to be burned. The bone on her leg was so hot and sour. She almost twisted her body and snorted Tianhao

Mu Tianhao was suddenly strangled and unable to move. She looked down at her with a hard look.

Xin Shanshan did not know where she was suffering. She only knew that she longed for mu Tianhao very much.

Mu Tianhao looked at Xin Shanshan. The bedside lamp fell on her hair. The hair was very flexible and black. He raised her legs In this way, "he said fiercely.

Xin Shanshan's head was touched by the head of the bed and snorted. But when she was thirsty, she could have a big drink. It was just like this. The fire in her bones was even stronger.

she raised her head. She went to kiss Mu Tianhao's chin.

Mu Tianhao lowered her head. Suddenly, she was fierce. Then she bowed her head and deeply kissed Xin Shanshan.

Mu Tianhao was on Xin Shanshan's lips Pecked a few times. Opened a little distance. Said. "What did you think just now?" he still pressed her. Just slightly raised his hands. His left hand held his headXin Shanshan said, "well..." In fact, she wants to say, you're finished, are you? That's why it's still pressing on me. But I think it's too strange to ask. She's a little stuttering. She's a little embarrassed.

I don't know where to stop. "So you Br. She covered herself with the corner of the quilt and was unable to breathe. Mu Tianhao's hair was a little disordered. It was so broken and scattered that she was naked. She felt that as long as she thought of it, it would be enough for her heart to stall.

Mu Tianhao's eyes moved to her face. She pulled down the quilt: "you know what else I think."

Xin Shanshan shook her head and watched with fascination

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