"Did you hold back for a long time before you asked me these words?" Mu Tianhao approached Xin Shanshan, and her low voice was very light and could not be seductive.

"well, I want to ask in the afternoon, but I haven't had a chance to ask so many people. If I ask what I shouldn't ask, others will be suspicious." Xin Shanshan sits here, her head slants and her tone is soft like doubt After Mu Tianhao's help, she nodded her head.

Mu Tianhao took out her hand to pinch Xin Shanshan's ankle and smoothed her hair: "there's no inside information. The charity fund is set up for you to give you a surprise"

when Mu Tianhao and Xin Shanshan talk, they always have physical contact, and Xin Shanshan doesn't mean to avoid it. Even this kind of feeling is like returning to that one Before the event, the two people were very natural and intimate. Xin Shanshan didn't even realize that there was anything wrong with these words, which pleased Mu Tianhao, but he didn't reveal anything

at this time, Wu Meili pushed the door and said, "Mu Shao Shanshan is almost there, and they are waiting"

Xin Shanshan looks at the time, and it's really too late.

Mu Tianhao bends down She took Xin Shanshan's shoes and put them on one by one: "we'll go now"

Wu Meili thought that she had to go out before seeing anything.

Mu Tianhao stood up, took Xin Shanshan's hand and led her directly to the meeting hall

the moment the double door opened, the lamplight was shining on the two people who came hand in hand.

careful media is of course early It was found that Xin Shanshan and Mu Tianhao naturally pressed the shutter to shoot the small details of the clothing match.

the supporter said in good time on the stage: "let's invite the host and hostess of this dinner party"

the applause was thunderous

Mu Tianhao led Xin Shanshan to the stage step by step

the end of the stage, Mu Tianhao and Xin Shanshan turned around in the same direction In the face of everyone @ $,

because of the light, the people under the stage are very clear. On the stage, they can only see a dazzling light, and the situation of guests arranging seats is not true.

however, this event is sponsored by their own people, and Wu Meili has been helping, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Mu Tianhao takes over the host's microphone and says something "Today, I am very grateful to you for sitting here. Today is the first day of the foundation of Shanshan charity fund. The first year is also our first large-scale auction. I don't want to use the shopping mall's words of pity for those who need help. I just want to tell you that this society needs us capable people in life, work and entertainment Some small savings can help more people to have a totally different life. Today, our theme is "to live for love."

after Mu Tianhao's words were finished, they naturally received applause

the host immediately asked Xin Shanshan: "Shanshan, you can say a few words"%, (&

Xin Shanshan took the microphone with a smile: "he has finished what I want to say, and I can only be here "Thank you again for your sincere thanks"

such a short sentence of course stopped the host's mouth, she asked: "this charity fund is named after your name, do you have any feelings"

Xin Shanshan tilted her head and looked like she was thinking before she opened her mouth and said, "it's a surprise. In fact, when I went to G province with Feng nuoyuan and Mu Qing, I didn't think about it at all So many, but the environment is really bad, but the children are very naive. After they came back, I mentioned this matter with Mu Tianhao. His explanation at that time made me deeply touched. Later, we never talked about this topic. It was only when he came back yesterday that we had dinner at home that he gave me such a big surprise. In fact, it was not for me Br >

, it's really important for Xin Shan to be named after the public as a host, so it's really important for us to help them to do something better in front of the society "Shanshan really let me know her again today, and I will donate 100000 yuan first."

Xin Shanshan bowed slightly to the host to express her thanks

the host was too busy to bear it

it is obvious that this host is also the one they have sought for

such a leader. In addition, Feng nuoyuan, Lin Wanyi and others belong to Liuguang international Before the official auction started, nearly ten million donations had been raised before the on-site statistics

the statistics immediately released the number to the public

Xin Shanshan expressed her thanks to everyone happily

that is, Mu Tianhao suddenly grabbed Xin Shanshan's waist and gently kissed her

Xin Shanshan did not expect Mu Tianhao to be such a sudden kiss When Mu Tianhao's lips left, she subconsciously put the back of her hand on her lips, and her face also showed an unnatural blush. However, the expression of her face was not refused, it was more like a child's shyness and coquettish

the host immediately took the opportunity to tease: "Shanshan is shy? Listen to what you just said You and Mu Shao have lived together for a long time since you started to fall in love. Seriously, I'm afraid the relationship between you and Mu Shao is just like a grand wedding. "Before Xin Shanshan responded, Mu Tianhao naturally took the microphone and told everyone: "we have a plan, and we will tell you the specific situation at the first time"

if the female star's head is asked by the media about the wedding date, the female star will say "if there is good news, everyone will laugh at it, even if it is reported by the media I'm afraid that people in the industry will not believe too much

but if the man says this, the gold content will be greatly different

Mu Tianhao's words caused a crowd of guests to applaud

until today, the love development between mu Tianhao and Xin Shanshan has changed from strong praise at the beginning to frequent pairing, and then it comes out that Mu Tianhao does not favor Xin Shanshan in private However, whether Xin Shanshan can marry into a rich family smoothly or not is an unknown question.

after all, when facing public questions, both Xin Shanshan and Mu Tianhao usually say "we are fine"

about marriage, it's really ten things to say from mu Tianhao's mouth about the future of marriage Shanshan is called "Liuguang international" and the future boss's wife may be a joking term

but now this nickname will become a reality

now Xin Shanshan is not only wearing the halo of a domestic first-line star, but also the title of Mu's fiancee Mu Tianhao, who is the head of the Mu's financial group

all the media present can't help but aim at a couple of matchmakers on the stage

even if there are many celebrities and political businessmen sitting under the stage, how about those people who have more news topics than those on the stage

of course, there are also good media, and they are also focusing on Lin Wanyi. Lin Wanyi is looking down at her mobile phone, and she wants to have another reason for tomorrow's entertainment news It's time for Feng nuoyuan to appear in public view more and more because of his re filming and starting to take over his work. It is also the consensus of the media that they will not see feng nuoyuan and keep up with the previous events. After all, since the news of Feng's coming out of the cabinet last time, the media have never taken any relevant photos again

Mu Tianhao took Xin after saying this sentence Shanshan bowed to the stage and gave the stage to the host to start a formal fund-raising auction

the invitation letter of the auction link was clearly marked

so everyone present brought something of certain value or commemorative significance as auction products

it is not strange for stars or other people to attend this stage The price that the stars of the auction products will offer is naturally proportional to their respective value.

people in politics mean it. After all, it's just a form

while the business people are the big spenders.

the auction product brought by Feng nuoyuan is a limited edition car model. We all know that Feng nuoyuan likes racing cars and he has bought several sports cars himself At first, Xin Shanshan was worried that no one would bid for Feng nuoyuan's auctions. However, she didn't expect that the model Feng brought out was an isolated product. Many rich businessmen were knowledgeable and fond of goods. Naturally, there were lots of bids.

Mu Tianhao did not participate in the bidding. After all, he donated in front of all the media in the afternoon When she stood on the stage just now, she also donated 20000 yuan, which is a lot of money for her income at this stage.

and the auction product of Lin Wanyi is a lady's watch of Longines, which is not too valuable, but this watch is her endorsement of Longines Lin Wanyi herself did not participate in the auction, but she donated one million yuan in her own name

although Liang Jingxiu came to attend the dinner party, he just left after passing the red carpet. What he donated was 1.8 million yuan

Zhou Gu Nan also took his own private The auction is a pair of diamond cuffs. Cartier made his name on the base of the cuff, which was sold by a rich woman who liked him very much. The price was as high as 3 million

the auction was relaxed and generous, and the host was very skillful, which made the atmosphere of the scene lively and lively However, these are the reasons why Mu Tianhao is here

in a word, in the eyes of all the media and people in the circle tonight, there is no doubt that only Xin Shanshan is the most famous person tonight

although she has been sitting there smiling and thanking without too many words since the auction, which man can dote on his girlfriend can achieve such a situation Younger sister has achieved the highest level

in this matte

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