The elevator door opened. D.

Xue shaoran asked Mu Tianhao, "do you live here, too? To your room or to our room? "

Mu Tianhao said: "no, Shanshan's crew didn't decide on the hotel. We stayed in other hotels. Even if we came here to play, it was not far away."

Xue shaoran laughed: "then go to our room."

"No, I have a room here. I'll find someone to arrange it. If it's too late, I'll just stay. It's OK to go back after breakfast tomorrow." When Mu Tianhao said this, he looked at Xin Shanshan.

Xin Shanshan wants to talk to Lin Wanyi for more time. It's more than ten o'clock now. It's not far from their hotel, so she agrees.

Xue shaoran has a black card from Mu's hotel. The rooms he stayed in and the rooms reserved for mu Tianhao in each hotel are on the same floor. They are not the so-called presidential suite. They are not so luxurious, but they are all arranged according to the preferences of the owners of the reserved rooms.

Entering the door, there is already a waiter in the layout of mahjong table, crisp shuffle sound.

Seeing Mu Tianhao come in, he called out respectfully: "Mu Shao."

Mu Tianhao nodded, and the waiter went out directly after finishing his work.

Anyway, they all came to play mahjong. Four people sat down directly.

Xue shaoran asked, "how to play?"

It means how big it is.

curtain heaven Hao doesn't look like: "you has the final say." #@In front of Xue shaoran, Lin Wanyi did not like to talk, and she did not speak.

Xue shaoran takes a look at Xin Shanshan.

But Xin Shanshan looked at Mu Tianhao and said a word: "it's up to you to lose anyway."

Mu Tianhao laughed: "you know, it's all yours to win."

Simpson laughed, too. %&(&

when the mahjong table is shuffling, Xin Shanshan glances at the layout of the room, the chenille material of the porch shop, and the milky white carpet made of plush piles. Her sight is fan-shaped from the living room, the reception room and the banquet room.

Too many lights on, some dazzling, beige carpet like a tassel, only to the end of the French window. Layer upon layer of peaks and knolls, the moon's eyes are like a round moon, and the moonlight is like a foundation of the sweet potato card, the color of the morning sun.

Xue shaoran pulled out his cigarette from the cigarette box. When he opened the match, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Xin Shanshan and asked, "do you mind?"

She shook her head.

Xue shaoran lit the cigarette, took a sip, and vomited out the ring of smoke. She was graceful and extraordinary. She floated across Xin Shanshan's nose. She looked as usual, and did not even frown.

Lin Wanyi didn't speak. She felt mahjong in her hand, but she didn't mean to start shuffling.

At the same time, the automatic mahjong table pushed the card out. Mu Tianhao said, "well, everyone is here. Let's start. It's really a long time since I touched the card. This hand is itchy!"

Mahjong is the quintessence of Chinese culture.

Although Xin Shanshan and Lin Wanyi have not played too much, it is impossible to say that they can't play.

But neither of them is an expert!

Just look at her shuffle and feel the cards, but one thing is good, these two women are able to sit.

It can be seen that these two are usually free to play with the side of a few, this is not sure how much to win or lose, mainly four people get together to have a fun!


Lin Wanyi threw one, and she sat in Xin Shanshan's house.

Ning Xingchen was about to touch the cards. Her hands were put on them. Her eyes were still staring at her own cards. She took them all up. She put them back and put three cards out of the room. I have to get the bottom one. "

Xue shaoran sat down at Ning Xingchen's house. He ordered a cigarette again. To be honest, people familiar with him all know that as long as he starts to smoke frequently, it means that he is a little bored!

"Oh." Lin Wanyi answered, and she calculated how much money she would get. This is a master who only knows how much money she can earn by herself. She doesn't even know how to play mahjong.

Just a few cards, or Xue shaoran gave her to calculate clear!

It is estimated that at this moment, Lin Wanyi will have to settle accounts. She can't even tell her cards clearly.

Xinshanshan touched the bottom of the bar and threw it beside her. She pushed the card: "it's pasted."

Xue shaoran and Lin Wanyi looked at each other.

Lin Wanyi didn't say anything. She lowered her head and began to calculate money again.

But Xue shaoran was not happy: "I said Mu Tianhao, how many pieces of xinshanshan in your family are you going to play? She can't touch it by mistake or by mistake. It's a mistake. Even if it's a mistake, it's still possible to take back the card after touching it. How can we play it! I wonder why she just won so much money in your casino? It's not your banker. It's your company. Let's let it go. "

In fact, xinshanshan and Xiao Mo are very good when they play cards together. The key is that even if it is really a mistake, she doesn't see it. I don't know. Anyway, it's just luck.But today, she just thought it was interesting to win money, so she took it seriously, but the level is really limited.

Mu Tianhao played two laps with him. It can be seen that Xin Shanshan's playing is really awkward. The key is to play with people like Xue shaoran and him. We all count the cards!

"Well, it's not too early." Mu Tianhao said.

When Xue shaoran heard this, he wanted to drive people away. He quickly answered: "the card didn't win, but I was hungry. Let the kitchen send something to eat.". Let's have a rest, Tianhao. Come and tell you something. "

Mu Tianhao nodded and asked Xin Shanshan and Lin Wanyi, "what do you want to eat? It's so late. Have some porridge. The raw fish porridge is well done by our chef

She nodded.

If you don't play mahjong, naturally they all stand up. Xue shaoran just said that he would like to ask Mu Tianhao if he had something to say, so they went to the side.

These two people went to one side, and Xin Shanshan naturally took Lin Wanyi to the side to talk.

The two were leaning against the window, looking out at the stars through the Georgette curtains.

"Can you smoke?" Lin Wanyi suddenly asked Xin Shanshan.

Xin Shanshan nodded: "because I can use it when I was filming, I learned it. When I was not satisfied with my life, I was really tired of smoking, but I didn't smoke. How do you know? "

Lin Wanyi said: "just now I saw Xue shaoran's cigarette ring in front of you, and you didn't feel anything."

"And you don't feel it?" "Can you, too?" she asked

Lin Wanyi shook her head: "no, it's used to it."

"Oh Xinshanshan suddenly felt that she had said something wrong and spat out her tongue.

"How many days will you stay in s city?" said Lin

"A week," she replied, "and you?"

"Leave tomorrow." "Going to Hangzhou, I have a program to record," Lin said

"Do you know that you have been judged as model worker of the year? I never stop filming, catch notices and receive advertisements. I haven't seen you rest for a few days all year round. "

Lin Wanyi shook her head indifferently: "I've told you that money is the most secure thing in the world. What's more, what can I do when I'm free? As an artist, you know, sometimes I really feel comfortable doing everything except shooting hard. Now, even shooting is not so hard. When you are busy, you always think less about many things than when you are free. "

"By the way, when will you be free? Go back and shoot Mu Qing's cameo. "

Lin Wanyi said: "I'm just having more activities now. Isn't the reality show about to start? I haven't received the drama for the time being. When did you go back to Mu Qing to film with me, and I'll be there. I've told Guo Ting about it. "

"She didn't object?" She asked.

Lin Wanyi said, "I haven't accepted the shooting now. What's her objection? What's more, you invited her. Even if she doesn't want to give you face, she has to give it to Mu Shao."

Xin Shanshan laughs: "Guo Ting is not not going to take over the drama for you now, but will raise the price for you when the ratings of the TV series you just finished shooting reach a new high! Now that you're soft handed with advertisements and activities, don't you still make less money? "

Guo Ting is a financial fan!

Lin Wanyi's ability to earn money is a dead reckoning, but it's also good. It's really good for Lin Wanyi. The key is that the contract of "Liuguang international" is good. It should be Lin Wanyi's, and the company won't be greedy for any more money.

Over there, Mu Tianhao and Xue shaoran are also talking about things.

Xue shaoran said: "the production team is almost ready, and now they are planning the content. Last time you said that you let them do it by themselves. You made your xinshanshan and Feng nuoyuan look excited. Now, I have invited a professional team to operate. If others don't say it, let xinshanshan know and will certainly make trouble with you."

They're talking about reality TV, too.

Mu Tianhao really wants to develop new media and related industries this time. This program is just a starting point. If you want to make the new media famous through these people and this good-looking program, the rest of the industry can be completed.

To put it bluntly, this is adding industry to Liuguang international.

Of course, it takes a lot of money to invest in new media. Mu Tianhao didn't move the money from Mu's side this time. The normal investment over there, including the follow-up items, needs funds. He doesn't want to destroy the company's original capital flow. Liuguang international can't provide so much money at once, so he asked Xue shaoran to cooperate with him.

Xue shaoran didn't care much about this. His focus was not on the entertainment industry. However, since he began to invest in Lin Wanyi's TV series, he wanted to get involved in all activities related to Lin Wanyi who wanted to get money.

"Their ideas are ideas, and professional team operations are operations." Mu Tianhao doesn't think that several of them think that they can do a good job together with the program process and the overall arrangement: "what I said is that participation in planning is only a part of it. This program is not a copyright purchased from abroad, and there is no such kind of program that can be imitated abroad. Therefore, it can be regarded as our own plan, and we should apply for copyright later. "Xue shaoran is not an expert this time. Anyway, he knows that this matter is very important to Mu Tianhao. He can put in some money and exchange some shares in the media. If the operation is successful in the future, he can make a lot of money from it.

Speaking of it, Xue shaoran is still more interested in investing in the entertainment industry now. He doesn't need to worry about it. He can always make a fortune. This time, Mu Tianhao comes to operate the business himself. He is more assured.

"What about their own scripts?" Xue shaoran said: "Lin Wanyi has run her script three or four times. Guo Ting has done it for her. She has not been idle. She has read and changed what she has seen. Sometimes she works on it in the middle of the night."

Mu Tianhao laughed: "why do you talk about Xin Shanshan? I just don't want Lin Wanyi's hope to fail."

Xue shaoran sneered: "even if it's failed, it's also a business decision. I just want to ask about cooperation."

"It doesn't matter. It will work. Professional teams have their own things to do. In fact, it's cooperation, not conflict. "

Hearing this, Xue shaoran was relieved.

With that, room service came over and served four bowls of porridge.

Looking at the time, unconsciously has passed midnight.

The members of the "fengsha" crew will arrive at noon tomorrow. Xue shaoran and Lin Wanyi will go back after eating.

In the room, only mu Tianhao and Xin Shanshan are left.

Source of this book.vd. / B / HL / 27 / 27812 /


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