When Mu Tianhao walked into the study, mu Liufeng was walking on the edge of the bookshelf. He looked at the books on the shelf carelessly.

"elder sister." Mu Tianhao called out and found a place to sit down.

mu Liufeng looked back. It was not strange to see that only mu Tianhao came in alone. However, he still had to quibble and ask, "where is your fiancee?"

Mu Tianhao As usual: "busy for a day. Tomorrow she still has work. Go upstairs to have a rest."

"the star frame is big enough." Mu Liufeng said with a smile.

Mu Tianhao didn't want to go around with mu Liufeng. He directly asked, "sister, how many meanings do you want to come to me suddenly today?"

mu Liufeng also sat down next to Mu Tianhao and said, "you I think I'm really free to do nothing to eat and drink here. It's not because of yourself. Recently you've made such a big move. Even if the family wants to turn a blind eye, you haven't given the family a chance. "

Mu Tianhao's brain changes. He knows that mu Liufeng is talking about his charity fund for Xin Shanshan.

mu Liufeng looks at his brother's silence, and then he says "My father didn't say anything. My father just worried about one thing, that is, whether you will return to Mu's home at the end of the year. After all, the results of my investment are not satisfactory. Many of the elders in the family have complained a lot. Now the old man really said," nothing serious. Some things in the family have been solved. "

listen to Xin Shanshan No more questions.

Mu Tianhao touched Xin Shanshan's hair and said, "don't ask me about anything."

"is it related to me?" Xin Shanshan asked in reply.

Mu Tianhao thought: "not yet."

Xin Shanshan shrugged: "that's great."

"when you came in, you thought you were going to fall asleep. Why? Not tired." Mu Tianhao suddenly reached out to touch Xin There was a trace of evil in Shanshan's face and smile.

Xin Shanshan was confused in a moment. She immediately pulled herself away from Mu Tianhao: "tired. I think I'd better go to bed."

Mu Tianhao's eyes were quick. She took Xin Shanshan's wrist and pulled her back directly.

Xin Shanshan didn't stand well. She was dragged by him. Soon He fell back into the sofa and fell on Mu Tianhao's body.

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