For a moment, the three men were stunned!

After xinshanshan finished yelling, no one paid any attention and left directly.

After reading this situation, Zhuang Wenqiang knew that no matter how much he said, it would be meaningless. In any case, she had already done the villain Xin Shanshan herself. What more could he say!

As soon as Xin Shanshan left, Zhuang Wenqiang was the first to follow her.

Leave Mu Tianhao and Tong Yan to look at each other. Mu Tianhao doesn't say anything. He follows Zhuang Wenqiang not far away. Tong Yan looks behind him and sneers. It can be said that Mu Tianhao is faster than him! Then, I followed him!

When she arrived at the door of the room, Xin Shanshan stopped, and Zhuang Wenqiang unconsciously stopped. Xin Shanshan said to Zhuang Wenqiang, "director Zhuang, please wait a minute."

Zhuang Wenqiang understood that this was what Xin Shanshan wanted to say to herself, so he nodded and stood in the same place.

Just in time, Mu Tianhao and Tong Yan came one after the other. Xin Shanshan said to the two people, "you can go in and find a place that doesn't hinder you."

Mu Tianhao didn't make a sound and went straight in.

So is Tong Yan.

When both of them entered the room, she closed the door behind her hand.

Zhuang Wenqiang looked at Xin Shanshan with some incomprehension: "what does this mean?"

Xin Shanshan stepped back and bowed solemnly to Zhuang Wenqiang. Then she said, "I'm really sorry to Mr. Zhuang. Mu Tianhao is nothing but willful. Today's play is so important that he comes here to make trouble. What's more, I was wrong just now. I let him in to watch the play without your permission. If you think it's really inconvenient, I'll let Mu Tianhao go out again. "

"Well, I can't blame you for it." Zhuang Wenqiang quickly waved his hand: "no one wants this situation. In fact, Mu Shao doesn't want to go in and have a look. But you also know what the content of the play is. As long as you and Gu Nan can perform well according to the requirements, I only look at the final effect." #@In fact, Zhuang Wenqiang knows very well that Mu Tianhao and Tong Yan can't afford to offend him even if he doesn't agree. This play is not clear, frankly, it is to protect the actress, but if these two people are put in by Xin Shanshan herself, she doesn't mind her boyfriend watching her and other men's on-the-spot passion play. He is an outsider who really has nothing to say.

What's more, what Xin Shanshan said just now is to apologize to Mu Tianhao. She doesn't mention Tong Yan. To be frank, Xin Shanshan also tells herself that Tong Yan's trouble is brought by Zhuang Wenqiang and has nothing to do with her!

With a sigh from the bottom of my heart, Zhuang Wenqiang also knew that Xin Shanshan had a good temper. In fact, she had her own bottom line. She was not a soft persimmon. She let others pinch what they wanted!

"Don't worry, director. I'll do it well." She gave a guarantee and went in.

Zhuang Wenqiang sighed in his heart. He felt helpless. What is all this! %&(&

after entering again, Zhuang Wenqiang looked at Xin Shanshan's make-up under the light, and asked Mi ran to come in to mend her make-up. Then he took the time to call Zhou Gu Nan aside and said what had happened just now, which was to explain to Zhou Gu Nan why the two men who were so fierce in the play came to see her.

Finally, Zhuang Wenqiang asked in a very small voice, "are you ok?"

Zhou Gu Nan grinned: "what can I have?"

In turn, Zhou Gu Nan patted Zhuang Wenqiang on the shoulder: "it's OK. I know it in my mind."

Zhuang Wenqiang did not say anything.

Miran mended her makeup and went out without saying a word. She looked like she didn't see Mu Tianhao.

What about Mu Tianhao and Tong Yan?

In addition, there is no way for two people to sit in the same room. Besides, there is no way for two people to sit in the same room!

Everything is ready.

Zhuang Wenqiang asked Xin Shanshan and Zhou Gu Nan, "are you ready to shoot

Xin Shanshan and Zhou Gu Nan have already stood in a good position. Both of them make a gesture to Zhuang Wenqiang.

"Start!" ordered Zhuang Wenqiang

Zhou Gu Nan's arm immediately tightened and forced to kiss Xin Shanshan. Xinshanshan refused as if she wanted to refuse. But from the aspect of her body and expression, people can feel from the details that in fact, her heart is really a little disgusted and unwilling!

In the play, Zhou Gu Nan's character is Bai Moyang, the spy chief of the Japanese puppet regime. Such a person is resourceful and ruthless. He can guess the inner changes of each other's every move, every look, and every change in his or her appearance.

And the role that Xin Shanshan now plays is the second one in her play, Zheng Yuanru, an underground intelligence agent of Zhongtong! The first role she played was the city's famous lady Qin Yi!It can be imagined that now Qin Yi, her little action, really angered Bai Moyang.

Zhou Gu Nan pinched Xin Shanshan's back neck. With a strong effort, she showed a painful look on her face, but she tried her best to endure it. She seemed to be angry and coquettish: "hair."

Zhou Gu Nan didn't relax his wrist strength because of Xin Shanshan's voice. On the contrary, he himself was closer to Xin Shanshan. His tone was gloomy and he seemed to have some helplessness: "really, is it so difficult?"

Perhaps because Zhou Gu Nan's tone of helplessness, let Xin Shanshan's heart moved a little, her manner became tame, like a grievance, also like this is this helpless: "do you like this?"

At this time, the camera changed an angle and turned to the back of Zhou Gu Nan, facing Xin Shanshan's face.

Xin Shanshan's hand touched Zhou Gu Nan's neck, as if in pacifying him: "sit down."

Zhou Gu Nan did not move.

Xinshanshan's two hands were put up, the voice also put a little lighter, said again: "sit down."

The lens changes again, taking the side view.

This is a close-up shot of Zhou Gu Nan and Xin Shanshan.

This time, Zhou Gu Nan sat down.

Of course, as he sat down, his deep eyes never left her side, and her hands were still on his shoulders.

And Zhou Gu Nan's hand never left Xin Shanshan's waist.

After Zhou Gu Nan sat down completely, Xin Shanshan pushed him along the way he sat down, then turned and left.

And the lens is fixed on Zhou Gu Nan's side face.

His expression, gloomy, depressing, depressing, and forbearance!


Zhuang Wenqiang, who had been sitting behind the monitor, was relieved. He nodded and praised: "very good! It's very good for you two to finish Chengdu. It's very rare! "

Of course, this is not a one-off one, but there is no big problem in the middle. After several pauses, the emotional connection between the two people when they enter the play again is very good, which makes Zhuang Wenqiang have a new understanding of Xin Shanshan!

After all, it's very rare for your boyfriend to watch the drama and turn a blind eye to it!

However, this is nothing. After all, this is just the beginning, and the next part is the beginning.

Zhuang Wenqiang doesn't dare to look at Mu Tianhao.

He seemed to be very busy. He asked the staff to come in and re light the scene. He also asked Miran to come in and help Xin Shanshan with her hair and makeup. Anyway, he did not care about the "idle people" in the room.

As for Xin Shanshan, she did not pay too much attention to Mu Tianhao and Tong Yan.

It's not that she doesn't care what Mu Tianhao looks like. It's just that in this situation, all the staff are waiting for her alone. Mu Tianhao can't be bullied. It's his own. Her own work is like this. She can't ask for privileges in the studio because of Mu Tianhao's relationship, so that all the people are ready for everything and the venue is arranged, but she doesn't shoot herself!

What's more, this play is not something that can be understood by exposing her chest and thighs. If it's just pure nudity, she has reason to find a substitute. However, from the beginning to the end, it's just about body, expression, movement and emotion. She doesn't even need to untie the collar of Qipao too much, it's just a matter of two buttons, not to mention This passionate drama serves as a connecting link between the preceding and the following. It is also the first intimacy between Zheng Yuanru and Bai Moyang since she replaced Qin Yi!

Zheng Yuanru and Qin Yi were originally from two worlds. Qin Yi was a famous social flower in the city. She met Bai Moyang's wife on the card court, and they exchanged glances with Bai Moyang under the card table. When they were getting on well with each other, Bai Moyang suddenly moved away, causing Qin Yi and Bai Moyang to lose contact. Later, Zhongtong tried to get rid of Bai Moyang's Japanese characteristics Head Wu, investigating the line of Qin Yi, unexpectedly found that Qin Yi and one of their intelligence agents Zheng Yuanru look exactly the same, just like twin sisters.

Zhongtong secretly controlled Qin Yi and let Zheng Yuanru learn Qin Yi's every move in the dark, and finally put her by Bai Moyang's side.

Zhuang Wenqiang saw that the preparations were almost finished, and Miran also made up for Xin Shanshan. He did not have to sit down, so he simply went to Zhou Gu Nan and Xin Shanshan, and began to talk: "Shanshan, come here, pay attention to it later. Gu Nan, if you cooperate with me, we'll give Shanshan a rough performance first. After all, this is the first time she has made such a play. In a moment, she will know where to use her strength. "

Zhou Gu Nan raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhuang Wenqiang. Without any objection, he stood up directly. However, before the performance, he said to Zhuang Wenqiang: "if I play with you, you'll have to ask the makeup artist to come in and do my hair."

Zhuang Wenqiang laughed: "this is natural. Shanshan, you're on the edgeShe stepped back two steps. As like as two peas, Zhuang Wenqiang and Zhou Gu Nan immediately stood at

. They looked exactly like Xin Shanshan's entanglement with Zhou Gu Nan just now. The two were just like the two.

Xin Shanshan was puzzled: "no, the scene is not..."

It is Zheng Yuanru who is managing her own silk stockings slowly. How could it become her opponent with Zhou Gu Nan?

Zhuang Wenqiang couldn't help laughing: "is it difficult? Do you want me to show you how to make your own makeup?"

After hearing this, Xin Shanshan also laughed. She glanced up and down at Zhuang Wenqiang. It was really Should not!

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