When all the people came back to the room again, Zhuang Qiang, who came in and closed the door, had a headache again.

Even the photographer was depressed.

In this scene, Tian Hao and Tong Yan can still come in, and they seem to have agreed with each other, and they stand in their own positions, even without any change in direction.

Zhuang Qiang just glanced with Yu Guang. He didn't see the same thing at that time. What should he do? "Are you ready? Do you need time to get into the mood? "

Zhou Gu Nan waved his hand: "I don't need it."

Xinshanshan is now a look at Zhou Gu Nan this gloomy and depressing face, she automatically into the play, she is also busy.

Zhuang Qiang said, "well, let's go on with that. The scene of Shanshan hitting the wall is very good. I don't need to move for the moment. Let's go on with the next scene. "

Zhou Gu Nan and Xin Shanshan head down at the same time.

Zhuang Qiang looked at these two people as if they were not influenced by the outside world. He quickly adjusted his mood and then whispered: "prepare Start

At the beginning of Zhuang Qiang's call, Zhou Gu Nan, who had already grabbed Xin Shanshan's hair, directly pulled Xin Shanshan's head against the wall. This collision, which was several times in a row, seemed to be completely passive and had no ability to react at all.

It was at this time that Zhou Gu Nan loosened Xin Shanshan's hair and bent down to tear the hem of her cheongsam.

Zoom in. This is a close-up.

The texture of cheongsam and the petticoat inside are clearly photographed!

Xin Shanshan's hands on the wall, from the camera, she is instinctively struggling, she does not want to be Zhou Gu Nan Oh, no, it should be Bai Moyang!

But now Zhou Gu Nan, a puppet spy head that ruthless deduction incisively and vividly!

In the next few seconds, Bai Moyang is tearing Qin Yi's clothes, black cheongsam, white petticoat, and the bottom pink inner group.

In the meantime, for a second, the camera swept across Simpson's face.

At this time, her back is facing Zhou Gu Nan. When Bai Moyang is tearing and venting heartily, what flows between her eyebrows and eyes is not resistance √ √ √, M_ And disgust, but a kind of charm, but she does not enjoy.

She just acquiesced, acquiesced in Bai Moyang to open their first time in such a way!

Bai Moyang after tearing, a force to push Qin Yi to the bed.

At this time, "Qin Yi" is not facing Bai Moyang, but facing her back.

She wanted to look back at Bai Moyang, but in the end she just turned her face.

Bai Moyang began to take off his clothes. What he threw on the bed before his suit coat was his gun with the holster.

Qin Yi's eyes intentionally or unintentionally swept Bai Moyang's gun.

Then, white Moyang's dark suit jacket was thrown down.

He began to pull his own belt. When he untied it, he slapped Qin Yi hard on her back. Then he tied her hand with a strap with his backhand. The binding method was neat and professional!

"Qin Yi" is just struggling. There is no line between them in this play. She is not covered with her mouth, but her voice is just struggling, subtle and not so shrill.

This is a kind of forbearance, but also a kind of acquiescence!

She struggled not because she didn't want Bai Moyang to be happy with her, she just didn't want to be treated like this. But at the same time, she also connived Bai Moyang to treat her like this.

Bai Moyang's face began to turn red. Maybe he was excited. Maybe the depression in his heart was released by the struggle between "Qin Yi" and "no resistance". The excitement was brought by this struggle!

With the pants back down, Bai Moyang presses directly on Qin Yi's body and enters behind her!

Before that, the camera specially scanned the naked part of the two people.

In the corner of the screen Tian Hao and Tong Yan are looking at this play, although there is nothing to show, but, from the intuitive point of view, it is all done!

Tong Yan clenched his fists. Even, he did not look at it again, but went to see Mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao is very calm. He doesn't go to see the play, but what he sees is Xin Shanshan, without any taboo eyes!

The camera avoids the lower part of the two people's bodies and turns to the place where the upper part of the body is intact.

Qin Yi's expression is painful, but not entirely. She seems to be adapting to Bai Moyang.

Bai Moyang unties the strap that binds Qin Yi's wrist and throws it aside.

Qin Yi looks back at Bai Moyang, but her face is quickly pressed by Bai's hand.

Then, Bai Moyang's arm dragged Qin Yi's upper body and touched her chest directly across her cheongsam.

Qin Yi lowered her head. She was bearing all the actions of Bai Moyang on her body.

Bai Moyang's hand didn't stay on her body for a long time. Soon, he held Qin Yi's head and forced her to turn around. He bowed his head to kiss her lips!"Qin Yi" seems to have been adapting to Bai Moyang's rhythm. Before she can react, Bai Moyang has released her and pressed her head down!

At this point, the camera opens to give a panoramic view.

Gradually, again.

Only then did Qin Yi lift up her upper body and look up at Bai Moyang.

Bai Moyang's forehead is full of sweat.

Qin Yi looked at him like this, and her eyes seemed to be saying, "is this what you want?".

Bai Moyang's expression seems to be stunned for a moment. He seems to be immersed in Qin Yi's eyes, but his body doesn't stop any movement! Then, he pulled Qin Yi's face and avoided her eyes in this way.

The sex show is over!

"A strong voice

He was relieved at last!

However, such a long drama, of course, can not be a pass!

When Bai Moyang throws Qin Yi to bed, when Bai Moyang enters Wait, wait, there's more than one or two pauses in the middle.

Lights, all All of them come in, take a rest, and start again. It seems like a coherent play, but actually it stops many times in the middle.

This kind of shooting, the requirements of the two actors are extremely high!

They need to connect the expression, mentality and emotion of their last second pause.

Zhou Gu Nan got up from xinshanshan at this time. He asked xinshanshan, "is there anything wrong?"

She shook her head.

This play is really tiring, but there is still work to finish.

Zhuang Qiang looked at the time and said: "take a rest for three minutes and try to finish shooting. Otherwise, we will have to continue tomorrow. The sky outside is not good. I have already asked people to increase the drenching and lighting."

Zhou Gu Nan and Xin Shanshan both lost their heads.

In these three minutes, she simply lay on the bed without moving.

Zhou Gu Nan himself is sitting on the sofa by the window, which is the position of the next play.

When Zhuang Qiang started to shout, the camera was shot directly from the top.

But Qin's clothes are not in good condition Glass suspender socks, the torn Qipao hem has reached the thigh root position.

She just lay still.

Bai Moyang sat there smoking.

The room is very quiet, quiet people suffocate, the only moving, I am afraid is from the mouth of white Moyang smoke ring.

After a cigarette, Bai Moyang got up, picked up the suit on the sofa and put it on.

Before leaving, Bai Moyang took down the windbreaker that Qin Yi wore when she entered the door and threw it on her leg. He said, "your windbreaker."

The camera moves from high to low. "Qin Yi" is half drooping her eyes. The lipstick on her lips just fainted and spread to the corners of her lips when she was kissing Bai Moyang.

She was quiet.

But when she heard the sound of closing the door, her eyelids blinked twice, her lips a smile, charming bloom!

"Card!" Zhuang Qiang called out excitedly: "perfect!"

With a sigh of relief, she got up from the bed and quickly tidied up her clothes.

Zhuang Qiang rushed to Xin Shanshan in the room and Zhou Gu Nan, who came to the door, waved his hand and said, "come and have a look!"

Both men walked towards the monitor.

This is a sadistic love!

But it is precisely this abuse of love that paves the way for the future plot!

Did Bai Moyang fall in love with Qin Yi in the end?

When Zheng Yuanru was a Qin Yi, did she ever love Bai Moyang? This is a key link between the preceding and the following!

Two people want to meet, attract each other, and then the corner of your eyes and eyebrows, you enter and I push, hover, guess, try, how much hard, how much preparation, naked hand to hand, just for the moment that you want to live and die. After that, the sea ebb tide clear light thousands of miles, thousands of flowers blowing snow, flowers falling Is that how it ends?

From "Qin Yi" teasing Bai Moyang when he enters the door, to Bai Moyang's violent invasion of "Qin Yi", all of them are "the corner of your eyes and eyebrows, you enter and I retreat.".

In fact, the matter of men and women, whether physical or psychological, is not all the process of "advance and retreat" to summarize it? The advance and retreat of Bai Moyang and "Qin Yi" in the story is an exaggeration that is pushed to the extreme. There is no more appropriate form to express this kind of temptation with you.

On the surface, Bai Moyang had the upper hand, but Qin Yi's smile after the event was more like a winner's declaration.

All of these are performed by Zhou Gu Nan and Xin Shanshan!

She was watching the replay behind the monitor when she suddenly had a coat on her body.

Turning around, Xin Shanshan sees Mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao raised his hand and gently stroked the lipstick on Xin Shanshan's lips, but he didn't erase it. Instead, he touched his own hand.Xinshanshan saw it and whispered, "it can't be wiped off. I have to remove my makeup for a while."

Zhuang Qiang even said: "ah, I've been tired all day today. I'll have a look at it myself in the evening. You all go back to have a rest."

Xin Shanshan wanted to see where there was something bad, but when she looked at the sky outside, there was really no condition for her to continue shooting. Even if it was not good, it would have to be another day to make up for it, so she agreed.

Before leaving, Xin Shanshan said to Zhuang Qiang and Zhou Gu Nan: "guide Zhuang, teacher Zhou, I'll go first."

Zhuang is strong.

Mu Tianhao takes Xin Shanshan's waist and leaves.

Zhuang Qiang originally wanted to see it for a while, but he thought that Tong Yan was still there, so he got up quickly and said, "Tong Shao, have a meal together in the evening?"

"No more." Tong Yan's gloomy way, he seems to want to ask what, but in the end nothing, turned around and went out.

Mu Tian Hao takes Xin Shanshan and is about to go to the rest room to remove her makeup. Tong Yan quickly catches up with Xin Shanshan and says, "Shanshan, wait a minute."

"What's wrong?" she turned

Tong Yan head: "I want to have a few words with you."

After that, he looks at Mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao shows his hands and goes to the rest room first, which means he doesn't mind.

And Xin Shanshan, facing Tong Yan, wrapped up her coat and said, "you."

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