The next day, she had to film. After they finished work yesterday, the drama crew arranged the scene all night. Her make-up was complicated. It took two hours to do her hair. So, at five o'clock in the morning, she got up. We don't write novels. We're just Internet Word porters. -

when she put on her clothes, she could not help but feel the marks on her neck, thinking that if everyone could find out for a while, she would really lose face and throw herself on the other planet.

When Mu Tianhao heard the news, he stretched out his hand to turn on the desk lamp on the table. He looked at Xin Shanshan: "did you get up so early?"

"Did it disturb you? I'm going to start! " Xin Shanshan hurriedly got out of bed with her clothes in her arms. She said to Mu Tianhao, "you go on sleeping. I'll go first."

Mu Tianhao didn't wake up completely, but Xin Shanshan had already shot the door and left.

Shaking his head, Mu Tianhao raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows. He was speechless to Xin Shanshan!

Out of the door, she went straight to Miran.

Mo and Miran sleep in a room, Wu Meili alone, the key is that Mo dare not live with Wu Meili, she thinks that Miran is more amiable!

When she patted the door, Mo didn't wake up, covered her head, and asked, "who is it in the middle of the night?"

"Me Xin Shanshan felt that her boss even got up earlier than her assistant, which was really hard enough.

As soon as Mo heard that it was Xin Shanshan's voice, she woke up in an instant. She turned out of bed and opened the door for her with her slippers: "sister Shanshan, how did you come here in the middle of the night? Can't you stand it? Show me your neck

Then she began to pick up the neckline of Simpson.

Xin Shanshan was angry and hit Mo's hand: "it's still in the middle of the night. It's five. I come to make up, and Zhuang's is going to shoot at eight!"

Mo this just hysteria comes over, it is oneself to sleep!

Miran heard xinshanshan's voice, they all got up. They had to go to the shooting site together first. They went to wash and gargle first.

By the time they got to the crew, it was already six.

When they arrived, Zhou Gu Nan also arrived.

Together with Huo Yuhua, we have also joined the group today, and we have three colleagues, M. √. ± misty_ A female artist of the past.

Every one of them came earlier than Simpson.

Xin Shanshan's heart

As for the seniors, Xin Shanshan asked her politeness one by one. Except for Huo Yuhua, everyone cooperated for the first time, not on the same level, and there was no trend of competition, so they were all very polite.

But Huo Yuhua, has been following Zhou Gu Nan, Zhou teacher's cry, basically all have the meaning of saddle before and after.

Mo looked at it and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Simpson pulled Mo and went to her own lounge to make up.

The make-up got eight and a half, and then the Playboy started filming. When he was about 10-50, Zhuang Qiang asked everyone to have a rest and continue after lunch.

Xinshanshan is in the nanny's car. She is really sleepy by the sun through the window. She takes out her mobile phone and gives Mu Tianhao a call. At last, she thinks about it and sends a message to her: have you eaten yet? lunch?

Shortly after the message was sent out, Mu Tianhao's phone call came.

"Still in yesterday's place?"

Xin Shanshan was stunned and even said, "no, but it's not far away. It's in a foreign house nearby."

Mu Tianhao is nothing. He just hung up the phone.

Xin Shanshan took her mobile phone and gnawed her teeth for a long time. She didn't get up by herself. Did she come out? Do you want to have lunch together? Shooting started at two in the afternoon. What's going on when you hang up!

Is she eating lunch box in the crew this noon, or is she going out to eat beef noodles?!

At the thought of beef noodles, Xin Shanshan's teeth itched even more!

Mu Tianhao made himself drink rice soup and eat steamed bread in the hotel, but he asked Mo to bring him two catties of boiled beef!

The coriander is mixed, delicious, mixed, and then drizzled with sesame oil In the middle of the night, what he did was outraged!

The more she thought and more angry, she opened the door and got down from inside.

Outside the sun is very good, we get together in twos and threes to bask in the sun, hands playing mobile phones.

Squinting her eyes, xinshanshan was about to look up and saw that her face was blocked by a shadow.

Raising his eyes, Zhou Gu Nan stood in front of his eyes, holding a water cup in his hand, drinking water. His eyes fell on Xin Shanshan's neck, and his tone joked: "didn't you sleep well at the latest?"

Xinshanshan is not unnatural, and she doesn't start to wrap her coat to block the mark on her neck.

in the morning, MI ran used the foundation for a long time to cover up her. It was estimated that the foundation had been rubbed away at the moment, and the traces had appeared again.

Xin Shanshan suddenly asked, "teacher Zhou, what do you like to eat?"Zhou Gu Nan squinted: "how?"

Xin Shanshan said with a smile: "I have to arrange to invite you to dinner together. Of course, it's mainly for you. I'll ask your opinion first! Oh, it was Mu Tianhao who asked me to ask. "

"Ha ha." Zhou Gu Nan chuckled and said, "you, you, you" will be changed? Xinshanshan, are you and Mu Tianhao friends

That's bullshit!

Now as long as it is watching entertainment news, who doesn't know!

But she still had to have a good head: "yes!"

"Then your boyfriend is very generous." Zhou Gu Nan speciously made such a sentence.

Xinshanshan some do not understand, but also nothing, she just feel that she and Zhou Gu Nan are really more and more speechless.

"Ha ha." Xin Shanshan laughed dryly. She heard the voice of a car coming to her ear. Her eyes unconsciously looked at the distance. After a pause, she did not find the person she wanted. Her eyes took back and said, "I'm sorry yesterday. I asked you to accompany me for so long."

"Much better than I thought." Zhou Gu Nan cocked up the corner of his lips and raised his chin: "your acting skills are pretty good. I thought I would never finish filming yesterday. I still have to continue today."

She didn't know what to do again.

Zhou Gu Nan also can see, he said: "the box lunch of the crew has arrived, do you want to go together?"

She waved her hand and compared her waist: "I'll wait a moment."

Zhou Gu Nan waved his hand and left.

Xin Shanshan watched Zhou Gu Nan leave and looked at the time. When she was ready to get on the bus and sleep for a while, Mu Tianhao's car came directly over!

When did he get on-77?

Xin Shanshan in the heart doubts, but still walked quickly to the front of Mu Tianhao's car.

Mu Tianhao slid down the window and glanced at Xin Shanshan. She was dressed in a cheongsam and wrapped in a windbreaker. Her hair looked disordered and her face was still heavily made up.

Sitting in the car, Mu Tianhao's head tilted, indicating to Xin Shanshan: "get in the car."

She opened the door, sat in and said, "when did you drive the car?"

Today, Mu Tianhao is wearing a casual white cotton linen shirt with a pair of khaki slim pants Clean and refreshing.

Mu Tianhao started the car, and without Xin Shanshan going anywhere, he directly turned the steering wheel: "it was sent by Hua in the morning."

Xin Shanshan turned her head and didn't ask why Hua came here all of a sudden. Was Mu Tianhao very busy.

After all, Mu Tianhao always has his own plans for his own affairs.

She just asked, "where am I going? Where are you going?"

Mu Tianhao said with a smile, "don't you want to try that beef noodle? I guess you've all eaten it? "

Xin Shanshan bit the root: "it's not just our crew. How does Mu Shao think the stewed beef tastes?"

"This kind of place..." Mu Tianhao deliberately delayed the ending: "it's very rare."

She turned her face and turned her mouth away.

Mu Tianhao smiles and drives carefully.

It's not far away. It's between the studio and the hotel, but ten minutes later, the car stopped by the side of the road.

Xinshanshan got out of the car and looked inside. The business was very good. Many of them were packed.

The beef shop is not big, but it is clean and clean. There are people queuing up at the window to pack.

Xinshanshan went in and took a look at it. The quality of the packing box was also very good. The beef noodle soup and hot noodle were not of good quality and hygienic.

Of course, some people pack their lunch boxes.

In this case, it should be that the assistant helped the star to buy food.

As soon as she came in, she was conspicuous. After all, she was still in her costume and her makeup was on. Many people knew her.

"Sister Shanshan."

Someone said hello.

Xinshanshan casually found an unimpeded place to sit down and smile at the man. She remembered that the girl was Niu jiejie's assistant.

Mu Tianhao stopped a good car to come in and sat opposite Xin Shanshan. The boss's wife came out and said, "what do you eat?"

"Two bowls of noodles and a catty of beef." Mu Tianhao.

"Beef should be mixed with coriander and delicious," she added

The landlady laughed: "good."

Just now, the person who said hello to xinshanshan packed the meal and came to xinshanshan and said with a smile, "sister Shanshan, do you want to have dinner with me? When I came, jiejie of our family came yesterday to know that you were also filming here, and she wanted to get together with you later. "

"What is she doing here?" she asked

The assistant said, "a TV play is also a time play, in which a girl is a third."

Xin Shanshan turned her head and said, "we are in a hurry. Please go back and tell Niu jiejie that when we get back to the city, I'll call on Moke and we'll have a meal together."Assistant a smile, sweet promise down, and then left: "Shanshan goodbye, Mu Shao goodbye."

Mu Tianhao didn't ask who it was from the beginning to the end, nor much.

After a while, the beef noodles broke. After two bites, she put it down.

Mu Tianhao asked her, "is it not delicious?"

Xinshanshan shook her head: "that's not true. I dare not eat it."

Mu Tianhao asked, "do you still want to shoot in the afternoon?"

Simpson's head.

"How many more days?"

"It's going to take a week anyway," she thought

Mu Tianhao gives Xin Shanshan another beef.

Xinshanshan thought for a while and asked, "do you have something to go back to?"

"Well." Mu Tianhao did not hide from Xin Shanshan: "I will leave in the afternoon."

So fast?!

"That's fine," she said

Mu Tianhao said: "how do you want to eat? You are too thin recently."

Simpson laughed.

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