When Mu Tianhao comes back with the mosquito repellent, Xin Shanshan has already gone to the bathroom to take a bath. After Mu Tianhao plugged in the mosquito repellent, Xin Shanshan came out.

"Why did you run to the bath again?" Mu Tianhao looks back and looks at Xin Shanshan's long hair dripping. She has a big T-shirt on her body and a pair of underpants underneath.

"It's hot. It's too sticky. It's uncomfortable."

She came up and sat down by the bed, wiping her hair.

Mu Tianhao twisted his eyebrows and looked at her. Her hair was wet and attached to her skin. Xin Shanshan's hair was very long and her hair tail was slightly curly.

The weather is very hot, there is no air conditioning in the room, only the electric fan is on. Mu Tianhao squints his black eyes and looks at Xin Shanshan.

After wiping her hair for a while, she heard the sound of a car outside. She stood up and went to the window to look out and said, "how many people come into the mountains this season? Travel? Adventure? "

"More explorations." The mobile phone rings, and Mu Tianhao takes it and looks at the information on it.

Xin Shanshan put down the curtain and came back and slapped Mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao raised his head from his mobile phone and asked, "what do you do?"

Xin Shanshan opened her hand: "mosquito, Mu Tianhao, you are really not afraid to bite! Or, what are you looking at? You don't know if a mosquito bites you? "

“……” Mu Tianhao is speechless about the thick lines in Xin Shanshan's brain. He touched her hair, but he got a hand of water: "don't worry about it. It's just a short message. We go to bed and go into the mountains early tomorrow morning. "

Xinshanshan was too lazy to find a hair dryer. Her hair hung on the edge of the bed and lay down.

Mu Tianhao said, "if you sleep with your hair wet, you'll have a headache tomorrow morning, even if it's hot."

Said, he got up to find a hair dryer, to xinshanshan blow hair, done, he just lay down to sleep.

Xinshanshan closed her eyes, and suddenly her leg itched. She raised her hand and pulled it out. At the same time, she opened her eyes.

Mu Tianhao holds Xin Shanshan's wrist and presses her on the bed with his backhand. He presses her with one leg and turns off the light with the other hand. Under the touch of darkness, he feels very clear.

Xinshanshan felt his fingers, took a breath and murmured, "in this weather, I have to take a bath tomorrow morning."

"Why don't you die of laziness?" Mu Tianhao took xinshanshan's face and kissed her. He kissed her for a while and pressed her head in his arms.

Xin Shanshan let Mu Tianhao hold her arms for a while, but she was really uncomfortable. She turned her back and gasped heavily in the dark space.

Silence for a long time, neither of them fell asleep.

"Not going into the mountains, will you?" Xinshanshan's voice was very low. She pursed her lower lip: "Mu Tianhao, I have a bad premonition."

Mu Tianhao stares at Xin Shanshan in the dark, pulls her over for a moment, holds her to his leg, his lips fall on her forehead, and his voice is low: "afraid?"

She nodded and shook her head and swallowed her throat.

Mu Tianhao raised her leg: "sit up slowly."

This position Xin Shanshan is not very used to, she holds Mu Tianhao's neck, into too deep, a little uncomfortable: "do you agree?"

"No Mu Tianhao presses down on Xin Shanshan's waist. Xin Shanshan clenches her teeth and hisses. The voice of Weng in her head says Mu Tianhao... "

Mu Tianhao doesn't speak any more. In the dark space, she gasps and moans suppressed by Xin Shanshan. After a long time, she lies on his shoulder and feels dizzy in his head. After a long time, Mu Tianhao withdraws.

He put Simpson on the bed, packed himself, and lay back. After a moment's silence, he said, "do you know why it's you?"

Xin Shanshan opened her eyes and felt a little uncomfortable with her body sticking together. She moved to the side.

"I think it's you who took me Say goodbye to something

Xin Shanshan only found out how much her voice was hoarse. She only tentatively guessed Mu Tianhao's idea.

Mu Tianhao smiles and pinches xinshanshan's cheek. "You're right, darling. I'll go with me and go back the day after tomorrow."

Xinshanshan nodded, but she was still a little uneasy.

However, this is what Mu Tianhao wants to do, and she is willing to accompany her.

Ten minutes later, she couldn't hold back her sleepiness and began to breathe evenly.

Mu Tianhao stares at the woman in his arms and pulls the quilt to cover it.

Heartless stuff.

The next morning, after she got up, she took a bath again.

Mu Tianhao doesn't know when to wake up. Anyway, he is fresh all over. He is shopping with his boss.

When xinshanshan is ready to come out, she is jammed into the car by Mu Tianhao. The car has been driving for an hour and there is no road.

Mu Tianhao took out his mobile phone and looked at the signal on it. He took out his two-year coat from the car and handed it to Xin Shanshan. He pushed the door down with his bag on his back.It's very hot. It's hot for Xin Shanshan to wear short sleeves. Mu Tianhao gives her long sleeves?

She took it and tied it on her waist and walked up the mountain after Mu Tianhao.

"Are you going to climb to the top of the mountain?"

Mu Tianhao looked up and took out water from the bag and handed it to Xin Shanshan. He opened it and took a drink and nodded.

Xinshanshan leaned against a tree and drank half a bottle of water: "are you hot?"

"There are mosquitoes and poisonous insects. Be careful." Mu Tianhao told Xin Shanshan.

She nodded.

They left for another half an hour. After several big bags were bitten on her arm, she put on her coat. Slowly walking behind Mu Tianhao, looking back, they are getting farther and farther away from the foot of the mountain.

There are towering trees and many tropical plants on top of her head, which she doesn't know.

Mu Tianhao walked steadily in front of him, looking very strong.

Xin Shanshan trotted up and nearly tripped over a tree vine. Fortunately, Mu Tianhao turned and grabbed her arm.

"Do you have a knife?" She asked bitterly.

The mountain is quiet, with occasional insect sounds, and the temperature is not high in the shade of the trees.

Mu Tianhao stopped to look at Xin Shanshan. Her hair had been tied up and her white face was exposed. Her eyes were dark and watery.

He took out a dagger from his bag and handed it to xinshanshan. He also sat down on a stone nearby: "what do you want a knife for?"

With a dagger, she went to a small tree, opened it and began to chop. The dagger was good and sharp.

But, after all, it's not an axe.

She said: "in the past, when we did the outdoor survival program, the environment there was similar to that here, but we prepared enough things before, and we also had cameras to follow. We always felt safe. Now it's not the same."

Mu Tianhao asked, "do you feel insecure when I am by your side?"

Xin Shanshan looked up and laughed at Tian Hao: "it's not that there's no, it's just that I feel a little different. How to say it, I always feel that the place you take me to is unknown. Even if it's more realistic, it's also to explore the known place."

"I'll help you." Mu Tianhao saw clearly how big the vine xinshanshan was, and quickly leaned over and said.

They worked together for a long time to get rid of the vine.

Xin Shanshan specially took a piece of it in her hand, cut off the branches, leaves and treetops, cut off a length of one meter long stick, held it in her hand and tried to scrape the handle flat.

"I'm afraid there will be snakes. I'll sweep it with a stick before I go safe." Xin Shanshan explains that she wipes the dagger and returns it to Mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao looks at Xin Shanshan deeply.

"What are you doing looking at me like this?" she laughed

Mu Tianhao raised his hand, took Xin Shanshan's shoulder, and then said, "nothing. Seeing what you just looked like, I suddenly felt that when you first entered Liuguang international, you were very bad to you."

Xin Shanshan blinked: "where there are, at that time, the opportunities are all on your own. You have given me a chance when I entered Liuguang international. You have given me the opportunity to shoot" the beauty of the troubled times ". If I still can't get up with this opportunity, according to your meaning, you will think that you have missed your eyes."

Mu Tianhao took Xin Shanshan's hand and slowed down her pace to let her follow her: "it's said outside that I like you because you are beautiful."

"Is it?" "But you like me now. It's not because of my appearance that you treat me like this."

"You are confident." "What's more, you are smart and hardworking," Mu Tianhao said

Simpson gave a sweet smile.

Mu Tianhao suddenly turned around and took a deep look at Xin Shanshan: "more importantly, you are really beautiful."

Simpson's smile was sweeter.

The two continued to walk on their backpacks.

Xin Shanshan can see that, in fact, Mu Tianhao has a destination in her heart. The road is becoming more and more difficult. Xin Shanshan doesn't say much about it. She just goes ahead.

"Mu Tianhao..."

After walking for another half an hour, xinshanshan was really unable to keep up with her physical strength. She walked so stiffly that she felt that the time passed slowly.

Mu Tianhao answered and asked, "are you tired?"

"Not at all." Xin Shanshan shakes her head. Yesterday Mu Tianhao said that she will go back tomorrow. She will rest again. She is afraid that she will not get out of the mountain until it is dark. This is even worse.

"I just want to talk to you." She said.

Mu Tianhao asked her, "what do you want to say?"

Xin Shanshan raised her hand to wipe the sweat on her head: "nothing, I just want to say, in fact, I quite envy you."

"What do you envy me for?" Mu Tianhao chuckled, as if it was some incredible.

In the distance, there is a small stream with the sound of gurgling water.

The sun, mottled by leaves, falls on Mu Tianhao. He stands tall in front of Xin Shanshan."I envy you that you have money. Money can be willful." Xin Shanshan looks at Mu Tianhao with a smile. She really thinks that, a lot of times, Mu Tianhao is really capricious.

They walked together to the stream. The water was clear.

She went over to wash her hands.

There are fish in the river, so Xin Shanshan pokes with a stick that sweeps the grass in her hand. Of course, there is no fish in the martial arts novels. She sits on the stone by the road with a bare stick and shouts in a barrel. The birds fly away with their wings not far away.

Xinshanshan stood on the stone and yelled again, but she was still unwilling: "how come there is no echo, Mu Tianhao, do you think there will be only two of us in this mountain?"

Mu Tianhao turned his head and looked at Xin Shanshan like this. The blazing sunlight fell on him, and even the sweat seemed to shine.

Xinshanshan squinted, seemed to drag a little long, turned a corner: "really handsome!"

Mu Tianhao squints at her. Under the backlight, the facial lines are sharp and sharp, which makes you look terrible!

Xin Shanshan turned her eyes: "Mu Tianhao, you look really handsome!"

"Come down quickly, don't howl, call wolf!" Mu Tianhao said to xinshanshan without being angry.

Xinshanshan shrugged her shoulders, but still obediently listened to Mu Tianhao's words. She asked, "shall we go on now?"


Mu Tianhao simply said


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