Five minutes later.

"It's so cold," she said

Mu Tianhao looks at Xin Shanshan.

She hesitated for a few seconds, took off her wet T-shirt, resolutely picked up the dry coat on the floor, put it on, and zipped it up.

Mu Tianhao is shocked by Xin Shanshan's heroism. This woman

Xin Shanshan's underwear has wet her coat, which is really uncomfortable. Her hand reaches in from the hem of her dress and pulls it out.

Mu Tianhao closes her eyes and can't bear to say, "how can you run in such a short time?"

Can't bear it in this situation?!

"Not now Xinshanshan picked up a stick to dry, put it on the hole and put her clothes on it.

Her upper body was much warmer, and she sat back to her old place. She wanted to go home.

In the evening, the rain stopped.

She finished a packet of biscuits, and the water in the bag was gone.

She put on some wet clothes, wrapped in a coat, cool inside.

"Shall we go now?" Xin Shanshan asked Mu Tianhao, "I haven't contacted anyone. It's too risky to go back now."

Mu Tianhao, with one hand in his pocket, walked out of the cave, thought for a moment, and said, "I'll go out to see the situation. You'll wait for me here."

"Well." Simpson turned her head.

Mu Tianhao goes out, and xinshanshan stays alone in the cave and waits.

She didn't know how long it took. If Xin Shanshan hadn't been with Mu Tianhao for such a long time, she firmly believed that he couldn't have left her. After such a long time, anyone would have suspected that Mu Tianhao had abandoned her and fled for her own life.

It's getting dark. Xinshanshan puts on her clothes and thinks whether she wants to go out and look for mu Tianhao. It's the worst thing that she can't get caught.

It hasn't moved yet. Mu Tianhao is back.

He had a snake in his hand.

Xin Shanshan Leng for a moment, quickly back to the cave inside, pharyngeal throat: "what do you take?"

Mu Tianhao put the snake on the bag and said, "it's washed up. You can eat it by baking it with firewood. What are you hiding from? Morning, m.. O ??? m is dead. "

Young master, are you tired of living a stable life? She's speechless, snake eating? There are so many living creatures in the mountain that he only catches a snake back!

After picking up the firewood, because it had just rained, the wood was wet and not good, and there was smoke. Xin Shanshan worried: "will someone follow the smoke to find here? And kill us? "

"No, there's a chance that it's dark to be found." Mu Tianhao cut a stick and roasted the snake. He said, "you have to go on the road at night. Do you think the snake meat is disgusting? Do you still have a packet of biscuits? You can eat it. "

Without salt and seasoning, cinshanshan is really disgusted. Besides, don't cook without seasoning. Even if it's stir fried and well done, she won't take a bite if she knows it's snake meat.

She thinks it's disgusting!

Aiming at Mu Tianhao, he could eat it. I admire him!

But he always has a strong taste.

Xinshanshan ate the biscuit slowly. She watched Mu Tianhao eat snake meat, pursed her lips and handed over the remaining half pack of biscuits: "you can eat it too."

That's enough. She can't eat it!

Mu Tianhao shakes his head.

Xin Shanshan felt very sorry. He brought out the biscuits. She didn't expect to encounter this situation when she came out. She was still too heavy when she came out with the bag on her back. She really wanted to throw them away. Mu Tianhao helped her to take them for a while.

Mu Tianhao looks so sad eating snake meat!

Xin Shanshan picked up a biscuit and handed it to Mu Tianhao's lips: "greasy?"

Mu Tianhao opened his mouth and bit off the biscuit. He took a look at Xin Shanshan: "it's not greasy. It's not delicious."

Mu Tianhao didn't let Xin Shanshan taste it. It must be very bad.

After eating, Mu Tianhao got up and buried the fire clay. He called Xin Shanshan to his side: "if you are tired and want to sleep, you should sleep for a while. After two hours, we will start."

Xinshanshan nests in Mu Tianhao's arms and looks at the darkness outside. His heart beats in his ear.

From the very beginning, she felt that she and Mu Tianhao were two different people in the world. Even though their ideas and ideological classes were completely different, gradually, later, especially now, when Xin Shanshan was lying in Mu Tianhao's arms and listening to his heartbeat, she felt very calm in such a dangerous situation!

"Mu Tianhao!"

Mu Tianhao raised his hand to cover Xin Shanshan's eyes and whispered, "don't talk. Be good. Sleep for a while."

She's a heartless person. She really falls asleep when she sleeps.

She also had a dream. In the dream, Mu Tianhao and she were lost. Then she heard the sound of guns. She wandered around in the primitive forest. Finally, she only saw Mu Tianhao lying in the grass covered with blood.She sat up with a scream!

Mu Tianhao twisted his eyebrows: "Shanshan?"

"Ah?" Xin Shanshan was stunned for a moment and then recovered. In the darkness, she touched and held Mu Tianhao's hand: "Mu Tianhao, you promise me that we will go out from here in a moment. You will not leave me alone in any case!"

Her heart is beating fast.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Mu Tianhao follows the disordered hair of Shun xinshanshan, which is still stained with mud!

She is in such a mess that she can't make up in the play anyway!

Especially on the hair, face, body of this dirty!

Xin Shanshan shakes her head. This dream is too bad. She doesn't want Mu Tianhao to become heavy.

Mu Tianhao hugged Xin Shanshan: "don't worry, I won't leave you."

Xin Shanshan tightened her arm and hugged Mu Tianhao with heavy head.

Quietly hugging Xin Shanshan for a while, feeling that she was no longer afraid to know, Mu Tianhao packed his bags and stood up and said, "don't think about anything, go away."

Simpson got up with her.

Mu Tianhao takes Xin Shanshan down another road.

The ground is very slippery. Xinshanshan follows Mu Tianhao to the bottom with one deep foot and one shallow foot.

They don't know what's in the dark. Mu Tianhao is gambling with Xin Shanshan.

The road is very difficult.

Xinshanshan always thought that her physical strength was good. After all, she never relaxed her exercise. When she lost weight, she ran for an hour. Moreover, as long as she had time, she would run every day, and filming was very physical. At that time, she didn't eat much!

But now, after such a long time in the mountains, she was afraid and hungry. She really felt very tired.

There was a lot of mud on her feet. If it wasn't for mu Tianhao holding her tightly, Xin Shanshan would not have known how many times she had fallen to death.

I don't know what this man is trying to do. If Mu Tianhao comes to the mountain because he wants to sacrifice his past and repent of his mistakes, those who want to kill him must be in a mess now, even if they are prepared!

Even if you want to kill people, can't you choose a happy way to kill people!

They all went to the mountains and forests to suffer!

That's enough!

However, she just thought about it. She couldn't.

Mu Tianhao then knew to protect his life, not to mention now.

Xin Shanshan doesn't believe in Mu Tianhao. However, she always hopes that there is no chance for mu Tianhao to choose this matter, or they are all OK.

Or, better yet, both of them die together.

Otherwise, when it comes to the choice, Xin Shanshan doesn't know how mu Tianhao chooses, and she herself will die first or die first!

Just want to finish, xinshanshan's feet slip a buttock to sit on the ground, the pain of her pour a breath of cool!

"Shanshan?" Mu Tianhao pulled up Xin Shanshan and said, "slow down."

She sniffed. She wanted to cry now!

However, she still put the tears down!

Xin Shanshan holds Mu Tianhao's arm and continues to walk forward.

For a long time, she was numb. She didn't know how long they had gone.

A gust of wind blows, dark clouds also cover up the moonlight!

It seems that Mu Tianhao can't judge the direction from the sky. He takes out a dial like object from his bag with light. He looks at it, stops and looks back and asks Xin Shanshan, "tired?"

Xin Shanshan head, then thought that maybe Mu Tianhao would not be able to see, there was no moonlight, now really can't see five fingers, she whispered: "very sleepy."

"It's safe to walk at night." Mu Tianhao also knew that Xin Shanshan was really suffering. He took out the water bottle from his bag, handed it to Xin Shanshan, and said, "drink water."

The mineral water they brought had already been drunk, but mu Tianhao left the bottle behind. When Mu Tianhao went out just now, he caught a snake and poured it from the side of the stream, drinking a fishy smell of mud.

However, for this sake, she is not picky. Some drinks are good!

She drank half a bottle. Mu Tianhao took the rest and put the empty bottle back in the bag. They didn't know how long they would stay in the forest.

Mu Tianhao's hands were warm. Xin Shanshan followed him forward and gasped: "Mu Tianhao, do you have many enemies?"

Why were they kidnapped for no reason, and now they are assassinated?

In the past, when he went out, most of the staff arranged the itinerary. Xin Shanshan just thought that he was used to being served, but now it seems that he is not!

In the past, how many of those staff members came as bodyguards, but now she can't guess.

"It's just a lot of money." Mu Tianhao's voice was heavy in the dark.

Xin Shanshan can't see Mu Tianhao's expression in this sentence.She didn't know what to do.

Mu Tianhao couldn't hear Xin Shanshan's reply. He laughed at himself: "if there's more money, some people will make up their minds."

Simpson curled her lips.

However, she also knows that Mu Tianhao is rich in money!

"Then your chances of getting out safely are really low." Xinshanshan thought for a while and came to this conclusion: "before you go out, I follow you, and see you always have a lot of people around you. Although there are always one or two close to you, there are so many people waiting on you outside. I always think, how can you be so coquettish and take so many people with you wherever you go."

After a pause, she continued, "but this time I understand that it's so much better for you to take so many people than for the two of us to go out! How long did it take for those people to catch you alone

After sniffing, she said, "if I'm your enemy, since I've waited so long to set up this bureau, I can't let you out. If you go out, your enemy will suffer? Such a good opportunity, the right time, the right place and the right people. If you miss it again, what a stupid person can do such a thing. "

Mu Tianhao suddenly stops and stares at Xin Shanshan.

Xin Shanshan's eyes on Tianhao in the upper curtain, in the dark, his only eyes are amazing!

Did she say something wrong?

Xin Shanshan was staring at by Mu Tianhao. She asked tentatively, "what am I wrong?"

"You're right about everything. You're right." Mu Tianhao suddenly turned around and walked back: "we return to the original way."

Simpson's stupid, NIMA! You're teasing me!

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