After arriving at the airport and getting on the plane, Xin Shanshan sleeps and sleeps away. After settling in, she goes to another room in the cabin where Hua is in.

"Mu Shao." Hua took the satellite phone and handed it to Mu Tianhao: "sister Mu's phone number. Before boarding the plane, she sent me a message. You must call her back."

Mu Tianhao has lost his head.

Hua dials the phone and hands over to Mu Tianhao. He goes out and closes the door for him.

Mu Tianhao is sitting on a big and comfortable sofa, rubbing his eyebrows and waiting for the call to be connected.

Did not ring twice, the phone was mu Liufeng picked up.

"Sister." Mu Tianhao's voice is full of tiredness. He doesn't want to worry Xin Shanshan. Of course, he doesn't want to worry his parents. He just allows himself to be spoiled and used to his own sister. He doesn't want to cover up more. What happened in Thailand doesn't let Mu Tianhao get hurt, but he feels very tired.

Mu Tianhao has understood that there are too many rights and wrongs in the adult world since he was sensible. He is also used to wandering in these right and wrong, and he doesn't like to take care of any emotions except those he cares about. From the bottom of his heart, Mu Tianhao is a very self-centered person, self-contained and even cold-blooded!

His hands are not pure clean, but he always has his own principles. He also knows that there are too many people in the world who want him to die or see him come to a bad end, but he never let the other party succeed.

It's just that this time it's not the same.

On the other end of the phone, mu Liufeng knows that Mu Tianhao's voice is not very good now. Originally, she had a lot of words to ask for, but after hearing Mu Tianhao calling himself "sister" in this tone, she didn't want much.

"Tired?" Mu Liufeng put soft voice, asked.

Mu Tian Hao gently answered: "well, tired of heart."

"If you're OK." Mu Liufeng gently with: "parents miss you very much."

"You tell mom and Dad, I'm ok." Mu Tianhao asked mu Liufeng to convey.

Mu Liufeng understood Mu Tianhao's meaning and said, "Mo A kind of M you can rest assured. When will the plane arrive in city B? "

"I'll be home about eleven tomorrow morning." Mu Tian Hao road.

Mu liufengtou: "well, let's eat at home at noon tomorrow. After the new year, my parents haven't had dinner with you. When I can't get in touch with you, my father looks ok, but I feel bad. Mother's tears never stop

"I see." Mu Tianhao thought for a while, and then said, "you tell my mother that I want to eat her golden cream."

Mu Liufeng laughed: "you! You know how to please my mother

Mu Tianhao also laughed.

"Your business, when you come back, let's go with dad." Mu Liufeng changed his mood and his tone was serious: "the meaning of my father's side, I don't want to let go."

"Me too." Mu Tianhao closed his eyes. It's not only him, but also Xin Shanshan!

Mu Tianhao couldn't think about it. If he lost Xin Shanshan this time, what would happen!

Fortunately Fortunately

Mu Liufeng head: "that good, not much, you have a good rest on the plane, I told my parents, see you at home tomorrow."


The phone is down.

Mu Tianhao put the satellite phone aside, sat alone for a while, then got up and went to Xin Shanshan again.

She had a good sleep. She was lying on her back and forth, unprepared.

Mu Tianhao helplessly smiles and lies down beside Xin Shanshan.

Xinshanshan seems to feel someone around her. She turns over and naturally hugs Mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao smiles and holds Xin Shanshan more tightly with his backhand.

He closed his eyes and thought he couldn't sleep. He didn't expect to go to sleep in less than two minutes.

It was a long sleep.

When she woke up, she didn't know what time it was and where she was. She turned over and saw Mu Tianhao lying beside her.

He is awake, reading a book.

"What are you looking at?" she asked

Mu Tianhao let Xin Shanshan see the name.

"Is it a fairy tale?" she blinked

Mu Tianhao laughed: "is that right, interested?"

Xin Shanshan shakes her head, looks for a comfortable position in Mu Tianhao's arm, half lies down: "forget it, I still don't look at it."

"What?" Mu Tianhao closes the book and asks Xin Shanshan.

"When I get off the plane, I can't finish reading a lot of things. I always think about half of it. But I wonder, how do you think of seeing fairy tales today

"Purify the mind." Mu Tianhao's answer is ambiguous.She didn't hold on to the topic. Instead, she said, "by the way, when you're in the car, do you want to go back to B city and teach me how to play with guns? Is there such a place in city B? "

"Yes." Mu Tianhao said: "there is a shooting range in the suburbs, but it's very tiring to play with guns. It's not the situation when you see the acting, it's just playing handsome. What's more, the actual practice is very boring. If you are really interested in playing, you should go there first. Whether you want to study hard or not depends on yourself

I'll go and have a look first. When will you take me there

Mu Tianhao raised eyebrows: "who was busy after getting off the plane just now, and didn't even have time to read a book. Now that I want to play with guns, how can I have time?"

"I am very busy!" Xin Shanshan began to quibble: "you see, the press conference of reality TV, which has been delayed for so many days in Thailand, has to be held, and then we are not allowed to join the group to shoot reality TV? Before that, I must go back to the company for a meeting. What's more, Wu Meili has given me several activities, which I have to attend. Then there is the "true love first" publicity meeting. I'm going to study in America when I'm finished. Are you and I very busy?! So many things, where do I have time to go? "

"It sounds busy." Mu Tianhao is really willing to follow Xin Shanshan down like this, but he asks, "how can I take you to play with guns when you are so busy?"

If you're willing to take me half the time to laugh, Simpson

Mu Tianhao had no choice but to pinch xinshanshan's nose: "you! Well, I'll arrange it when I get back. "

Xin Shanshan hugged Mu Tianhao's neck: "then your 4_ Formula__ What about the double action pocket pistol? "

Mu Tianhao a pair of expression I knew: "you still think about this!"

"First of all, if I'm interested and have a good time, you'll have to give it to me," she shrugged

"You girl, why are you interested in this?" Mu Tianhao doesn't object to Xin Shanshan playing with guns. Nothing else, she will shoot. If she encounters such things as assassination again, it will be good for her.

Even mu Liufeng himself can use guns, she also learned two years of firearms.

Xinshanshan shook her head: "I don't know, but it's very good to listen to you. Maybe I'm not interested after I try it?"

"All right." Mu Tianhao agreed.

Xinshanshan nests in Mu Tianhao's arms and kisses him on the chin.

The plane landed in B city on time.

Hua An made the way to leave the airport.

Xin Shanshan can find that after arriving in B city, the security work around Mu Tianhao is not as rigorous as it was in Thailand. At least, the personnel are not so terrible and intensive, but they are not relaxed.

It can be seen that Mu Tianhao is more cautious about his own safety than before.

Mu Tianhao got on the car with Xin Shanshan and said, "I'll take you back to the villa. I won't go to the company for the time being. Wu Meili has a meeting with you. You can ask her to take the whole team to you directly. If Feng nuoyuan asks you to discuss the reality show, he will let them go directly to the villa. Your commercial performance will be pushed back for a while. "

These words, Mu Tianhao did not tell Xin Shanshan on the plane.

However, from the tone of his words, Xin Shanshan can know that these were arranged by Mu Tianhao.

Xin Shanshan didn't ask why. Anyway, Mu Tianhao arranged it like this, so she did it.

But for one thing, she didn't quite understand.

"Mu Tianhao, I want to ask you..." She hesitated to ask whether she should ask.

Mu Tianhao looked at Xin Shanshan and said, "what do you want to ask?"

"Isn't it safe for us to go back to city B?" she said with a smile? But if it's not safe, why are there fewer security guards? "

"That's what happened." Mu Tianhao explained to Xin Shanshan: "actually, it can't be unsafe. The reason why there are so many people in Thailand is that Thailand is not its own territory after all. Moreover, the other party failed to kill me in the jungle. Naturally, he knows what he will face if I come out alive. The dog will jump over the wall when he is in a hurry, so it is not ruled out that he will not try to kill me in Thailand. Thailand didn't succeed. When he arrived in B city, he naturally got more difficult. However, prevention is not a bad thing. "

It turns out that it's like this, and she's relieved.

Mu Tianhao sent Xin Shanshan back to the villa and left.

When she was able to come back here alive, she felt like she couldn't come out.

Auntie Wang is still there. After seeing off Mu Tianhao as usual, she smiles and asks Xin Shanshan, "is sister Xin eating first or resting for a while?"

Xinshanshan is sleeping enough on the plane. She wants to eat now. Anything delicious will do!

"Auntie Wang, I want to eat the rice you cooked!" Xin Shanshan is called Aunt Wang special pro.

Pro Aunt Wang was stunned for a moment. How could she get out of the door? Xin Shanshan had a kind of attachment to her?!After Aunt Wang regained consciousness, she laughed: "what do you want to eat?"

"Home cooked food is OK. Anyway, it's what you cooked for me. I'll eat all the delicious food! I just want to eat your food! " Xin Shanshan came over, obviously coquettish.

Aunt Wang raised her hand unconsciously and touched xinshanshan's head: "OK, wait, I'll cook for you."

Xinshanshan head, looking at Aunt Wang went to the kitchen, anyway, nothing to do, also with the past.

When Aunt Wang arrived at the kitchen, she saw Xin Shanshan standing by the door and looked back: "isn't it tiring for sister Xin to just get off the plane?"

She shook her head. "I'm not tired. I've been sleeping all the way."

As she washed the dishes and prepared the ingredients, Aunt Wang asked, "is Thailand fun?"

After hearing this, Xin Shanshan knew that her family didn't know what happened to her and Mu Tianhao in Thailand.

So, she turned her head and said, "it's fun! Mu Tianhao took me to the temple to worship. I prayed for you when I worshipped! By the way, Mu Tianhao also took me to explore. Although there were twists and turns, it was quite fun. It was an experience I had never had before! "

Aunt Wang listened to Xin Shanshan like this and laughed: "sister Xin is so lucky!"

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