Feng nuoyuan held his breath: "happy, how unhappy! But we're not even friends. It's not convenient to ride in the same car. "

Xin Shanshan laughed. She looked at Feng nuoyuan and said seriously, "Feng nuoyuan, why are you so careful? When did I say you were not my friend

"Am I your friend?" Feng nuoyuan laughed twice: "why didn't you tell the reporter just now?"

"I don't say that just because I treat you as a friend. What am I now? That reporter said, n-line little guy! what about you? When the idol male god, in this circle, also talks about the level. Now, I'm too far behind you

Feng nuoyuan looked at Xin Shanshan: "so?"

Xin Shanshan patted Feng nuoyuan on the shoulder: "so, you wait for me, you wait for me to come to your position, stand with you, no longer be written as me, Xin Shanshan want to tie you to the news together, no longer be written as I regard you as a springboard of career, and no longer be written as using your friend's blog page, I will tell them that we have a very close relationship Good, good friends. "

Feng nuoyuan sighed: "Xin Shanshan, you have to know that you need to open the popularity now."

"Of course I know," she shrugged! But I also know that true friends can't be used. Even if you do. "

Feng nuoyuan seems to be shocked by xinshanshan's words. He just looks at xinshanshan and doesn't speak for a long time.

Finally, Feng nuoyuan said softly, "I saw it."

"What?" She wondered.

"I saw that it was Gan Weiwei who kicked you into the lake, and I heard it. I heard that she was asked to do so. In exchange, she was given a leading actress in the film in which Zhu participated in the investment," Feng said

Xinshanshan nodded: "so, that's why you are so kind to me and invite me to dinner?"

Feng nuoyuan a little embarrassed: "sorry, at that time did not stand up to say a fair word for you." #@$&

"you don't have to worry about it." Xin Shanshan suddenly, no wonder Feng nuoyuan did not immediately jump out of the relationship between them. It turned out that because of guilt, he didn't mind being tied by her to stir up a topic to improve her popularity: "Feng nuoyuan, I really can't see it, you are still very good!"

Feng nuoyuan was said by Xin Shanshan. He really had no sense of guilt. He said angrily, "Hello, I said we are just familiar with each other. By the way, even if we are familiar with each other, you should leave me a contact information!"

Xin Shanshan and Feng nuoyuan quickly exchanged private mobile phone numbers and said, "can you go back to the company in a car now?"

Feng nuoyuan shook his head and got on his car: "you go back to the company by yourself. I'm going to audition."

"You still need to audition?" She was surprised. %&(&

Feng Nuo goes a long way: "it was Wang Xiaofeng who directed the play. I told you that. If I don't talk to you, I will be late. I'm leaving."

"I hope you can cooperate with us again," she said

Feng nuoyuan snorted and left.

Xinshanshan just turned around and said to Wu Meili's black face: "xinshanshan! Get in the car now

Xin Shanshan's heart trembled. She forgot Wu Meili's temper.

Just about to accompany smiling face to explain, a car suddenly drove over, directly rubbed Xin Shanshan half body to stop.

When the window was down, Mu Tianhao's face came out. He said to Xin Shanshan, "get in the car."

Xin Shanshan is very puzzled about Mu Tianhao's appearance here and now. However, after weighing whether she will face Wu Meili or Mu Tianhao's fate, which will be worse, she resolutely gets on Mu Tianhao's car.

Wu Meili looks at Mu Tianhao and takes Xin Shanshan away. She is really angry and has no way to vent her anger!

In the car, Xin Shanshan looks at Wu Meili through the rear mirror. She is so scared that she sticks out her tongue and dare not look at it again.

Mu Tianhao glanced at Xin Shanshan and looked like a smile on his face. His eyes were full of sticky strength, which seemed to be ambiguous.

Xin Shanshan a pair of eyes on the heart of a sudden fierce jump, she hurriedly turned her head, did not go to see Mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao also did not face, serious driving appearance: "you are quite afraid of your agent."

"Well..." Xinshanshan answered and said, "it's not afraid. She's for my good. I don't want to make her angry."

Mu Tianhao didn't say anything more, just kept driving.

She looked at the road and didn't know where he was going.

She didn't ask. She just thought that she had already been out of the organizer's unit when she was on the Tianhao car just now. I don't know if there are any reporters there.

"Are you not afraid to be photographed by a reporter just like this?" "Don't let me get you on the headlines again tomorrow," she said

Mu Tianhao chuckled and answered Xin Shanshan: "I'm not afraid."

Xin Shanshan raised eyebrows: "did you see that there was no reporter just coming here?"Otherwise, his tone would not have been so firm.

Mu Tianhao turns on the music in the car, and the pleasant light music matches his better deep voice: "they dare not."

She was completely speechless.

Yes, who dares to write Mu Tianhao!

In the market, the reports about Mu Tianhao are either flattering or allowing default.

As long as this gentleman is not willing, who dares!

The car gradually out of the city. When she went down the viaduct, she looked at the location. It was the west mountain again!

This time, she couldn't help it: "where are you going? At noon... "

Mu Tianhao just said, "you will know when you arrive."

The car turned a few corners, playing the road up all the way.

Just when Xin Shanshan thought that Mu Tianhao was going to take her to the villa again, Mu Tianhao's car turned again. There was an open platform in front of her. He stopped the car.

Xinshanshan got out of the car and walked towards the side. She squinted and looked At noon, the sun is thick, and the whole city B seems to be covered with a layer of gold.

Mu Tianhao also got out of the car, he did not go to Xin Shanshan's side, but sat in the front of the car.

When Xin Shanshan looks back at Mu Tianhao, he is lighting a cigarette.

The metal lighter turns around in his palm, and the blue flame comes out. When the cigarette is lit, he takes a gentle puff and squints his eyes.

The way Mu Tianhao smokes has a charm that can't be explained.

She walked up to him and sat side by side in the front of the car.

Mu Tianhao naturally handed over the cigarette in his hand.

She shrugged and didn't answer: "no smoking."

"Is it?" Mu Tianhao smiles, takes back his hand and bites the cigarette between his lips.

He remembered that the first time he saw her, she smoked very skillfully.

But later, every time I saw her, she never smoked again. Even her home did not have the smell of smoking all the year round.

Maybe the first time she saw him, she was acting.

And he didn't see it.

Mu Tianhao was smoking quietly. Xin Shanshan felt something was wrong, but she couldn't explain why. She frowned and looked at her: "what's the matter?"

After smoking half a cigarette in his hand, Mu Tianhao flicked his finger tip and asked Xin Shanshan, "why don't you choose to continue to stir fry with Feng nuoyuan? Even Wu Meili knows that this is the fastest way to increase your popularity. "

"That's all about it?" Xin Shanshan thinks that Mu Tianhao's question is a little funny. She brought her here for such a long time and even asked such a question.

But she still very seriously answered him: "no why, just don't feel appropriate."

That's what she really thought.

No matter what kind of attitude Feng nuoyuan holds towards her, she really regards Feng nuoyuan as a friend.

In this circle, Feng nuoyuan is the first one who is willing to approach her and make friends with her.

Even today, Feng nuoyuan told him frankly that he was guilty.

However, Xin Shanshan knew that Feng nuoyuan was not the only one who saw this incident, but he was the only one who felt guilty because he did not stand up to say a word for her at that time.

Xin Shanshan said the reason, for a long time, did not hear Mu Tianhao's reply.

She gave him a quick look, and he was still like that.

Xin Shanshan is secretly fragrant. Don't Mu Tianhao want her to have an affair with Feng nuoyuan? Don't say, it's possible. She remembers what Mu Tianhao said when he called her to the office because of this?

After all, the scandal has brought her a lot of job opportunities.

Every notice is money!

Xin Shanshan is trying to explain something when Mu Tianhao suddenly leaves and turns to open the trunk.

She saw him carry something out of the trunk.

Mu Tianhao put his basket on the front of the car and opened it. There was a bottle of red wine in it.

Xin Shanshan doesn't know what Mu Tianhao wants to do.

Mu Tianhao doesn't speak either. His appearance of opening red wine is very casual, but his action is unspeakable.

She poured out a glass of wine and handed it to Simpson, who was holding the glass.

Mu Tianhao stubbornly touched Xin Shanshan's glass. He said, "I'm very satisfied with your answer at today's press conference. This is a reward."

Xinshanshan was stunned for a moment and then laughed. She didn't speak and took a drink.

Mu Tianhao also laughed.

But soon, Xin Shanshan couldn't laugh. She was pulled down from the press conference before her eyes opened in the morning. After dealing with those reporters, she had to explain to Feng nuoyuan that Wu Meili was brought half way up the mountain by Mu Tianhao before she could pacify her.

Originally, the spirit has been hung by Mu Tianhao's attitude of not liking and not angry. Now I'm hungry when I relax!Xin Shanshan is holding a glass of wine, her eyes are always looking at the basket. I don't know if Mu Tianhao has other things in it besides red wine.

Mu Tianhao saw Xin Shanshan's appearance and knew: "are you hungry?"

She nodded quickly.

Mu Tianhao took out the sandwich from the basket and handed it to Xin Shanshan.

Xinshanshan took it in her hand and ate it. When she came back to her senses, she found that Mu Tianhao also ate this.

She looked at the sandwich in her hand, then looked at Mu Tianhao and said, "did you just say this is a reward?"

Mu Tianhao nodded: "is there a problem?"

Xinshanshan tears in her heart, it turns out that his uncle's reward is just to take her halfway up the mountain to eat a cold sandwich against the cold wind!

Shouldn't all the domineering presidents in the novel give jewelry or luxury goods? The last one should treat her to dinner!

Since the last time Feng nuoyuan invited her to eat hot pot, she has not eaten delicious food for a long time!

She picked up her glass and gulped down a gulp of red wine and then a bite of her sandwich. She couldn't say anything.

Mu Tianhao looks at Xin Shanshan's appearance, just smile, did not say anything.

Simpson didn't know. The red wine she was drinking was 90 years old from canti, Rome. The price per bottle was $5800!

The sandwich she ate

It's an ordinary sandwich, but it's made by Mu Tianhao himself.

In this world, so far, no one has ever eaten anything made by Mu Tianhao except Xin Shanshan. This is the most luxurious treatment.

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