Throwing the things in his hand on the bed, Feng nuoyuan said feebly, "I'm bored. You have something to say. Don't make fun of me. "D7cfd3c4b8f3"

since she came to know her, she found a place to sit down and said to Feng nuoyuan, "your sister Lin asked you to do her a favor."

Feng nuoyuan knew that there was nothing good about looking for her: "go ahead."

Lin Wanyi said: "Xue shaoran went back to B city first. I can't go back tomorrow. I want to rub your car."

"That's it." Feng nuoyuan looked at the two women just like seeing a psychopath: "I know. OK, you hurry back. I'm going to sleep."

Xin Shanshan and Lin Wanyi laughed and left.

Feng nuoyuan closed the door of the room.

When Xin Shanshan comes back to her room, she sees that Mu Tianhao is on the phone, but as soon as she enters the door, Mu Tianhao just finishes and hangs up the phone.

"How about Lin Wanyi?" asked Mu Tianhao.

Xin Shanshan said, "OK"

Mu Tianhao said, "it was Xue shaoran who called just now."

"What did he say?" Xin Shanshan just asked casually. After probing into Lin Wanyi's mind, she did not bother about Xue shaoran's attitude.

Mu Tianhao said: "nothing, just ask Lin Wanyi, and then let me arrange to take Lin Wanyi back to B city tomorrow."

"Don't worry about it. Lin Wanyi has arranged everything." She said with a curl of her mouth.

Mu Tianhao laughed: "OK, sleep."

The next day.

The sun at nine o'clock in the morning, through the sky and down, on the time has been dazzling.

Xin Shanshan stands at the door of the hotel, her hand on her eyebrows. A car slowly stops in front of her. The driver's door opens, and Mu Tianhao gets out of the car. She is dressed in classic solemnity: the golden buttons on her black shirt are particularly dazzling in the sun, and her lower body is matched with a pair of khaki slim pants and sunglasses on her face.

Xin Shanshan has never seen such a stylish Mu Tianhao for a long time.

She put down her hand, facing the light and looking up at him, Mu Tianhao looked at her with a face of doubt, but took down the sunglasses, "see it."

The sun and his face are blurred. She hasn't seen it yet. As soon as her arm is tight, she has been pushed into the car.

"Luggage" Xin Shanshan quickly reminded.

When the back compartment was opened, she turned around and saw the porter put their suitcases up.

"Although it's morning, it's enough to bask in the sun, and I'm still standing there in a daze." After getting on the bus, Mu Tianhao can't help but say something about her.

However, Xin Shanshan still looked at Mu Tianhao with a smile: "it's just one night. What's wrong with your eyes? Give me another look."

Ha ha, Xin Shanshan really doesn't want to say that Mu Tianhao got angry because of acclimatization. He even hurt his eyes last night.

Mu Tianhao took a left look at the road conditions behind him and turned the car out of the hotel steadily. "What's beautiful? It's ugly."

Xin Shanshan reached out to pick up his sunglasses: "let me see"

Mu Tianhao hid for a while, but she took off his sunglasses.

He drove intently without feeling her eyes.

For a moment, Xin Shanshan closed her sunglasses and put them beside her: "when I go back, let Aunt Wang stew you some soup to get angry."

Mu Tianhao said, "it's OK."

He kept smiling at the corners of his mouth.

"Where did you go in the morning?" Xin Shanshan asked, "did you go out early in the morning?"

Mu Tianhao looked at her with a smile, "you're looking for me"

Xin Shanshan looked out of the window, "I want to remind you not to pull things down."

When her arms sank, she bowed her head, and suddenly felt that she could not say what she felt: "you went to take this in the morning"

at the moment, Xin Shanshan was holding a dowry bottle with a pure fetus in her arms, which was one of the important dowries for girls in the Republic of China to get married, also known as "dusting bottle".

She knows the allusion that Xin Shanshan's fingers touch the white white white embryo. When the girl gets married, she depicts a beautiful figure pastel on the plain fetus. This kind of bottle is placed on the living room policy.

she didn't expect that Mu Tianhao knew it.

When she was visiting the kiln yesterday, she looked at the dowry bottle for a while. Unexpectedly, Mu Tianhao wrote it down.

"Turn around, you draw something on it yourself. After that, I'll let someone do it. After that, it'll be put in the living room." Mu Tian Hao looks at Xin Shanshan and says it with a light tone.

Xin Shanshan put the bottle away seriously, but she didn't say anything about Tian Hao. Moreover, she also directly turned her head to the window.

Mu Tianhao said: "shoot a reality show and tell me how much you have done in private in Jingdezhen"

this is really beyond Mu Tianhao's expectation. Xin Shanshan can do everything in such a meticulous way. She specially studied the identification of porcelain, as well as the characteristics and significance of porcelain in different periods.

I can see that this is what she likes again.She blinked, looked back, and said, "I said that if you're interested, you'll remember better. Don't forget what you promised me."

Mu Tianhao knew that she was talking about shooting.

Want to tease her, then also learn from her just like, deliberately serious driving, silent.

"Hello, hello" Xin Shanshan was worried: "what is your reaction"

Mu Tianhao laughed: "don't worry, I know."

Xin Shanshan held the bottle with a smile, looked around and said, "shall we go back directly now"

Mu Tianhao shook his head: "let's turn around here for a while, and then go after lunch."

Xin Shanshan didn't ask much. After all, Feng nuoyuan didn't go anywhere in the hotel these two days. He wanted to hang around and eat some local characteristics outside.

Because it was too hot, they drove around, and Feng nuoyuan's car followed.

In order to avoid Mu Tianhao from going back to the topic just now, Xin Shanshan carefully put the dowry bottle in the back seat, and then took out her mobile phone to send a message to Lin Wanyi.

What's the situation?

Lin Wanyi quickly replied: it's nothing, but Feng nuoyuan is not very happy.

Xin Shanshan smiles and puts down her mobile phone.

To say that Feng nuoyuan is really hard pressed. Before he came here, he was very excited. However, in this short half month, apart from working in the hotel, he was also very frustrated.

Just last night, I wanted to go out and play by myself. On the way, I was recognized by my fans.

When he left the hotel, he had to let everyone follow him around the city. He was still in high spirits, but it was really no fun to go around. A few people found a place to eat and were ready to go back.

Before getting on the freeway, the car stopped by the side of the road. Mu Tianhao looked at Xin Shanshan and said mysteriously, "wait for me for a moment." Then he untied the safety belt and got out of the car.

Xinshanshan looked at him suspiciously, and saw Mu Tianhao opened the trunk again to get things.

After a while, he came over with a golden dragon and Phoenix double happiness teacup in his hand.

Mu Tianhao handed the cup to Xin Shanshan and asked her to hold it. Then he squeezed out a chocolate bean from the cup and put it into her mouth directly: "this is for you to eat on the way. I saw this cup yesterday and I also bought it."

With chocolate beans in her mouth, she doesn't know what to say about Mu Tianhao.

The car got on the highway.

After a while, she fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took. When she woke up, it was dark outside.

Her body was covered with a thin blanket prepared by Tian Hao. The car stopped and it rained outside.

Xin Shanshan asked, "what's the matter? Where have we been?"

Mu Tianhao turned to see Xin Shanshan wake up and replied, "I'm going to enter B. because of the slippery road in the rain, a series of traffic accidents happened in front of us, and now there is a traffic jam."

The highway was a mess, and when she looked through the windshield, it was black.

In the back, Feng nuoyuan stood outside the car with an umbrella. He looked in front of him and looked at it. He saw that there was no end in sight.

He opened the door again, stood on the high side of the door and looked into the distance. Then he got into the car and looked back at it. He said, "there's no end in front of him. It's blocked. It's raining so hard, and the sight is not good."

Mu Qing was quite calm. He took a sip of the mineral water and said, "didn't you listen to the radio just now? It's a series of traffic accidents, which knocked down about ten cars. We've been stuck here for hours, but there's no life."

Feng nuoyuan fretted to death: "really enough."

Lin Wanyi said: "if you really feel bored, go and call Xin Shanshan over and let's play cards"

Feng nuoyuan also looked at Mu Tianhao when he got off the bus just now. He and Xin Shanshan were on the bus. This is a good opportunity.

"I'm not going." Feng nuoyuan is not a fool. He knows that Mu Tianhao has recently proposed his idea of marriage to Xin Shanshan, but she has never thought about it.

Mu Tianhao doesn't mean that he can't propose directly, but he has to give this matter to Xin Shanshan first, and let Xin Shanshan agree with him. After all, it's not easy for mu family.

Lin Wanyi came to her understanding and said with a smile, "I really shouldn't go."

Feng nuoyuan saw that there were already four people in his car. Lin Wanyi's assistant and other people were assigned to a car. He said, "let's play for a while"

no one paid attention to him.

"If Xue shaoran is here, he will surely play with me for a while."

With that, he even looked at Lin Wanyi.

Lin Wanyi cold face, reached out and pushed open the door, one foot has landed: "I go to see Xin Shanshan."

Before Feng nuoyuan could react, Lin Wanyi had already photographed the door.It's really raining and windy outside.

Lin Wanyi holding an umbrella, is carefully moving the pace, the flying rain wet her trouser legs.

Lin Wanyi walks to Mu Tianhao's car. There is no one in the front row. The rear window is too dark to see inside at all.

She moved slowly for two steps and tapped on the window.

With a very gentle bang, the window fell and the door opened.

Mu Tianhao got out of the car and looked at Lin Wanyi: "what's the matter"

Lin Wanyi looks at Mu Tianhao. His clothes are in good condition, and there is no mess at all.

At the thought of this, Lin Wanyi really wants to knock on her head. What does she think? How hungry and thirsty is mu Tianhao when she blocks the highway in this ghost weather.

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