Mu Tianhao looked around, but no waiter came to serve him. Obviously, the people in the uniform were either cleaning or busy themselves.

In an instant, she regretted.

Mu Tianhao looks at Xin Shanshan. She just lowers her head and doesn't know what she is thinking.

He looked around again, and there was a stack of things at the counter, so he got up and went to the counter.

When Xin Shanshan looked up, she found that Mu Tianhao was gone. She went around and saw that Mu Tianhao had gone to the counter.

Originally, Xin Shanshan thought that Mu Tianhao was smart enough to know how to buy food, but she didn't expect him to order nothing at the counter, so she brought a leaflet to her!

The leaflet is full of all kinds of hamburger rice with beverage combinations, and the price is bigger than hamburger.

After Mu Tianhao sat down again, he whispered to Xin Shanshan, "do you want to get the menu here by yourself?"

Xin Shanshan was sitting opposite Mu Tianhao, her face was black.

She felt that the people around looked at them as if they were looking at monsters. In their present state, they could be found every minute!

But mu Tianhao didn't realize that he was still looking at the so-called menu in his hand!

Now, Xin Shanshan has deeply regretted that she should not have brought Mu Tianhao to eat KFC. Even pizza hut is better than now!

At least, they have a menu for pizza hut. They don't need Mu Tianhao to sit here with a piece of paper and a face of disgust!

"Well, I'll have some." Xin Shanshan felt that it would be sooner or later that she sat down with Mu Tianhao. Now, she didn't care what Mu Tianhao thought. She either left or ate KFC like the normal people. She always sat here like two idiots who didn't know anything.

Xin Shanshan doesn't want to become the hot topic of microblog tomorrow because she eats KFC. She grabs the leaflet from Mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao doesn't agree, but it can be seen that he is obviously not used to this dining environment. From his look at Xin Shanshan's expression, he has not found anything wrong with what he has done!

Of course, she ignored it automatically, took the flyer and went to the counter directly!

She hasn't eaten KFC for a long time. What she wanted most was hamburger, but she didn't think it was cheap. After all, boxed lunch was cheaper. Now she can eat it freely. Naturally, she ordered hamburger, chicken nuggets, French fries and various snacks.

Thinking that Mu Tianhao seemed to like coffee, he ordered him a Xueding coffee, but he was afraid that he could not get used to hamburgers, so he added a portion of rice.

In fact, Xin Shanshan can see that, no matter what environment Mu Tianhao is in, he can describe his eating with elegance. Even if they are reduced to eating with wild food, Mu Tianhao's feeling is not in a mess!

So, Xin Shanshan can't think of Mu Tianhao eating hamburger. At least, there is a plastic fork for rice. I hope he doesn't dislike it!

Not counting the peak period, this is good. You don't have to queue up. The food is fast!

When she said she wanted something, she had to pull her mask down a little. Fortunately, the waiter didn't find out that she was Xin Shanshan. She quickly gave things to her, and she left with the tray.

Back at her seat, Xin Shanshan put the waiting sign first, then handed the drink to Mu Tianhao. She said triumphantly, "do you know what this is? Snow top coffee! What's the difference between your coffee and your usual coffee

She still remembers what Lin Wanyi said, how much Xue shaoran dislikes the coffee in that small shop. Isn't Mu Tianhao saying that he is not picky about his food, should he not dislike it too much?!

Then, she began to eat her own hamburger!

Because she wants to eat, she will take off her mask now!

Mu Tianhao saw that Xin Shanshan was eating with great energy and began to eat her own food.

To be honest, Mu Tianhao of KFC knows that it's the first time that he doesn't come to eat. Moreover, he also feels that he is quite out of place here. He doesn't dislike anything, that is to say It's strange that he's sitting here different from others.

Of course, Xin Shanshan doesn't know about Mu Tianhao's inner activities now. If she knows, she will praise him manually! It seems that he still has self-knowledge!

Took a sip of the drink that Simpson ordered for him Mu Tianhao's face is green.

What was the name of this thing, Simpson?


Mu Tianhao swears that he has never drunk this kind of coffee in his life!

It's sweet and greasy. There's no smell of coffee at all. It can't be said that all the things you bring with coffee smell are called coffee!

However, this is what she ordered for him. Just now she looked like she thought it was good to drink!

Mu Tianhao is not easy to say anything. He puts down the drink and looks at xinshanshan's mouth. When he thinks about their usual eating together, they are quite suitable for each other's appetite. Moreover, she doesn't order this cup of coffee in his hand! I guess she doesn't like it either!So mu Tianhao knocked on the table and said, "Xin Shanshan, I want to exchange the food you eat."

Xin Shanshan was still chewing a hamburger, as if she had not heard Mu Tianhao clearly. She raised her head and asked, "what?"

Mu Tianhao's expression was like a child. He was very uncomfortable: "I said I would exchange it with you. This one of mine is different from yours. It must not be delicious."

Xin Shanshan understood that Mu Tianhao didn't like the food here at all. She didn't say anything. She changed her plate with that of Mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao picks up the hamburger that Xin Shanshan ate half of

Xin Shanshan is ready. Mu Tianhao is going to be angry, but she even sees that Mu Tianhao is eating Very happy.

Suddenly, Xin Shanshan doesn't want to laugh at Mu Tianhao again. Now she feels that Mu Tianhao is very pitiful. It seems that she has never eaten a hamburger!

While Xin Shanshan was watching Mu Tianhao's rare appearance and eating hamburger, the waiter brought the meal: "you ordered the tender beef rice with black pepper, as well as roast chicken wings and purple potato rolls. Your meal is complete."

Xin Shanshan subconsciously raised her head and said with a smile, "thank you."

The waiter was stunned when she saw Xin Shanshan.

Because of eating, Xin Shanshan took the mask and then the sunglasses. She just watched Mu Tianhao eat it and ignored it!

The waiter came to his senses and asked carefully, "are you Simpson

Xinshanshan cried in her heart: no!

She was about to deny it.

The waiter has said for sure, "you are Simpson, that star, xinshanshan!"

Her voice suddenly rose, and instantly attracted the attention of the people around her.

Mu Tianhao is also stunned.

Xinshanshan subconsciously blocked her face: "I'm sorry, you recognize the wrong person."

"How can you block your face when you recognize the wrong person?" The waiters were all excited: "Simpson, I'm a fan of you. I've reserved your movie ticket for" true love is supreme ". You can sign it for me in a moment."

Xinshanshan knew that she couldn't hide. She said, "keep your voice down!"

The waiter is also a hindsight. She covers her mouth in a hurry, but it is too late.

People around already know that Xin Shanshan is eating fast food here. Meanwhile, Mu Tianhao is also surrounded by onlookers.

The crowd rushed up in an instant. They were taking photos, signing and asking for group photos.

Mu Tianhao has never met this kind of situation. He still has a mouthful of hamburger in his hand, and the whole person is sitting there like a muddle.

Xinshanshan could hardly stop seeing the situation. She stood up and pulled Mu Tianhao to run without saying a word.

Mu Tianhao came back in a daze and said, "I haven't eaten anything yet..."

"Still eat!" Xinshanshan was speechless: "you want to eat this, and I'll call you take out later."

Mu Tianhao now can be regarded as a reaction. She doesn't have to start to open the way for Xin Shanshan.

However, he has ignored what the place is!

Mu Shao, think about your advertisement!

Mu's It's the center of the city!

Nima, how many people should there be in the center!

What's more, from the moment she found Xin Shanshan and Mu Tianhao, someone has already sent photos to wechat or microblog, which is a kind of public social networking platform. People who see it nearby have flocked in on a large scale.

There are voices everywhere. There are many fans of Xin Shanshan. Of course, Mu Tianhao has many fans.

As soon as she escaped from KFC, she saw that the vast number of people had already poured in from all directions.

Even though Mu Shao knows that there are onlookers, he has always been a bodyguard. Now Mu Tianhao deeply feels that he can't escort Xin Shanshan away by relying on his own strength. He also has no idea now, so he asks Xin Shanshan: "what should I do?"

Xin Shanshan ran away and said, "find a place to hide and call Wu Meili."

This is the best way he can think of.

As a result, Mu Tianhao took Xin Shanshan into the public toilet and locked the door.

Now, even the reporters are shocked.

Not just fans, but journalists.

After all, this is mu Tianhao and Xin Shanshan going to eat KFC together!

When did people like Mu Tianhao ever do such things.

What's more, the people sitting next to Mu Tianhao and Xin Shanshan saw the whole process from coming in to ordering food, which was originally fun. Nowadays, there are still people who can't eat KFC. If they want to take pictures and post them on the Internet, they don't find that they are stars. Now when they make trouble, the video data will be precious!

The toilet space is very small.

Xin Shanshan gasped and took out her mobile phone to call Wu Meili.

When Wu Meili received a call from xinshanshan, she exploded: "xinshanshan, you see, I'm quite free now, right! You said you could have a good sleep at home and eat some good food on vacation. You have a bad brain and go to eat KFC? If you really want to eat, can you order a takeout? You see which one of the top brands is sitting in a fast food restaurant to eat! Try to find one for meSuch a small space, even if Xin Shanshan can't open the hands-free, Wu Meili scolds Xin Shanshan for being so hi PI, Mu Tianhao should have heard.

Xinshanshan was bitter in her heart, but she couldn't say.

She could only plead: "I was wrong, sister Wu! You hurry to find someone to save us, we are now in the toilet, the reporters are coming, there are people outside, if you don't care about me, I'm afraid I will stay in the toilet until I die! "

Say, still face the mobile phone outside let Wu beautiful listen.

There was a lot of shouting outside, but Wu Meili only heard the noise. She didn't know what it was.

Then there was a knock on the door.

Wu Meili took a deep breath and said, "you? Who are you with? Mo Ke? Or Lin Wanyi! "

If you are not a star, you should not make such a big stir.

Mu Tianhao waved to Xin Shanshan and asked her to give her mobile phone to herself: "Wu Meili, I'm Mu Tianhao. I eat KFC with Xin Shanshan."

Wu Meili sprayed it!

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