No one expected that Mu Tianhao suddenly proposed that the whole class of reality TV should be killed in Paris the next day. Even Xin Shanshan was frightened by Mu Tianhao's sudden suggestion!

However, there is basically no one can object to Mu Shao's decision to do something. What's more, Mu Tianhao's generous invitation to all the people to go to Paris by his private plane is natural.

Until the moment of boarding the plane, Xin Shanshan didn't know what kind of wind Mu Tianhao was smoking, but the others were in high spirits.

Even Lin Wanyi complained about Mu Tianhao, saying, "I've made so much money for you. It's just the first time I've taken your private plane."

And Xin Shanshan noticed that Xue shaoran also followed her this time, and the relationship between him and Lin Wanyi was much more relaxed.

When we get on the plane, we are either resting or looking for various activities.

She got used to it and went to bed when she got on the plane.

Mu Tianhao settled down and walked towards Xin Shanshan. He picked up Xin Shanshan who was about to go to bed with a smile and asked her to sit on her lap: "do you think of where to go?"

"I haven't asked you, why are you going to Paris all of a sudden?" She felt quite used to it.

Mu Tianhao's answer is enough: "anyway, your work in China is over. It's better to go two days in advance and play at that time."

She was speechless.

Mu Tianhao said again, "have you ever thought about where to go?"

"Just hang out," she said

Mu Tianhao chuckled, raised his hand and knocked on Xin Shanshan's forehead. He said, "why do you like shopping so much recently? I remember Xue shaoran said that Lin Wanyi was quite able to buy things. Did she learn from her? "

Lin Wanyi really likes shopping. She goes abroad to pay money on her vacation.

She knows more or less why.

Lin Wanyi said that money can give her enough security for such a long time, so After her work, she naturally likes to throw money out in large quantities so as to bring her a sense of accomplishment.

"No, it's rare to go abroad. Naturally, I can think of going shopping." She said.

Mu Tianhao laughed and said, "you just like it."

The racecourse I went to yesterday afternoon was arranged by Mu Tianhao to get on the plane Xin Shanshan looked at Mu Tianhao and asked tentatively, "Mu Tianhao, I want to ask you Do you know the girl I met in the racecourse with Lin Wanyi yesterday

Mu Tian Hao's eyes didn't lift: "I haven't seen it. Which one do you mean?"

"But she knows your horse," she said

Mu Tianhao released Xin Shanshan: "what do you really want to ask?"

"Nothing. I just think that girl is very good." "Maybe it's not necessarily to know your friends. However, for such a long time, apart from Xue shaoran and the others, they didn't see who you had a particularly good relationship with... "

Mu Tianhao has completely released Xin Shanshan and sits alone. He doesn't speak.

Xin Shanshan didn't dare to look at Mu Tianhao any more. She kept her head down and asked, "are you angry?"

Mu Tianhao did not speak.

She just raised her left hand, and her hair was a little long, because when she came out in the morning, it was loose and tied in the back, leaving only two strands of hair hanging in front of her forehead.

With one of his movements, the bun was unraveled, and his soft black hair fell down. The tip of his hair fell on her shoulder, and he passed through her hair.

Xin Shanshan is a little stunned by Mu Tianhao's tender gesture.

At the moment, Mu Tianhao's action and expression suddenly reminded her that she had read an ancient book.

In ancient times, women would curl their hair after marriage. At night, only the husband could untie his wife's bun to show the everlasting love.

Xin Shanshan doesn't know if Mu Tianhao has read this allusion.

It was just that this tender gesture, made by his hand, really flattered her.

Simpson turned her head slightly to look at him.

"Mu Tianhao..."

There is a tremolo in the voice, which is fear and doubt.

Mu Tianhao suddenly smiles, smiling gently. Raising his hand to her jaw, he leaned over and kissed her.

"Don't tell me who's nice in front of me, even if it's a woman. Because next time, I won't guarantee that I won't ask you for anything. "

This tone is undoubtedly very overbearing and has a certain degree of threat.

Xin Shanshan quietly opened her eyes in the deep kiss from Mu Tianhao. Seeing his gentle side face, she was shocked again.

Was Mu Tianhao threatening her just now?

Xin Shanshan has confirmed that Mu Tianhao knows the woman for sure!

What's more, they may have met at the racecourse yesterday, but why did Mu Tianhao hide from himself?

Xinshanshan some chagrin, have already thought about, he does not want to let oneself know the thing not to explore, how to so can't control oneself?!When she was still in a daze, Mu Tianhao was as calm as the frozen lake in winter, without a trace of waves. It was as if he had never said anything threatening at all.

"Have you figured out where we are going in Paris? But it's not that you haven't been in France before, or do you prefer the way you used to go on holiday? " Mu Tianhao asked with a smile.

She shook her head and said, "all right."

Mu Tianhao again put Xin Shanshan in his arms.

"I want to sleep for a while," she said

Mu Tianhao didn't let go of Xin Shanshan's meaning. Instead, he relaxed his hands in her waist, stroked her skirt, and said with a smile: "how long do you get up and sleep again? It's better to sit for a while."

"Mu Tianhao..." Xin Shanshan said: "even if you want to sit, your hands..."

Come on, his hand is clearly under her skirt.

"Well?" Mu Tian Hao should be careless. He kisses Xin Shanshan's long neck attentively.

Xin Shanshan thinks that the rascal like Mu Tianhao is back again!

She tried hard to avoid the opening of Tianhao's Sao. Harassment, but in vain.

Finally, she couldn't escape. She said helplessly, "Mu Tianhao, everyone is on the plane!"

It's not at home. Let him do whatever he wants!

"This is the room, I know it." Mu Tianhao said this, but it didn't hinder him to continue his actions. By the way, his mouth was not idle to explain his actions: "sometimes, a man's body will not be controlled by reason if he is hungry and thirsty for a long time. Susan, sometimes you should know what a man's instinct is

If you want to do it, you can say it directly. What kind of instinct can you pull!

the doings of Xin Shanshan make complaints about what he did.

Seeing Mu Tianhao's actions getting more and more excessive, Xin Shanshan suddenly thought of one thing. She quickly grasped his hand ready to pull some clothes. Her face was slightly red and her breath was uneven. She said, "can I play a game with you? If you lose, you should let me have a good sleep. At least don't move on the plane!"

Mu Tianhao listened to Xin Shanshan say so, then stopped the action in his hand, immediately provoked a deep smile.

I've learned how to bargain?!

It seems that during his absence, Gu Qing really taught Ning Xingchen many new tricks.

Mu Tianhao was not worried at all. He lowered his head and bit Xin Shanshan's earlobe. His words were extremely gentle: "yes, but what if you lose? If you want to play games with me, you have to come up with some chips I like. "

Xin Shanshan widens her eyes and looks at Mu Tianhao.

Mu Tian Hao raised his hand and covered her eyes with a smile: "don't look at me like this, I will want to kiss you."

Xinshanshan took a breath, took back her eyes directly, and whispered, "if I lose, I will listen to you."

"Good." Mu Tianhao should be very cheerful.

A game begins.

The game is very simple. It's a draw.

Xin Shanshan pinches ten cards. She and Mu Tianhao take turns to draw one or two cards at a time. Whoever draws the last card wins.

This game was played with Lin Wanyi when she was in Jingdezhen before. She said that she learned it from Xue shaoran. At first, Xue shaoran always asked her that she could not run out to work. But later, Lin Wanyi became more and more frustrated and courageous. She studied deeply and finally Xue shaoran can't win her!

She thought it was very interesting, so she taught it to xinshanshan.

Xin Shanshan is sure to win Mu Tianhao!

Finally, Xin Shanshan watched Mu Tianhao draw the last card. Her heart seemed to be dripping blood.

Mu Tianhao plays the last card in his hand, which is the spade K. he smiles at Xin Shanshan, waiting for you to fulfill the bet.

She was a total loser.

She looked at Mu Tianhao weakly: "it must be wrong. I used to smoke like this last time, and you are Lin Wanyi's, but I got the last one last time..."

She suddenly widened her eyes and pointed to Mu Tianhao: "you cheat!"

Mu Tianhao took Xin Shanshan and pointed to her finger and declared, "it's such a pediatric trick that I can't make a thousand thoughts."

Xin Shanshan said: "Lin Wanyi said that she is relying on this game to win Xue shaoran many times. Every time she has a rest time and doesn't want to stay in B city, she plays this game with Xue shaoran. If she wins, she will let her go out to play. If she loses, she will stay in B city to accompany him. She will win again and again!"

Mu Tianhao just laughs.

Xin Shanshan stares at Mu Tianhao: "Lin Wanyi clearly told me all kinds of smoking methods and coping methods. Did I draw the wrong one just now?"

Mu Tianhao's smile gradually became bright: "do you want to know the origin of this game? I played this game with Jiang qianrui before. Later, Jiang qianrui gave it to Xue shaoran, and Xue shaoran used it to tease Lin Wanyi. Therefore, if you want to lose or you want to win, it's Xue shaoran's own meaning! Do you think Lin Wanyi can win Xue shaoran at cards? "Xin Shanshan suddenly withered, she looked at Mu Tianhao, obviously a pair of I want my reward expression, heart has read Lin Wanyi n sentence: you pit goods!

Mu Tianhao suddenly stopped her waist and picked up Xin Shanshan and threw her directly onto the big bed in the room.

"What are you doing?" she said

Mu Tianhao said: "you just said that you lost, all listen to me!"

Xin Shanshan can't help but blush. She certainly knows what Mu Tianhao is going to do.

From Mu Tianhao's point of view, Xin Shanshan's eyes are covered with a layer of water light, which is an amazing temptation.

He put it on the bed. His eyes followed him, almost with a certain aggressiveness.

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