Not only was Xin Shanshan stunned by the way Mu Tianhao was shopping, but even the waiters were dull.

Xin Shanshan has really learned Mu Tianhao's style. She explains to the dull faced waiter, "sorry, he is joking Joking Well, please find any wine taster and we'll see for ourselves. "

Mu Tianhao sneered: "who in here can taste wine better than me? It's better for me to find them myself. "

In a word, this has led to the current situation that Mu Shao is strolling in red wine in person.

However, to be honest, it may be because of the relationship in his own shop that Mu Tianhao seems to have a good temper now, at least much better than when he was stuck on the road.

Although from the beginning to the end is a lazy look, but others saw, it is also worthy of the name of a noble childe's lazy posture.

Xin Shanshan looked at the man's careless pace in front of all kinds of wine cabinets, the kind heart immediately ignited, can not help but give positive praise: "your patience now looks good."

"Well, I feel the same way."


Be modest! Don't you understand modesty?!

Just when Xin Shanshan was embarrassed and regretted that she should not boast about Tian Hao, she only heard the man beside her lazily add a exclamation: "it's more patient than when I was in ML..."


She would like to take the wine and leave immediately!

Mu Tianhao, what are you thinking about when you are shopping

Although Mu Tianhao said that he didn't want to be accompanied by a wine taster, he would not let two distinguished guests just walk around alone. Therefore, the waiter followed them from the beginning to the end.

Mu Tianhao and Xin Shanshan finally arrived at the exhibition area of Chateau Latour under the guidance of the waiters.

She thinks that the waiters here are of first-class quality. They just said they want Chateau Latour red wine, so they didn't specially recommend other red wine for them to buy just now. They just made some appropriate introductions. Moreover, although he knew that Mu Tianhao knew French, he introduced it in English because she didn't understand it!

Although he is not a wine taster, the waiter's words are still very constructive: "in fact, many of the customers here are just like this gentleman. They will bring back more wine from any winery they like. However, if they want more wine in each year, I can recommend some special wines for you and come back if you like The red wine we have here must be the most complete and of the best quality. "

She nodded a little, which was OK.

But mu Tianhao's attention at this time fell on the wine shelf on display. He glanced at it at will and asked, "who put this wine in?"

The waiter didn't expect that Mu Tianhao's tone suddenly became so bad. However, with the good training, she said: "today's exhibitor is a new comer. Do you think there is something wrong with him?"

"Fired him!"

Mu Tianhao blurted out.

"Ah The waiter was stunned on the spot.

Xin Shanshan quickly waved her hand: "er No, he didn't mean that... "

The waiter's face softened and said, "why don't I introduce some good years of this winery for you?"

Mu Tianhao took a look at Xin Shanshan and said, "why don't I fire the damned Chen Lieshi? As you all know, this wine is not put in this way at all! Who allowed him to stand up those bottles of wine? Don't he know that red wine must be soaked in cork for a long time to prevent the deterioration of wine caused by air circulation

Xinshanshan pulled the curtain Tianhao and said, "Mu Tianhao, can we buy red wine and go back soon?"

Everyone is still waiting at home, but he has come in disguise as a visiting master! What's more, Xin Shanshan is really hungry now. She just ate a piece of barbecue and was pulled out by Mu Tianhao, OK!

Mu Tianhao looks down at Xin Shanshan.

Although the girl is most of the time, like a little lion, she is just a cat who is not very obedient! When you think about it, although she behaves a little rough sometimes, she is definitely a kind-hearted girl. Look at what she has been bullied into, but at the most, she doesn't want to act in front of the media. Even if she has passed the examination, she has never mentioned that she should let him give her a breath. On the contrary, she is just relying on her own efforts to surpass her professional field. That's all!

He called her out loud, "Simpson."


"Have you ever bullied people?"


Mu Tianhao, you think everyone is the same as you!

Xin Shanshan couldn't change Mu Tianhao's sudden thinking, so she could only answer honestly: " No"Bullying is such an interesting thing that you have no interest in doing?"

Xinshanshan some powerless reply: "no interest..."

Does Mu Tianhao think that everyone is like him and likes to bully people easily?!

Mu Tianhao seemed to be very interested. He chased her, and suddenly bent down to lure her with his lips What about me

Now, she was really scared.

If he didn't bully her, she didn't have that grand ideal to bully him.

Xin Shanshan looks at Mu Tianhao's eyes, which is almost persistent and conscientious. She unconsciously takes a step back. However, she doesn't expect that Mu Tianhao is already fast. Xin Shanshan puts her arm around her waist and takes her to him with a strong force.

Xin Shanshan is really fed up with Mu Tianhao!

She squeezed out a warning from her teeth: "Mu Tianhao! This is a public place - "

Mu Tianhao is quite indifferent to pick eyebrows:" so? "

An attitude that doesn't take anyone seriously

She closed her eyes.

She knows Mu Tianhao too well. Once the man's interest comes up, he will continue to do whatever he likes regardless of time and place.

Xinshanshan looked up and could only answer his question solemnly: "I don't like bullying people, so I'm not interested in bullying you."

Besides, is he Mu Tianhao such a good bully? It's not that she's tired of living to find the rhythm of death.

Mu Tianhao smiles and answers as expected.

He slowly straightened up, eyes firmly locked her, full of fun, the seductive gesture on his face like a mirror, gradually hidden in no trace.

Mu Tianhao called her again: "Xin Shanshan."

Xin Shanshan's whole body trembled.

I don't know why, sometimes when Mu Tianhao calls her naturally, the trace of anger in her voice makes her beat the drum in her heart.

Nervous, she bravely replied: "I'm sorry Why

Mu Tianhao suddenly reached out and touched her face, and her lips curled slightly.

"But now I really want you to bully someone who once bullied you, so that he can know what repentance is."


Xin Shanshan was stiff. She finally determined that Mu Tianhao was not joking with her at this moment, but was talking to her seriously!

And someone in his mouth, xinshanshan almost subconsciously spits out the word.

Did he know something

Xin Shanshan's eyes sank from Mu Tianhao's body. She lowered her head in silence and followed the consistent negative attitude of "ignore him, it's good to ignore him", and she didn't go to his words.

Xin Shanshan doesn't want Mu Tianhao to interfere with her own affairs.

Any girl who has been treated like that before will not want her boyfriend to know!

Mu Tianhao sees that Xin Shanshan has been lowering her head, her eyelids are slightly drooping, and the breath of silence seems to be plated with a layer of cold breath around her body.

This kind of xinshanshan makes Mu Tianhao feel extremely uneasy. As if to eliminate this kind of uneasiness, his arm suddenly exerted force and pressed Xin Shanshan's body into his arms and lifted it gently.

Xin Shanshan is really shocked by Mu Tianhao's intimate action. She raises her eyes and looks at Mu Tianhao. She puts her hands on his chest and says in a hurry: "what are you going to do..."

Mu Tianhao stares at Xin Shanshan's eyes. The voice of sex and feeling contains a trace of imperceptible anger. He spills a sentence from his lips: "tell me, what were you thinking just now?"

Xin Shanshan was shocked.

Mu Tianhao's tone of voice makes her heartless, which makes her suddenly feel cold.

"No, I just want to know what year Lin Wanyi wants..." Xin Shanshan's eyes dodge the opening day Hao's eyes to see the red wine on the wine rack.

Mu Tianhao's eyes are too sharp, as if she had been staring at him for a long time and then became transparent. No secret would be hidden from him.

Mu Tianhao does not speak. A deep light in her eyes only locked her.

The sense of oppression swept through her body in an instant.

She suddenly felt that she had just done an extremely bad thing. She should not have thought about the previous problem in front of Mu Tianhao.

"Xin Shanshan..."

Mu Tianhao suddenly called her name gently, as if with a smile. He said, "you haven't answered my proposal just now. Do you want to bully people?"

Facing such a question, Xin Shanshan has no way to answer it. She never wanted to ask Mu Tianhao to intervene.

What's more, from the heart, she felt that she was very good now. She didn't want to hate anyone, let alone talk about revenge and so on.

Hate is a double-edged sword, revenge on the other side at the same time, also destroyed her own, so she is not willing to live in her own future life.But she couldn't understand Mu Tianhao's words.

Because Mu Tianhao is different from her.

Xin Shanshan believes that if Mu Tianhao is willing, even with such background and identity, he will try to get her to the point of disgrace!

However, compared with Mu's, Zhu's consortium is not weak!

What should Mu Tianhao pay to accomplish this She didn't dare to think about it!

After all, this is her own business, and she is not willing to revenge!

Maybe it was Xin Shanshan who had been staring at the wine rack for too long. When she saw one of the bottles of red wine, she suddenly thought of which year Lin Wanyi wanted.

"Ah, I remember that Lin Wanyi wanted Chateau Latour 1982." Xin Shanshan quickly smiles and looks at Mu Tianhao: "let's go back with the wine. I'm hungry, and I haven't eaten anything!"

Mu Tianhao laughs playfully. He touches Xin Shanshan's hair, but unexpectedly, he takes a step back and follows her words: "take another two bottles of penfol. Feng nuoyuan likes to drink them."

She nodded and was relieved.

She didn't even look at Mu Tianhao, but she didn't dare. She took the red wine and passed by.

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