The image of Xin Shanshan in "wild adventure" and the charming Yuxuan in "red face in troubled times" are two extreme contrasts.

These two types of screenshots appear on microblogs almost in the form of swiping the screen.

Now, people who are on the Internet, even if they don't know the program "wild adventures" or the movie "beauty in troubled times", they absolutely know the face of Xin Shanshan.

All kinds of expression bags, various pictures, various PS with network popular words

She even finished her first step of brushing her face in front of the public.

Even Wu Meili was surprised. How could Xin Shanshan's face come out in this way overnight? Sure enough Experts are in the folk.

"Liuguang international", the exclusive meeting room of xinshanshan studio.

Now, she has basically completed the construction of her studio in Liuguang international.

To tell you the truth, Wu Meili is very satisfied with the current class. Although the number of people in the studio is not the largest among the artists of "Liuguang international", and the office space occupied is also small, the staff in their team are absolutely heavyweight!

It is needless to say that Xiaoxue is also excellent. Both of them signed a direct contract with Liuguang international. To put it bluntly, Mu Tianhao pointed it out to Xin Shanshan. Their income is a mystery. Wu Meili doesn't know how much they can earn. Whether there is a direct interest relationship between them and Xin Shanshan. However, the performance of these two people, so far let Wu Meili pick out nothing.

But one thing Wu Meili knows is that she doesn't have to worry about what kind of image she will present on any occasion in the future.

Xiao Mo's relationship is directly related to Xin Shanshan. How much she can earn depends on her state. Obviously, Xiao Mo's income is worrying. Fortunately, Xiao Mo is a new human being. She does things carefully and does not talk much. She is a very calm little girl.

The other two men are drivers and emergency workers, which is nothing to worry about.

The only person that makes Wu Meili feel a little uncertain is Chen Jing. During this period of xinshanshan's renovation, Chen Jing can bring her several resources. With her current popularity, to tell the truth, the resources provided by Chen Jing are really rare. If put in the past, Wu Meili thinks that this is a pie in the sky, but now, she thinks there are Some questions. #@It's not time for the meeting. Now, there are only two people in the conference room: Xin Shanshan and Wu Meili.

Wu Meili put Chen Jing's several jobs on the table: "now there are two TV drama scripts, these two TV plays are from a studio, do you want to see it?"

Xin Shanshan roughly flipped over, a little surprised: "is it the script of Pang Hua studio?"

Pang Hua is a wonderful person in the circle. He is a screenwriter himself, and he is also a gold medal screenwriter. It can be said that he is the first person in China to mix up the writing profession to his degree.

Pang Hua has his own studio, and his studio has signed several artists. %&(&

if there are any characteristics of the artists signed by Pang Hua studio, it is a word: tender!

What is the flower of the film academy and the school grass of the drama academy? The whole picture is big eyes, big white face and long legs!

Moreover, Pang Hua is a talented person. The TV dramas produced by his plays are all the top ratings in the major satellite TV stations, and the artists used in them are also very popular, becoming the representative figures of the new generation of idols.

Although Wu Meili's two plays for Xin Shanshan are not female masters, the parts in them are quite heavy. The quality of the scripts is good, and the films will be popular. Wu Meili knew that opportunities were rare, but she always felt that there were some problems, so she took them out to discuss with Xin Shanshan.

"What do you mean?" Xin Shanshan closed the script. Since Wu Meili showed it to her, she must have gone through it.

"With your current reputation, it's really hard to find such resources," Wu said. What's more, Pang Hua's studio has always held up only its own artists, and it's hard to get such a role. You've seen the script, too. What do you mean? "

With her eyelids down, she is stuck in her present job and has no choice for the time being.

Although the film is about to be released, and now it is also the publicity period, she is only a third rate role in it. She fought with Feng nuoyuan, so it is impossible for her to follow her every day for publicity.

Xin Shanshan also knows about the micro blog, but after all, there are only a few pictures. It will not take too long to swipe the screen for a week. If she doesn't have any works published in the near future, she will soon become transparent shrimps again.

Now, the two scripts of Pang Hua studio are the best choice.

But she didn't want to shoot!

After careful consideration, Xin Shanshan shook her head to Wu Meili: "I don't think it's appropriate."

Wu Meili didn't expect that Xin Shanshan could give the answer so soon. Even she hesitated for a long time and couldn't make up her mind: "actually, I think there is a problem, but can you tell me your reason?"She was about to open her mouth when the others pushed the door in.

Seeing this, Wu Meili did not ask any more questions. She waved her hand to indicate that we could hold a meeting.

As soon as Chen Jing sat down, she asked, "have you seen Pang Hua's two plays, Shanshan? We'd better make a decision today, because there are still candidates in Pang Hua's studio. We won't have a chance to reply today. "

Simpson didn't speak.

Wu Meili thinks it's better to open her own mouth. She is about to say her refusal when the door of the meeting room opens again.

This time it was Xiaohua!

Xiaohua first nodded to Wu Meili as a sign of greeting, then looked at Xin Shanshan: "Miss Xin, please go over to Mu Shao."

As the big boss of "Liuguang international", Mu Tianhao asks Xin Shanshan to go alone from time to time. The blind can see what's going on!

Wu Meili held this meeting today mainly to ask whether Xin Shanshan wants to shoot Pang Hua's TV series. Since Xin Shanshan has decided not to do it, there will be nothing wrong.

Mu Tianhao calls in. Wu Meili doesn't say that she wears a bow on Xin Shanshan and presents her hands so unruly. But she also wishes that she quickly rolls over to Mu Tianhao to see if there is any good thing for her to do.

She didn't say much. She stood up and was ready to leave.

Chen Jing, seeing Xin Shanshan go like this, suddenly stood up and stopped her: "Shanshan, you haven't signed a contract with Pang Hua, this matter can't be delayed."

Wu Xinshan is not willing to see the beautiful TV series.

Wu Meili said: "Chen Jing, Shanshan is not going to make Pang Hua's TV series."

Chen Jing seems not to believe in general, she did not pay attention to Wu Meili, but directly looked at Xin Shanshan: "Shanshan, you have to know how rare this opportunity is, how many people outside want to make Pang Hua's TV series have no way out. Do you know how many relationships I have gone to win back this opportunity for you?"

Xiaohua saw that Xin Shanshan was trapped in the meeting room. He did not say much. He only said one sentence: "Miss Xin, Mu Shao doesn't like waiting for people."

"I'm sorry, Chen Jing. I don't have any plans to take over the TV series at present, which bothers you." Xin Shanshan politely explained the matter to Chen Jing.

What else does Chen Jing want to say? Xiaohua's eyes have swept over, so she can only shut up.

Xin Shanshan follows Xiao Hua.

Chen Jingli and Wu Meili said: "sister Wu, you have been in this business for a long time. You should also know what Pang Hua's TV series means! She is young and immature, but a qualified agent can't let the artists in her hands do things according to her temperament! "

Wu Meili doesn't know what Chen Jing came from. She has also inquired about it. The only thing she can get is that Chen Jing has a wide range of contacts in this field. Two months ago, she moved to Liuguang international, where Xin Shanshan's studio was to be set up.

"I have some reservations about taking over Pang Hua's TV series. It's not what Shanshan meant alone." Wu Meili is very polite to Chen Jing.

Chen Jing sneered: "originally I didn't want to mention it. Since I've talked about it today, I have to say something. Take the last announcement as an example. My opinion is to be the host of "happy weekend", but you have to follow Xin Shanshan to that "wild adventure"! Now that the show is out, do you know what she has gained? Tang Xin, who took over Xin Shanshan as the host of "happy weekend", has changed from a little-known character to a new generation of variety goddess! Now many TV groups are waiting to sign her up as the host of the new program. Which program is better? You should know better than me

Wu Meili knows all these things, but she doesn't want to say some things.

Chen Jing's work arrangement for Xin Shanshan is not wrong. Even, she gives her a better chance.

Wu Meili lowered her head a little. She didn't want to have more disputes with Chen Jing on this matter. As for Xin Shanshan, she had her own way to plan. She said, "I think Shanshan also has her own ideas. This matter is decided in this way."

Chen Jing laughed angrily when she heard Wu Meili say so. She packed up the documents in her hand and said coldly, "since you insist, I won't say anything. It's just that you may not know the rules of" Liuguang international ". Let me remind you, it's the end of June, and it's only half a year from the end of the year."

With that, Chen Jing took the lead in leaving the conference room.

Wu Meili was stunned. What is the rule of "Liuguang international"?!

Xin Shanshan originally thought that the place Xiaohua took herself to was Mu Tianhao's office, but when she got into the elevator, Xiaohua pressed the floor of the underground parking lot directly.

"Mu Shao is in the car." Xiao Hua explained the sentence.

She nodded to show that she knew.

Walking out of the elevator, Xiaohua took a direction toward xinshanshan.As soon as Xin Shanshan passed by, Mu Tianhao's car skidded over and the window fell, revealing his beautiful and excessive face: "get in the car."

Xinshanshan didn't know that she even hooked the corner of her lip. She was very skillful and got on Mu Tianhao's car.

The moment the door is closed, Mu Tianhao accelerates the car. He goes out of the underground parking lot like photoelectricity, mingles with the traffic flow, and goes up the viaduct all the way.

After driving for a long time, Mu Tianhao did not speak.

Xinshanshan also did not say a word, she tilted her head, hand has been rubbing the mobile phone, as if thinking about things.

Mu Tianhao took a look at Xin Shanshan and opened his mouth, but asked, "is the rest enough?"

"Well?" Xin Shanshan didn't respond to what Mu Tianhao meant.

Mu Tianhao said, "there are still three months to go before your film is released. Do you have any arrangements in the middle?"

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