Xin Shanshan looks back at Mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao sits there motionless. He stands on the armrest of the chair with one hand and looks at her slightly.

"What would you like to drink?" she asked

Mu Tianhao doesn't answer. He looks at her. His arm, which was on the armrest of the chair, is lifted up. Easily, he grabs Xin Shanshan's wrist. With a little effort, she falls into his arms.

Mu Tianhao raised his hand and gathered the scattered hair in front of Xin Shanshan's forehead behind his ear. His gesture was gentle and cool.

"How about eating you?" His tone was light, even gentle.

She lowered her head and turned red.

"Kiss me, and I'll put you up."

Maybe it's Xin Shanshan's shy gesture that please Mu Tianhao now. He doesn't embarrass her any more. He talks with her in a tone of seeking the next best.

Xin Shanshan really does not have mu Tianhao's shameless ability, let alone in front of so many people's face and he to such a tune. Love, even in private, she is rarely like this.

But Xin Shanshan also knew that if she didn't do it, Mu Tianhao would not be able to ask for it!

She raised her head and quickly gave Mu Tianhao a kiss on the cheek, struggling to get up from his leg.

Although this kiss is not as good as he intended for mu Tianhao, it is really the limit for Xin Shanshan to show her love in front of so many people.

It doesn't matter. In private, he can make up for it all.

At the thought of this, Mu Tianhao was in a good mood. He let Xin Shanshan go, let her go and let Lin Wanyi go.

When she leaves.

Feng nuoyuan took the lead in opening his mouth: "Mu Tianhao, I don't know. You can be so bored and crooked!"

On the screen of Tian Hao recently to Xin Shanshan, can really be regarded as let Feng nuoyuan break the glasses!

This is mu Tianhao. When did he learn to show his strength in front of so many people!

Mu Tianhao is indifferent to pick eyebrows: "greasy crooked? Just want to kiss her

His tone is very plain, but it is also true.

Real let Feng nuoyuan and Xue shaoran listen to can't help but some moved.

Feng nuoyuan put away his joking gesture and asked softly, "is that what you said true?"

Mu Tianhao raised his eyes and looked at Feng nuoyuan: "what's really?"

"It's about the Mu consortium." Feng Nuo is far away.

Seeing that Feng nuoyuan raised this question, Xue shaoran said, "you have to think about this matter carefully. Although Xiaohua is your person, you give him a whole" Mu's Consortium "!"

In the face of such a huge wealth, Xue shaoran is hard to believe that Xiaohua will not turn back in the face of a foot in the door!

Feng nuoyuan nodded his head and rarely said seriously: "Tianhao, I think you really listen to Xue shaoran's opinions on this matter. Although I also know that Xiaohua is really the most reliable person, can there be no other way?"

Xue shaoran also said: "what's more, you make so much noise, plus the things you plan, Xin Shanshan will not be sad for you."

From the beginning to the end, Mu Tianhao is quiet, listening to the alternation of Feng nuoyuan and Xue shaoran.

He knows what they said, but

Feng nuoyuan and Xue shaoran watched the curtain of Tianhao without saying a word. They were worried.

Xue shaoran said: "we talk, you listen to it or not."

Mu Tianhao then opened his mouth: "I understand what you said, but I have my own reason. The people I use, of course, I believe 100% and there is no mistake. As for Simpson, it's really a problem. How can I let her feel sorry for me

It's really the tone of meeting a big event!

Feng nuoyuan's eyes widened: "Mu Tianhao, you are simply..."

"What is it? It was meant to be done for her, and it would not be good to make her sad. " Mu Tianhao's light mouth.

Feng nuoyuan kept shaking his head: "you are crazy Really crazy... "

Xue shaoran frowned and asked seriously, "Mu Tian Hao, are you really playing?"

"And fake?" "Don't worry, I have a sense of propriety in my heart," Mu Tianhao said

Xue shaoran said, "good luck! Besides, have you told the family about this, Simpson! What's more, what you're doing now, Simpson, are you serious? "

They all know that Xue shaoran's sentence is serious. If Mu Tianhao nods, he is ready to run for marriage.

When it comes to home, it's really a headache for mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao raised his hand and ground his forehead with his little finger: "if you are at home, talk about it again."

Mu Tianhao doesn't want to have a conflict with his parents because of this. He has to spend so much time.With regard to Xue shaoran's "seriousness", Mu Tianhao feels that he likes Xin Shanshan so much now, and that he really wants to get married!

The point is, Simpson, this girl!

Mu Tianhao is not a fool. Of course, you can see what attitude she is holding!

He's not in a hurry. Take your time.

After listening to Mu Tianhao's words, Feng nuoyuan suddenly remembered one thing and directly asked, "Xin Shanshan, do you think she has such a plan?"

In a word, the atmosphere of the scene immediately seemed to change the channel.

Mu Tianhao's face sank slightly.

Although Xue shaoran felt that Feng nuoyuan's words were too direct, he also felt that this was the reason.

She's not like the other women.

My side Mu Tianhao felt that many things were clear and could not understand any more, but she was stunned and did not react at all!

However, Mu Tianhao had a sense of propriety in his mind. He could see that Xin Shanshan didn't want to marry now. He could see that this was what he didn't express clearly.

There are some things that can be implied, but clearly said If xinshanshan hesitates, he must be unhappy. She will be afraid again, which will affect her present relationship!

Xue shaoran looked at Mu Tianhao's face. After thinking about it, he said something in his heart: "Mu Tianhao, let me tell you the truth, but don't get me wrong. I don't mean anything else. Although I haven't seen much of this, I think she's a good girl. If I ask you to let it go, you have to understand what your feelings are. Don't look back. You regret it again... "

This is marriage!

It's not acting!

There is no reason to go back!

Feng nuoyuan nodded, which he also meant.

Mu Tianhao completely stopped talking. No one could understand what he meant now.


Lin Wanyi and Xin Shanshan didn't go to the video room to see a movie, but returned to Xin Shanshan's room.

The room was obviously always prepared, even though it was their first visit to the villa.

After I came in, I found that there was a door set inside. I pushed it open to find out that it was a cloakroom, and it was full of clothes.

Xinshanshan looked, and her villas in the country are basically similar to the clothes she usually wear.

Lin Wanyi likes Xin Shanshan's cloakroom very much. She also knows that it may have been arranged by Mu Tianhao.

A lot of clothes inside are custom-made, which can't be bought outside. Although most of them are comfortable clothes for daily wear, there are still various dresses.

Lin Wanyi is now trying on Xin Shanshan's dress.

When she was holding her breath, when she managed to put a smoky grey Strapless skirt on the ground, she was not able to breathe enough: "you say you are too thin! It's just like the zero model on the runway. It's so tight for me

Xin Shanshan went to tidy up the skirt for Lin Wanyi and said, "do you like this one? I like it for you. "

Lin Wanyi quickly waved her hand: "come on, I just look at the beautiful dress and play. You don't know. We can wear our own clothes several times when we go to serious occasions."

Simpson laughed.

Lin Wanyi looked at herself in the mirror and took a lot of photos. When she was beautiful enough, she changed her clothes.

As she was tidying up, she said to Xin Shanshan: "in fact, Mu Tianhao is really good to you. OK, I envy you sometimes! Mu Tianhao's good method to you is absolutely unique in terms of this relationship! "

Xin Shanshan shakes her head, does not deny Mu Tianhao's kindness to her, but does not show any other emotions.

Lin Wanyi hangs up her clothes and looks at Xin Shanshan.

Xin Shanshan also looked at Lin Wanyi, and suddenly a sentence came out: "what if there is an accident?"

If Xue shaoran is serious about Lin Wanyi?!

Lin Wanyi was stunned by xinshanshan's saying, but immediately, she said definitely: "No

"How do you know it won't?" she said

Lin Wanyi was not willing to say more, but when Xin Shanshan asked, she said why Xue shaoran wanted to find her.

Xin Shanshan was stunned and stunned. At last, she realized that her feelings were in Xue shaoran's, and Lin Wanyi was a stand in!

Looking at Xin Shanshan, Lin Wanyi said slowly, "Xue shaoran is kind to me. I don't know how much of it is for the person he wants to look for, and some of it is for me."

"But will Xue shaoran allow you to leave?" Xin Shanshan looks at Xue shaoran's attitude towards Lin Wanyi, not to mention that she will let Lin Wanyi leave. It is estimated that Lin Wanyi dares to show a little intention of leaving, and Xue shaoran can swallow her alive.Lin Wanyi was silent for a moment and said, "we are going to separate at last."


They are in full swing in France.

China's "true love first" was also released on Chinese Valentine's day.

This is just a love story. If you talk about selling points, you can only talk about actors.

Xin Shanshan, Huo Yuhua, and all the fresh meat, plus the participation of old artists.

Then add the original reader base of the original novel.

As soon as the film is released, the effect is still very good.

But in the box office, a week later, although the performance is good, it can not be compared with other foreign summer blockbusters.

It can only be said that in the same type, it is a good performance at the box office.

As for those who have seen the film, they will inevitably compare the film with the novel.

some people think as like as two peas, Xin Shanshan's interpretation of the film is exactly the same as that of the original man, but the emotional drama of Michael and white crane is not the highlight of the movie. They all feel that the man is too cold and clear, and he is rational and fearful with his treatment of white crane.

However, the scene in which Xin Shanshan cried at Han Tongsheng was the scene when Han Tongsheng was jailed. It really pricked many people's tears!

Everyone praised her for her wonderful performance.

And Huo Yuhua, had seen the stills, people thought he was still very good, but the whole film, good is good, but there is no bright spot that people can remember.

As a result, many people began YY. If Feng nuoyuan played baihexiao, would it be better?

For a while, Xin Shanshan and Feng nuoyuan, the most unlikely CP couple, started to stir up again. The most widely circulated moving picture, of course, was the one in which Xin Shanshan kisses Feng nuoyuan at the film awards ceremony!

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