On the plane.

Can be because the night before yesterday to hi, the whole day sleep, now not sleepy, also did not sleep.

Bored, she began to count the head, counting to find a missing person ah!

Mokora pulled the nearest Feng nuoyuan and whispered, "why didn't you see Mu Shao?"

Xue shaoran all followed Lin Wanyi. Among them, what Xin Shanshan wants to see most should not be mu Tianhao!

Feng Nuo yuan side lower body, said: "Mu Tianhao temporary business, he changed tomorrow's plane."

Mo Ke nodded i see.

Mu's consortium building, Mu Tianhao's office.

At nine o'clock in the evening, except for the light on the curtain wall, the whole building was dark.

The light is on in Mu Tianhao's office. Xiao Hua is sitting opposite him.

"This is all the data about the operation of funds. There are two copies in total. Ordinary people can't see the difference." Xiaohua gives the information to Mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao went through it again, and the account was really good.

Xiaohua did not understand: "what do you want this for?"

Mu Tianhao laughed: "useful."

Xiaohua didn't ask any more questions. He went on to say, "this side has begun to mobilize funds. Recently, the stock price of Mu's company has not been very good. She has collected a lot of retail shares and has held 11% of its shares."

"Give us money, a lot." Mu Tianhao said, "she should be looking for you very often recently."

Xiaohua nodded: "however, she pays more attention to the rapid development of charitable funds. You have also read the accounts. Of the accounts we have made, only 10% of them are directly used for charity projects. The remaining 90% are all in the name of charity and entered into the Mu's caituan's account. However, there is no such item in the charity accounts, and 100% of them are only on charity projects. "

The accounts are very flat, not professional. I can't see the difference between the two accounts.

"Leave her alone," Mu said

"When will I give this information to?" Xiaohua is still asking Mu Tianhao for his opinion.

"You can't hand it in until you give her enough price. She's in the United States now. As long as no one deliberately reveals this, she won't know. When she comes back, I'll give her a brand-new" Liuguang international. "

Xiaohua nodded: "I understand."

The business is over.

When Mu Tianhao got up, he said to Xiao Hua, "OK, you've been very busy recently. How are the wedding preparations going?"

Referring to this, Xiaohua's serious face inevitably showed a little smile: "not urgent."

"Are you not in a hurry or Huo Shanshan's not?" Mu Tianhao made fun of Xiaohua and said, "I only know that your father is very anxious."

Xiaohua said: "Shanshan still miss the book, I also want to wait for the end of this matter, you go back to Mu's home after the wedding."

"Also..." Mu Tian Hao said: "by then, you will be the president of Mu's talent group. Shanshan has not married the wrong person."

"Mu Shao, I..." What Xiaohua wants to say in a hurry.

Mu Tianhao stopped him: "what I said to you is for you. Mu's is the painstaking efforts of both of us. Whoever is in charge of the business is the same. You don't know the operation and future development direction of the whole group. Xiaohua, I don't want you to follow me to the muddy waters of Mu's house. If you manage Mu's family well, you will give me the greatest help."

Xiaohua nodded: "I see. Besides, Mu Shao, there is one more thing I want to tell you. "

"Well?" Mu Tianhao raises eyebrows.

Xiao Hua said, "it's about Miss Xin."

Mu Tianhao stopped his movements and said, "you say so."

Xiao Hua said, "Miss Xin's old house has been returned recently, but she only stayed for one night and left. Recently, a person in our company has been staying on the opposite road. He has been recording the license plate numbers one by one

"What does it look like?" Asked Mu Tianhao.

Xiaohua took a photo, but it was obviously cut from the surveillance video. It was not taken secretly, and it was not clear.

"That's him."

Mu Tianhao took the photo and looked at it. He was a very old man. His hair was gray, and he looked timid. His clothes were also shabby. He carried a plastic bag. It can be seen that he held the plastic bag tightly, just like all his belongings.

After a pause, Mu Tianhao said, "OK, you don't have to look at this person. No matter who he is looking for, Xin Shanshan is not in China now, and she is not afraid of anything. I originally wanted to have a drink with you tonight. After all, this event has been prepared by now. It's time to celebrate. You know that I have to leave again tomorrow... "

Xiao Hua follows Mu Tianhao all the way out.

"But it suddenly occurred to me that something was going on at night." When Mu Tianhao entered the elevator, he patted Xiaohua on the shoulder: "is it too late to let you go to Shanshan for a date now?"Xiaohua laughs: "Shanshan exam."

After entering the elevator, Xiao Hua pressed the floor.

Mu Tianhao said: "you are a good girlfriend, but you like reading too much."

Xiaohua was embarrassed to scratch his head: "when I went to school, I knew."

Mu Tianhao said, "say it when you get married and give you a big gift."

"Thank you." Xiaohua was not polite to Mu Tianhao and said, "you have money anyway."

Mu Tianhao ordered Xiao Hua and drove away.

Everyone went to the United States, including the agent of Feng nuoyuan.

However, Wu Meili did not go.

She was asked to take charge of many domestic affairs. Moreover, she only stayed in the United States for half a year to study, and she did not come back.

Now, Wu Meili has begun to select the script for xinshanshan to start next year.

When she comes out of the company after her busy work, it will be nearly ten o'clock.

Drive all the way home.

After stopping the car, Wu Meili's nerves, which had collapsed for a day before getting off the bus, suddenly relaxed and fell asleep on the steering wheel.

I don't know how long she slept. Suddenly she heard that the back of the car seemed to be knocked. Wu Meili woke up in a moment. She turned on the lights and no one passed by. She put the car into reverse gear and looked at the image on the reversing radar. No one was there.

I looked at the time, but it was only ten minutes.

Wu Meili realized that she might be sleeping in the car.

After packing, Wu Meili gets off the bus.

When she went to the building hole, she suddenly saw a person hiding in the corner outside, dark, hiding behind her car.

"Who!" Wu Yimei called out.

There was a man hiding there.

Hearing her voice, I didn't know I wanted to run, but I shrank back.

If it's hiding in another place, according to Wu Meili's temper, she certainly doesn't care. However, the person hides beside her car. With the sound just now, Wu Meili knows that it's not an illusion. She takes out her mobile phone from her bag, presses the shortcut key 110, and puts her finger on the dial, and then she walks towards the car.

"Who! Come out. Did you steal the car? I called the police! " Wu Meili shouts very high. This community is too old and there is no garage. Many people's cars just stop at will. She yells on purpose, hoping that someone will hear that they can steal their own cars and get down quickly.

The man seemed to see that Wu Meili was getting closer and closer. He didn't hide any more. He turned around and ran away.

Wu Meili pretended to chase for two steps before she found that the other side's legs and feet seemed to be inconvenient. She limped when she ran.

So late, Wu Meili did not want to chase for her own safety, but she did not dare to go upstairs so quickly, so she stood in the same place and looked at it from afar. Her hand did not leave the mobile phone from the beginning to the end.

When the figure ran to the street lamp, Wu Meili's eyes narrowed, staring at the figure tightly, and suddenly ran after him, shouting: "stop!"

The man's legs were not convenient and he was not running fast. He seemed to hear that Wu Meili didn't intend to chase him. He didn't run as hard as he could.

But after this "stop", he did not care about the inconvenience of his legs and feet, and ran forward with all his strength.

I'm about to run out of the neighborhood.

The street lights on the side of the road are brighter.

Wu Meili didn't give up chasing. She ran and cried, "stop! I'll call the police if you don't stop! "

The man was in a hurry and fell to the ground.

Before she could get up and run again, Wu Meili was already in front of her.

He buried his head in a hurry, revealing only a gray head of hair.

Wu Meili didn't get too close, so she looked at him from a few steps away, getting closer.

It's already at the gate of the community.

In a dilapidated community, the one who looks at the gate is not responsible. Such a high voice has not affected his sleep. All year round, the gate here has not been closed.

"You..." Wu Meili unconsciously, her voice trembled.

The man knew that he couldn't run. Maybe he had a fall just now. His legs and feet, which were already inconvenient, were even more painful. He couldn't stand up. He just sat on the ground and didn't move.

Wu Meili found her voice after a long time: "what do you do! What are you sneaking around my car for

"I..." His voice sounded very old: "I don't do anything, just Just passing by... "

"Look up Wu Meili is getting closer.

The man shrunk and hid from Wu Meili: "girl, I'm dirty. You're dressed so well. Don't be so close to me. I'm not a bad man..."

Wu Meili's tears suddenly fell down: "are you not a bad man? Abandon his wife and daughter, run away in arrears, adopt other people's children, do not know the responsibility, still run after the debt! You never have a sense of responsibility in your life. You never know how many sins others have suffered for you. You are a person who dares to say that you are not a bad person! "“……”

A long silence.

The man slowly put down the arm that covered his face, and finally, raised his face.

Wu Meili looked at him for so many years. She thought that this person was not like this when she stood in front of her. He always looked clean and clean. Although she was over middle-aged at that time, Wu Meili still thought his appearance was good-looking.

She never thought that he would be old in just a few years!

Old No more!

"My daughter..." His voice was trembling.

"Don't call me!" Wu Meili's voice became shrill: "don't call me that! My name is Wu Meili

The man paused for a while, and half a day later, he said, "your mother changed your name."

After a long time, Wu Meili said, "what are you doing back here?"

The man moved his lips and said, "I saw Shanshan on TV. She is a star now. I just want to see her See if you're all doing well

Wu Meili's voice was a little harsh: "now you see it? I've had a good time with Simpson. Don't worry about it

"I I haven't seen Shanshan yet His voice went down.

Wu Meili sneered: "can you see Xin Shanshan now? Do you want to see her? I can tell you, Shanshan has gone to America! She has found a good man who loves her and will never abandon her. She is getting married and will never come back! "

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