"What can I do for you?" Wang Xiaofeng laughed and hit a ha ha, said: "willing to bet, I write you a check."

Then he asked the assistant to take out the check book.

Mu Tian Hao gave a heavy smile: "it's just a piece of cake. Uncle Wang really doesn't give face?"

Wang Xiaofeng looks pale, the check book is so in the hand, no action.

With a smile on his face, Mu Tianhao then said, "I heard that Uncle Wang was preparing to make a film recently. Shanshan has always worshipped Uncle Wang. I wonder if she has the luck to cooperate with Uncle Wang once. The role is uncertain, and a shot is OK."

Sitting on one side, Xin Shanshan was stunned to hear Mu Tianhao's words!

She didn't expect that Mu Tianhao brought her to play in order to let her play directed by Wang Xiaofeng, but

Wang Xiaofeng is a very principled person, especially in his own movies. He doesn't like him. No matter what the relationship is, he won't use it.

But this time Mu Tianhao came forward in person, which really made it very difficult for him to do it.

If Mu Tianhao was just an ordinary businessman, even if he was rich, Wang Xiaofeng would not buy it. However, Xue shaoran introduced that he was a member of the Mu family.

Wang Xiaofeng pondered for a moment and said gently, "the main characters of the film have been decided. I remember this favor. I wonder if Miss Xin would like to wait for another time?"

Mu Tianhao's eyes sank and was about to open his mouth, but Xin Shanshan said in advance: "yes! I'm very honored to see director Wang today. I don't expect anything else. "

Xin Shanshan's words surprised Xue shaoran. Isn't Mu Tianhao doing this to pave the way for her? How Wang Xiaofeng will sell the face of the screen Tianhao, now the refusal is just a trial!

Is xinshanshan a fool or not! #@Mu Tianhao glanced at Xin Shanshan, and his whole face sank down without saying a word.

Wang Xiaofeng is surprised that what Xin Shanshan said, she couldn't help but look at the girl more.

It has to be said that Wang Xiaofeng takes a serious look at Xin Shanshan and understands why people like Mu Tianhao are willing to pave the way for her.

She is really a beautiful girl, and her beauty is unique even in the performing arts circle, because this girl is not only beautiful, but also has a aura between her eyebrows.

Wang Xiaofeng read countless people, he is not a person without experience, but that is what he dug. Now being forced to come in, disgust in the front, naturally there will be no good image. %&(&

after watching more plays, Wang Xiaofeng can tell clearly that Xin Shanshan's words are really from the heart. He can even see that the girl thinks that she can't be in his play with her present qualifications, so she doesn't want to make it difficult for him.

Wang Xiaofeng slightly nodded his head, got up and said, "I'm sorry, I still have something to do."

Xue shaoran quickly stood up and said, "Uncle Wang, I'll see you off."

Wang Xiaofeng is gone.

Mu Tianhao sneered at Xin Shanshan and said in a deep voice, "OK, long skill!"

Xin Shanshan's heart trembled as soon as she was on the scene. How could she forget this master when she was talking just now!


Xin Shanshan wants to open her mouth and explain something. Unexpectedly, Mu Tianhao doesn't give her face at all, so she gets up and walks away.

Xin Shanshan, who was still sitting in her seat, did not dare to stay, so she went with Mu Tianhao.

The two men changed their clothes and left the golf course. Mu Tianhao didn't say a word to Xin Shanshan. She let Xin Shanshan say "I'm sorry" almost a hundred times without any response.

Sitting in the co pilot's seat, Xin Shanshan felt that her voice was smoking, but she still had to talk to Mu Tianhao: "I'm sorry, I know it's me that I don't appreciate it, I make my own decisions, I don't know what's good or bad. Don't be angry. You should always listen to me to explain my reason?"

Mu Tianhao still did not look at Xin Shanshan.

Xin Shanshan took a breath and said, "Mu Shao, I believe you know Wang Xiaofeng's principles in the industry. So far, he has never accepted the hidden rules..."

"What do you mean? I don't have the face to let him make an exception!" Mu Tianhao finally spoke, but his voice was cold like an ice blade!

Xin Shanshan quickly shook her head: "yes! You definitely have this face! But Wang Xiaofeng doesn't like me! I know, today you put your words here, Wang Xiaofeng no matter how he doesn't want to use it, he also has to use me. But, have you ever thought, even if I'm in the play of Wang Xiaofeng, what can I do? "

Mu Tianhao picked his eyebrows: "you mean I'm meddling in my business!"

Xin Shanshan waved her hand again: "I dare not! I don't mean that! I mean... "

This time, even xinshanshan can't say why.

She sighed, but did not speak.

Mu Tianhao was silent for a moment, then suddenly he said in a deep voice: "who is chasing Feng nuoyuan every day to ask if he has had an audition, and now he refuses. Xin Shanshan, are you relying on me to spoil you, and you feel that you can do anything you want!"Mu Tianhao's words really scared Xin Shanshan!

What did he say just now? He dotes on her?

Xin Shanshan Leng Leng, staring at Mu Tianhao's face: "I..."

Mu Tianhao suddenly stepped on the brake, looked ahead, said coldly to Xin Shanshan: "get out of the car."

"Ah?" She didn't respond.

Mu Tianhao repeated, "get out of the car! Don't let me say it three times! "

Xin Shanshan understood this time. She wanted to explain to Mu Tianhao clearly, but she had just returned all the words, which were shocked by the word "pet" of Mu Tianhao.

Unbutton her seat belt, and she pushes the door to get out of the car.

With the door closed, Mu Tianhao's car left in an instant.

Xinshanshan stood in the same place, she thought, this is the second time she was thrown on the road by Mu Tianhao.

But it was the man who often threw her in the middle of the road, who just said that she was spoiling her by him!

Xin Shanshan really wants to know, where does Mu Tianhao pet her!

Did he give himself a gold house or a silver house, or did he give him jewelry? No matter how bad, I should write a check to her and let her pay back the rent owed by Wu Meili!

Xinshanshan is standing on the side of the road. Her bag falls on Mu Tianhao's car again. What's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what '!

I knew she would be thrown on the way. She just changed her clothes!

At least she can walk with a little confidence in flat shoes!

Xinshanshan sighed heavily and walked forward step by step under the white sun.

Before walking on for ten minutes, a car whistled past her, then suddenly stepped on the brake and stopped dozens of meters away from her. Then it backed back and stopped steadily beside Xin Shanshan.

When the window fell, the man inside stood on the window with one hand and a pair of Brown Sunglasses on his face. He whistled at Xin Shanshan and said, "give you a ride?"

She squinted at the people in the car. She didn't know.

The man chuckled, as if in a tease, reached out and ordered some high-heeled shoes on her feet, and opened his mouth and said, "are you going to walk back like this? It's hard to get a taxi here, and there's no bus stop or subway entrance for the first five kilometers. "

She did encounter a lot of such things as chatting up.

Move next step, Xin Shan Shan is close to this person's car, head one side: "you just drove past."

The man raised his hand and pulled down the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. He had a pair of standard peach blossom eyes. His eyes were slightly picked, with a kind of ruffian spirit: "I think, we seem to have met."

She laughed, stepped back two steps, turned around, ignored him, and left again.

The man in the car seemed stunned. He started the car and just started

A car rushed to her head-on. Ten meters away from xinshanshan, she suddenly turned around. She made a 360 degree turn and the perfect brake. As soon as the car stopped, the door opened.

Xin Shanshan is stunned. It's clear that Mu Tianhao is back again!

Not daring to delay for a moment, she got on the bus in a hurry.

The man who was going to follow Xin Shanshan was so proud that he was taken away by others!

After getting on the bus, Xin Shanshan doesn't dare to ask Mu Tianhao why she suddenly turns back. She is afraid that if she says something wrong, Mu Tianhao will throw her out again.

Mu Tianhao is still driving with such a light expression. You can't see any emotion from his face.

In fact, Mu Tianhao didn't really intend to leave Xin Shanshan here. He just wanted to teach her a lesson!

For mu Tianhao, she doesn't care whether she plays Wang Xiaofeng or not. What he cares about is that this woman doesn't take herself seriously at all!

Who is he Mu Tianhao? When to pave the bridge and build the road for others, I will end up as a companion!

Originally, Mu Tianhao came here with Xin Shanshan today to surprise her! Last time I saw Feng nuoyuan, he mentioned that Xin Shanshan was jealous that he could play Wang Xiaofeng.

Unexpectedly, he gave her the way, but she hit herself in the face!

When Mu Tianhao came, he was in a good mood. He even looked forward to the surprise expression after Xin Shanshan knew that she could play in Wang Xiaofeng's play!

But that was her

Mu Tianhao was angry, not only more angry, but also uncontrollable! Even It's a little bit of a bad smell!

So silent, the car all the way back to the company.

Or in the underground parking lot, the exclusive parking space of Mu Tianhao.

After getting out of the car, Mu Tianhao didn't look at Xin Shanshan, and went directly to the elevator.

She followed quickly.

He didn't say a word all the way. She was more and more afraid of her face.It's better to scold yourself.

After entering the elevator, Mu Tianhao's hand doesn't move at all. Xin Shanshan is in trouble when pressing the floor. Is she going to her own floor? Or follow Mu Tianhao to his office on the top floor?

When he hesitated, Mu Tianhao took a look at Xin Shanshan.

Xin Shanshan a pair of on screen Tianhao's eyes, what also did not hesitate, directly pressed the top floor.

The elevator is running slowly. Before it arrives, the phone in Xin Shanshan's bag rings. She takes it out to see that it is Wu Meili and picks it up.

"Where are you now? I'm looking for you Wu Meili's voice sounds very anxious.

"At the company, you wait, I'll be down in a minute," said cinshanshan

As soon as Wu Meili heard Xin Shanshan say so, she knew that she and Mu Tianhao were together, and she didn't say much and hung up the phone.

The elevator door opened, and Mu Tianhao took the lead to go out.

What about Susan? If you have to be tough, you have to follow up!

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