Until nearly 11 o'clock, she finally opened her eyes. Please search to see the most complete! The fastest updated novel

never mind, she's been skipping classes for the first time in history.

Shake your head, anyway, it's all like this After looking at the time, she had to go to take pictures at 1:00 in the afternoon. She had to get up to take a bath and change clothes, eat something casually and have to work in the afternoon.

When standing on the ground with both feet, Xin Shanshan really has the heart of scolding her mother. Damn Mu Tianhao! I don't know where he got so much energy!

Her legs trembled faintly. She went to the bathroom and took a casual bath. She changed her clothes that were clean and could be worn outside. Then she came out of the bedroom.

When Xin Shanshan comes out, Mu Tianhao is on the phone. There is his soup in the kitchen. The noodles are on the side. It is obvious that she is waiting for xinshanshan to wake up and make noodles for her.

Seeing Xin Shanshan come out, Mu Tianhao quickly hung up the phone: "you can look at it and do it. Well, slowly release it. As for when it is exposed, it's not your or my business."

Hang up the phone, Mu Tianhao turned back and gave Xin Shanshan a good morning kiss.

"Awake?" Mu Tianhao is in a good mood.

Xin Shanshan didn't have a good breath to stare at the curtain day Hao one eye: "lazy to pay attention to you."

Mu Tianhao pushed Xin Shanshan to the restaurant: "all the contents of your class today are on the computer. You can have a look first. I can't understand. I'll tell you about it when I have dinner."

Xin Shanshan glared at Mu Tianhao and said, "to be honest, when you come, are you all planned?"

Mu Tianhao made a innocent statement: "no, I couldn't help it yesterday!"

You can't help it! #@$&

Xin Shanshan sat down, waiting for mu Tianhao's noodles and reading the information on the computer.

After a while, Mu Tianhao came with his face to face.

He put the computer away for Xin Shanshan and put it aside. The noodles were put in front of him: "eat first."

She's hungry, too!

The key is that it took too much energy yesterday! %&(&

when Mu Tianhao came to sit down with her meal, she would have eaten half of it.

"What are you in such a hurry? The shooting starts at two o'clock in the afternoon." Mu Tian Hao said casually.

Xin Shanshan yelled: "Mu Tianhao, you are too much. You even changed the shooting time for me!"

Mu Tianhao explained, "well, I am totally wronged! The shooting time was not changed by me, but by the director group, because the shooting scene was not ready yesterday, so it was delayed for an hour! What's more, when you were sleeping, Lin Wanyi called you and said that she wanted to take advantage of this hour to go shopping with you! I haven't refused yet. I've made her an appointment for you at half past twelve! "

"Really?" She was very suspicious.

While eating noodles, Mu Tianhao said, "in a moment, Lin Wanyi is coming. You can ask if you don't!"

"Trust you once." Xin Shanshan snorted, ate the noodles in two or three mouthfuls, and continued to watch the computer.

After dinner, Mu Tianhao goes to wash the dishes automatically.

The fact that she didn't ask herself was that she understood.

Although it was 12:30 for Lin Wanyi, Mu Tianhao did underestimate women's enthusiasm for shopping.

Before twelve o'clock, Lin Wanyi knocked at the door.

Xin Shanshan went to open the door and saw Lin Wanyi. She thought it was time: "so soon, it's 12 o'clock?"

"No, I came out early." Because Lin Wanyi has been to xinshanshan, she enters the door easily and sits on the sofa.

Xin Shanshan sympathizes with Xue shaoran, but she doesn't know that Lin Wanyi is ready to leave him!

Sitting on the sofa, Lin Wanyi looks back and sees Mu Tianhao, who is washing dishes in the kitchen. The whole person instantly feels Sparta: This is mu Shao!

Ha ha, Wu Meili, little Momi ran, they have long been used to Mu Tianhao's life of making cattle and horses for Xin Shanshan, but Lin Wanyi is not used to it!

Even Xue shaoran felt that he was lucky to see Mu Shao doing housework today!

Lin Wanyi came to Xin Shanshan's side: "you let Mu Tianhao wash dishes?"

Very low.

Xin Shanshan looked at Lin Wanyi suspiciously: "he wants to wash it himself."

Lin Wanyi stopped talking for a moment. It's really People are more angry than people!

Xue shaoran was staggering to Mu Tianhao's side and whispered, "I said, you even work as a nanny here in xinshanshan. Does your mother know?"

If I knew that, how much I should hate Simpson!

Mu Tianhao gave Xue shaoran a look: "don't talk to me more!"

Xue shaoran was obviously not ready to shut up. He said: "last time How much did you knock on me when Lin Wanyi wanted you to buy wine? "Mu Tianhao's action of wiping Liuli platform pauses for a moment, and then looks at Xue shaoran: "what do you mean?"

Xue shaoran laughed and said, "return to me!"

Mu Tianhao also laughed: "Xue shaoran, what about you I should know my temper. "

"I know!"

Therefore, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is not a good knock on you!

Mu Tianhao's smile was deeper: "so, are you determined to speak out?"

"Why don't you pay?" Xue shaoran is strange.

Mu Tianhao simply shrugged: "OK, whatever you want!"

How nice to talk!

Xue shaoran suddenly felt a chill on his back. Seeing that there was still soup in the kitchen, he retreated and begged for the next: "forget it, I don't want any money. I want to eat noodles. It's OK! You know, there's nothing delicious here. I've been eating sandwiches from yesterday to now. Take pity on me and give me a bowl of noodles. "

Xue shaoran knew that Mu Tianhao could cook.

But none of the four of them had the blessing to eat!

It's Xin Shanshan, such a foreign woman, who can command Mu Tianhao to cook for her!

Mu Tianhao ignored Xue shaoran at all.

But Xin Shanshan here has roughly read the content of today's lecture, she shouts at the curtain Tianhao: "I went shopping with Lin Wanyi."

This meaning is clear, you two big men don't follow.

Xue shaoran didn't really mean to follow. He was pestering Mu Tianhao to make noodles for him.

Mu Tianhao gave Xin Shanshan a gentle smile: "go, I'll deal with some things at home."

Xin Shanshan and Lin Wanyi pack up and go out.

Xue shaoran's side has opened the infinite pleading mode for mu Tianhao!

The two men got into the car together and killed them directly on Fifth Avenue, the busiest in New York City.

On the Fifth Avenue, every inch of land is worth an inch of gold. Lin Wanyi can smell the money coming from her face in a taxi!

This area is the most prosperous shopping center in New York and even in the world!

After getting off the bus, Xin Shanshan took a deep breath, looked up and looked around. She said that she had been in New York for such a long time, except for buying gifts for them two days before, she really didn't visit here well.

Lin Wanyi is different from xinshanshan, she is full of expectations.

Xin Shanshan really has no chance to go shopping with Lin Wanyi in China. She never knew that Lin Wanyi was a woman who could shine her eyes when she bought something.

"I can't tell. You're a gold digger." Xin Shanshan smiles at Lin Wanyi.

"Nonsense, otherwise I make so much money for what!" Lin Wanyi gave Xin Shanshan a glance: "I have only one purpose to make money, that is, I can buy and buy as much as I can anytime and anywhere! Sometimes, women's sense of security can be accumulated from constant shopping. "

"What kind of fallacy is this?" she said

Lin Wanyi tugged at Xin Shanshan and said, "shopping is a girl's favorite thing. Don't look like she's on the execution ground. Let's go

Xin Shanshan smiles and walks along Lin Wanyi towards the famous store.

Fifth Avenue, the most famous shopping mall, boasts 50 world brands, including L, R, L & AP, Gabanna, gvnhy There is nothing you can't buy here, except for the limited edition of a certain brand!

A real shopping paradise, if you have a lot of money in your pocket is the truth.

As soon as Lin Wanyi stepped into it, she immediately felt like a fish in the water: "the real shopping enjoyment is here. Where is the feeling of being in China? If you go to buy something, it's like being surrounded by monkeys. The next day, you can get the headlines. What famous stores are spending money on! What kind of bold and heroic bag! You don't dare to buy anything seriously. It's a matter of buying anything. Over time, in order to avoid occupying the boring space, you simply don't go shopping. But it's not the same here. Who cares! Yes

Xin Shanshan laughed and hugged Lin Wanyi: "OK, don't complain. Let's go there and have a look."

Buying clothes is not only about brand, but also about price. What's more important is taste.

Lin Wanyi nodded frequently. She patted her pocket and said, "elder sister, the money I have worked hard to earn finally has a place to use."

Xin Shanshan laughed. She looked at Lin Wanyi and asked, "you said, where did you learn the theory of money worship! How hard you are when you make money, how can you not feel heartache when you spend it! "

Lin Wanyi solemnly told Xin Shanshan: "I tell you, there is an old saying called" every woman must have a pair of good shoes, it can take you to a good place ", but I tell you, now this sentence is out of date, because now we have too many places to go, so we need a lot of good shoes!"

In Lin Wanyi's words: Women's shopping is really not psychological needs, but just need! In a good mood, need to shop to make their combat effectiveness full! In a bad mood, I need to shop to get out of the haze!People you like don't necessarily like you! But what you buy must be yours!

"For example, buy shoes!" Lin Wanyi picked up a pair of thin heel Lanin silver diamond inlaid high-heeled shoes and said to Xin Shanshan, "it's as difficult to find a pair of shoes with your name written on it as it is to meet true love, so you should wear them beautifully..."

She picked up a purple skirt of Lanin: "with the most beautiful skirt, you will feel confident when you step on these shoes. It makes you feel comfortable, so if you encounter it, just three words Buy, buy, buy


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