As soon as Xin Shanshan hears Du Mei's words, it seems that Feng nuoyuan has a dispute with Du Mei for the role of Ji Li.

Obviously, Du Mei doesn't agree with Feng nuoyuan to make this kind of small film. After all, Feng nuoyuan has successfully advanced to the level of Wang Xiaofeng. According to Du Mei's requirements for Feng nuoyuan, even if the script of "Qing Guo" is a good flower, you can't expect Feng nuoyuan to turn around and pick up this kind of film.

As for what Feng nuoyuan relied on to persuade Du Mei, Xin Shanshan felt that it was none of her business.

It's just how Du Mei suddenly told her this?

"I know you have a good personal relationship with Feng nuoyuan..." Du Mei looked around and obviously lowered her voice. She went on to say, "you know that your affair with Feng nuoyuan hasn't been long? I hope... "

Xin Shanshan nodded clearly: "you don't worry, I will never have any extradramatic intersection with Feng nuoyuan in the studio."

Du Mei was very satisfied with Xin Shanshan's performance and left at ease.

In terms of publicity, Du Mei would never put the play on Feng nuoyuan's publicity. She also inquired before she came. The crew was poor enough. The film budget was not enough. Whether it could be released normally is a problem. If Feng nuoyuan's plays were arranged closely, it would take only half a month to finish. Therefore, even if it was to satisfy the needs of her own family The artist's literary hobby, when he is on vacation.

Du Mei is gone.

Xinshanshan continues to make films in "Qing Guo". She is the heroine of the play, and even the male leader is basically reduced to her supporting role. Every day's play is almost around her.

Mu Qing cherishes every day's shooting time. Maybe starting work means spending money. From morning to night, he arranges every actor's part to the full. Fortunately, everyone is new and enthusiastic, so he doesn't find it difficult.

In this way, they stayed on the set for nearly a month. Because they had to wait for Feng nuoyuan, they all jumped over all the plays about Ji Li. After all, the new people are new people. There are always times when they can't control the dance drama, but Xin Shanshan is OK, and there are few ng times.

Mu Qing's evaluation of Xin Shanshan is very high from the heart. Although he saw her audition at the beginning and thought she was suitable for Wei Chenyu, he was still worried. But this month down, Mu Qing has not the slightest worry, because Xin Shanshan now the whole person has evolved into a Wei sunfish.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. The scenes belonging to the imperial palace of Dazhou have already been filmed. The whole crew is about to move, which is also the biggest expense of the crew.

Many places in the city can save some money, but once outside, it is really difficult to control.

It was at this time that Feng nuoyuan finally entered the group.

Mu Qing received the notice and quickly prepared to shoot the part that Feng nuoyuan owes. Now the whole crew is serving for Feng nuoyuan, and all the actors are also. But everyone was obviously looking forward to it.


These students never thought that their first play could actually cooperate with the God!

The arrival of Feng nuoyuan undoubtedly gave the whole crew a shot in the arm. She could almost see that the pink hearts of many female students almost drowned the whole crew.

Mu Qing's speed is very fast, will not because the other side is Feng nuoyuan deliberately cater to give him a rest space.

Feng nuoyuan still has to do the same thing as everyone else, because it's all about catching up with him. Basically, he has to stay under the camera except for the occasional break of more than ten minutes.

Although it is the end of August, the fierce autumn tiger can not be underestimated.

Feng nuoyuan, dressed in ancient clothes, has to keep his air of being a prince and endure the high temperature. What's more, it's enough to wipe sweat and make-up back and forth.

However, the food for the crew was not good. There were no turnips, vegetables and rice stewed in a big pot, and there was no mung bean soup with a bowl of mung beans in the pot.

Xin Shanshan keeps her promise to Du Mei. Except for playing with Feng nuoyuan, there is basically no intersection between them. At most, she says hello. This made the students who had been waiting for gossip to have the idea that they would never believe the rumors reported by paparazzi.

During the lunch break, Feng nuoyuan's long shirt was lifted from the middle. He was wearing a pair of loose beach shorts. The assistant provided a cold fan with ice to blow at him. The aura of the male god was suddenly disillusioned.

Feng nuoyuan is also with everyone to eat a big pot of rice, but he obviously did not expect that the crew's food has been too weak to the level of common indignation.

Take out the mobile phone, Feng nuoyuan sent a message to Xin Shanshan: don't tell me that you've been here for more than a month?

Xinshanshan quickly replied: today, on the face of your coming here, my aunt has added two Jin of pork.

Feng nuoyuan is full of black lines: no wonder you seem to have lost weight. Do you work so hard? Does our boss know?

It's true. For more than a month, Xin Shanshan has been working hard in the production team for more than a month. With the daily high-intensity shooting work and the daily feeding of radish and cabbage, she has indeed cut down a lot.It's not Xin Shanshan who is picky about food. People who don't have picky food will lose their appetite even if they eat these things for a month.

Seeing Feng nuoyuan's short message suddenly mentions Mu Tianhao, Xin Shanshan is stunned for a moment.

In the past month, she has been awake for almost all of her waking time. She has not thought about anyone else for a long time.

Feng Nuo vision Xin Shanshan for a long time did not return, looked up from afar at her, continued: what do you want to eat?

Xin Shanshan also looks at Feng nuoyuan and grinds her teeth: Manchu and Han banquet, family stir fry, western style pastry, street stalls, all but radish and cabbage.

Feng nuoyuan smiles and puts away his mobile phone.

After filtering all the delicious food that she had just sent out in her mind, Xin Shanshan immediately couldn't eat the boxed lunch. It was hot and she was still wearing drama costumes. Not only she, but also Mu Qing, only picked up Lami rice to maintain her physical strength. There was no way. Money was needed everywhere. If you could save it, you could save it.

Feng nuoyuan obviously didn't eat, but kept his head down playing with his mobile phone.

Lunch time can rest longer, because the sun is so big, no one can get into a good state.

In the high temperature of nearly 40 degrees, everyone of the whole crew was wilting. Even the excitement brought by Feng nuoyuan, a male god, was almost exhausted.

In the twinkling of an eye, the rest time is almost over. The staff has begun to prepare for shooting. Feng nuoyuan is still playing with his mobile phone with a cold fan.

Xinshanshan was ready to stand up and mend her make-up. Suddenly there was a commotion outside, as if several cars were coming.

Small Mo busy way: "I go to have a look."

Mu Qing is a little bit affected. He still makes preparations as usual. However, Feng nuoyuan suddenly receives his mobile phone and gives Xin Shanshan a meaningful smile.

Mi Ran is ready to make up for Xin Shanshan. Xiao Mo stumbles in: "that, that, that..."

Xin Shanshan handed the water cup to Xiao Mo: "speak slowly."

"Ran haomi didn't take the water curtain yet

"Ah?" Simpson didn't respond for a moment.

Miran directly motioned for Xin Shanshan to turn around.

The studio without light is dark. The blazing sunlight outside and the darkness inside are divided into two black and white boundaries by a gate. Mu Tianhao stands on that boundary. You can see his figure, but you can't see his face.

Xinshanshan used to squint her eyes. She subconsciously wanted to see the face of Chu Mu Tianhao.

Maybe it's too long since we met. Xin Shanshan feels that she and Mu Tianhao have a little strange feeling. She thinks she should go there, but she just stands here still.

Miran said softly, "not in the past?"

Xin Shanshan calms down and doesn't know whether she wants to go or not. Feng nuoyuan has already gone to Mu Tianhao.

Because of the adverse light, these people on the set obviously don't know that the visitor is mu Tianhao. When they see feng nuoyuan passing by, they don't have a special expression. Although they belong to a drama group, Feng nuoyuan is still an unattainable existence for them. They dare not rush up and have a look at him.

Mu Qing doesn't seem to know Mu Tianhao at all, although from his point of view, you can see clearly Chu Mu Tian Hao's face.

Feng nuoyuan seemed to have a word with Mu Tianhao, and then went to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing was stunned for a moment and then nodded to Feng nuoyuan. The expression was almost gratitude.

Then Feng nuoyuan's assistant yelled: "all of you have a share. Brother yuan came to the crew on the first day and invited everyone to eat. Manchu and Han banquet No, but there's Grand Hyatt's five-star buffet, all kinds of family stir fry, western style cakes, more than a dozen street snacks, and a truck of ice cream

The crowd heard a crash and rushed out, and the staff were not ready to shoot. Even Mu Qing went out to look for food.

Judging from the speed, we can see how miserable this month has been.

Feng nuoyuan and Xin Shanshan are left in the studio. Oh, there is also a mu Tianhao.

Miran naturally took a small Mo: "go out with me to eat something, nothing at noon."

Xiao Mo followed Mi ran out with a blank face.

Feng nuoyuan waved his hand to Xin Shanshan and said, "what do you want to eat? Manchu and Hanquan can't do it for a while."

Xin Shanshan shrugged her shoulders. Just now she was thinking, how could Feng nuoyuan's assistant report be so familiar? It turned out that she had just sent it to Feng nuoyuan. Think about it, with the price of Feng nuoyuan, it's no big deal to invite everyone to have a meal to ease the miserable life.

But when did Feng nuoyuan have such a big face? Would you like Mu Tianhao to deliver the meal in person?

Xin Shanshan walked slowly, and Mu Tianhao's face in her eyes seemed to have gone through light and shadow transformation, and gradually became clear.

When Xin Shanshan stands in front of Mu Tianhao, Feng nuoyuan doesn't know where to run.Mu Tianhao's eyes fell on Xin Shanshan when she stood here.

When Xin Shanshan approached, she found that Mu Tianhao seemed to have stayed in the hot sun for a long time. His body seemed to have a dry and warm smell of the scorching sun outside, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

The sunglasses cover Mu Tianhao's eyes at this time, but his facial lines are not as warm as usual, and his lip line is close like a knife edge. His fierce momentum makes Xin Shanshan know that Mu Tianhao is not in a good mood at this time.

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