It seems inevitable that Qing Guo has been paid attention to.

First of all, the reporter blocked Xin Shanshan at the shooting site of "Qing Guo". Although the photo was not sent due to Mu Tianhao's presence, many media still couldn't bear to send words.

Coupled with the forwarding of various small circles on the microblog, Xin Shanshan was in the forefront of the storm, and it was natural for the media to pick up the film.

In addition, it is what Xin Shanshan said at the press conference: as an actor, my main job is to film, and my responsibility is to let more people who like me see their favorite works

What's more, there are also questions about the media behind it?

So now all the media are waiting for the release of Qing Guo. They just want to see what level Xin Shanshan's second work is!

Although the role of "Yuxuan" is successful, there are too many necessary factors. Zhang Musheng himself is a guarantee. In addition, the success of "gone with the wind" is still far away from Feng Nuo.

But in this "Qing Guo", they want to see how capable she can be!

Now, all the media are trying their best to dig up the news of "Qing Guo". They are reluctant to let go of any rumors.

First of all, Mu Qing, director of Qing Guo.

Mu Qing is an embarrassment to the film industry. First of all, as a director, he is actually from UCLA, the Graduate School of UCLA.

You know, this school is very difficult to test, and there are about 30 people in the world every year. And ferrance Cobo, who made the godfather series, also came out there!

After graduating from UCLA, Mu Qing received an invitation from Hollywood directly, but he decided to return home to realize his film dream. When he just returned home, he was just a big pie in the eyes of all investors. At that time, all kinds of scripts, all kinds of investments, and all kinds of actors simply sharpened their heads to get into Mu Qing's eyes.

But in the end, Mu Qing didn't like the script. He had his own script. Moreover, he didn't plan to use those stars. Even the people he used were not even actors. He didn't know where he was drawn from.

Rao is so, there are still investors willing to invest in his so-called dream work.

Although Mu Qing's family is not noble, it is like Mu Tianhao. But strictly speaking, the Mu family belongs to the kind of senior intellectuals.

Mu Qing's parents are professors from B University, one is sociology, the other is biology.

It can be said that Mu Qing is a very talented person, and he is also very proud!

Once, someone commented on Mu Qing like this, his talent is enough to support all his pride!

And his first film "human nature" has become a film that many people in the circle are looking forward to.

When Mu Qing filmed "human nature", he even spent a month on the Gobi desert because he required the accuracy of a lens. During this month, all the staff members ate, drank, slept and spent a lot of money. Moreover, Mu Qing had a high demand on himself at that time, although the conditions were very difficult But he absolutely wants to make himself happy. How happy is it? Even if he lives on the beach, he has to take a bath every day!

We can imagine what Mu Qing looked like at that time.

And this one month's time, he is only in pursuit of the film may only exist more than ten seconds.

Finally, "human nature" finally came out, not to mention it was released, even the film was not approved!

Even the word "human nature" is controversial.

Mu Qing was not in a hurry. He sent the film to the Cannes Film Festival to participate in the exhibition. A small number of foreign film critics commented on the film to the extreme. Some even said, "this is the most unbearable film he has ever seen, and there is no one of them.".

Investors lost money, even because of the investment too much and affected their own business operation, it took a long time to slow down.

Some people say that Mu Qing is only suitable for literature and art, but not for business. Some say that Mu Qing is not suitable for making movies popular with the public. What's more, some people say that Mu Qing is simply a product of this era. He should stay in a "pure land" like University forever, just like his parents.

Then Mu Qing was silent.

Three years have passed.

If it wasn't for Xin Shanshan's sudden exposure of indecent videos, the media would not have known that Mu Qing had returned to the film circle and made a new film.

She's the star.

Digging, another piece of explosive news came out!

Feng nuoyuan participated in Qing Guo and had a lot of emotional drama with Xin Shanshan!

Nima, when did this happen?!

Although the news that has been burst out now is enough to make the media have enough curiosity about this "Qing Guo", because of the relationship between Xin Shanshan, all the articles issued by the media almost seem to have been agreed, all of which are slandering "Qing Guo"."Qing Guo", starred by Xin Shanshan, is a film CO produced by the director of social derailment. Who will look forward to it.

If "Qing Guo" hits the streets again, can Mu Qing give himself a reason this time? And will she be the next box office poison?

Such reports are almost overwhelming, and none of them is to discredit Xin Shanshan.

Of course, when the media send notices, the pictures are all taken by them everywhere in the movie and Television City, all kinds of crude scenes and costumes.

And the "Qing Guo" crew itself has no official channel to do propaganda for themselves. Although those college students have voiced their voices through their own microblogs, their influence in the circle is basically zero.

In addition, these people are also scattered, and there is no professional hype team to lead. In the media's consistent construction that "Qing Guo" is a big and rotten film, it is a drop in the ocean, and it will soon be submerged.

Feng nuoyuan, the only influential person, originally wanted to make a micro blog clarification, but Du Mei refused to let him.

Du Mei thinks that everything that has something to do with Xin Shanshan is a scandal.

What's more, Xin Shanshan's dealing with the media is just a slag level, and her agent Wu Meili can't do it either!

Although the incident of "indecent video" was handled, the public all stood by Xin Shanshan, who also proved her innocence very successfully, but these are the results of Mu Tianhao's operation.

What Wu Meili and Xin Shanshan have done is to offend all the media!

In the entertainment industry, there are four main bodies.

The first is the audience. Second, the media. Third, artists. Fourth, the economic team.

In most cases, the audience is always at the bottom, that is, what the media broadcast, the audience believes, and what the artists do and the media reports, the audience believes what. Then, what the team plans, what the artists do, what the artists do, the media reports, and then the audience believes.

When all the audience are in the black one, it means that someone has guided this trend and made it up. Where this trend comes from, it must be related to the media!

The same thing, for example, if a's private life is chaotic, but the media gives him face and can never exaggerate it, then the audience's image of a may always exist in a very positive image.

In fact, B is a very good person in private, but the media will seize her several harmless little things to exaggerate, so maybe the audience will have a special antipathy towards B. at that time, no matter what she does, even if the media is willing to let her go, then the audience will not.

Therefore, Du Mei knows what the media wants. What they want is the cooperation of artists to some extent.

This is also what Du Mei has always demanded of Feng nuoyuan. Feng has always been popular in the circle. Compared with his highly experienced predecessors, he respects him a lot whether he is popular or not. Compared with those with less experience, he never puts on a big name. No matter what notice he catches up with, as long as the communication is good in the early stage, he will try his best to cooperate with the things promised by the team here, and he never puts forward any excessive requirements. And for the staff he has worked with, he has never deliberately upset.

Du Mei is very satisfied with Feng nuoyuan. That is to say, his own conditions are very good. Although he is not a professional, his acting skills have passed the unanimous recognition of everyone. Moreover, Feng nuoyuan has a very good plasticity, which can be said to be a gifted actor born to eat in this field.

In addition, Feng nuoyuan's family education is also very good. He hardly has all the bad problems of people of his age. He doesn't like nightlife very much, and he seldom goes out to socialize. As long as Du Mei's demands are met by him, he will certainly do so. But if there is no promise, it is that no one says there is room for turning around.

Such conditions, coupled with the operation of Du Mei, a gold medal agent, Feng nuoyuan is hard to think of!

This is the fundamental reason why he has always maintained his popularity.

Now Du Mei looks at Xin Shanshan, and she is looking for her own death. Although she won the suck in the video, but if Wu Meili can't give up the power to adjust her relationship with the media, then the future Xin Shanshan will be sent out by the media.

On an autumn afternoon, the heat rises.

In the exquisite decorated villa, the constant temperature system of central air conditioning is operating soundlessly.

's face was covered with a mask. His body was wearing silk household clothes. His hair was all tied up behind his head and half lying on the soft couch.

Her agent was standing by, with the iPad in her hand, brushing the news, reporting one by one.

When you finish reading all the news, your closed eyes open and you ask, "how long has it been?"

agent knew what time he asked for the mask. He said quickly, "it's enough for twenty minutes."

tear off the mask and throw it in the trash bin beside it.An assistant washed her hands and took care of her face.

The light video says, "who has no problem? It's only a day. People have been found out. That's enough. Now they've done publicity for their "new plays."! Sometimes I really have to think about it. Is it the best choice to replace myself with an agent? "

“!” A cold sweat fell from Yan Zhen's forehead. He lowered his head and said, "this time, it's because Mu Tianhao intervened. If only relying on Xin Shanshan's public relations team, the crisis could not be lifted so quickly."

"That's why you can still stand here! You can keep in touch with the media. If there is no news, you should create some news for me. I want Xin Shanshan to be the one who is red and black even if she is red! "

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