The host quickly laughed: "Feng nuoyuan is the king of popularity, ah, Mu Shao. Well, let's interview today's protagonist Xin Shanshan. Shanshan, you have two nominations for this film award. I don't know which award you are more sure of?"

"To be honest, I'm very happy to be able to break through the nomination. Everyone is excellent. I'm honored to be here today," she said with a smile

After all, it's a small interview, and the rhythm should be well controlled. When the host sees the next group of stars, he naturally ends the interview: "well, we wish our most beautiful dance can come back with a full load tonight."

Mu Tianhao and Xin Shanshan enter the stadium.

She couldn't help but breathe as she turned her back on the camera.

Mu Tianhao smiles. His hand is always holding Xin Shanshan tightly. When he enters the arena, he says to Xin Shanshan: "if you win a prize tonight, you will have a reward. If you don't win a prize, you'll have my consolation prize. "

Looking at Mu Tianhao, Xin Shanshan asked, "according to what you say, I've made both sides?"

Mu Tianhao lowered his head and laughed, and his voice was low: "because I want to."

All the seats under the stage of the award ceremony were arranged. As soon as we entered the venue, all the cameras turned around. Xin Shanshan quietly glanced at the scene and found that it was the largest film award ceremony in China. There were nearly 20 seats set up on the spot. Although it was not live, the organizer's requirement was very simple. Every expression of every star must be displayed All of them are captured to facilitate the later editing, so that the majority of the audience can enjoy this award ceremony intuitively!

Xin Shanshan's seat is naturally arranged together with the crew of "red face in troubled times".

Zhang Musheng's position is in the middle. The name plate on his left says, "Feng nuoyuan.".

On the right are Mu Tianhao and xinshanshan.

The rest of the cast went further.

When Mu Tianhao leads Xin Shanshan to the past, he and Feng nuoyuan have already sat down.

Seeing Mu Tianhao, Feng nuoyuan and Zhang Musheng naturally get up, but they still stand up with a smile on their faces. However, everyone can see that the only object she is smiling at is mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao patted Feng nuoyuan on the shoulder and said softly, "the best actor, the name of the film emperor, I'll see you tonight."

Feng nuoyuan just smiles and doesn't say anything, but judging from his expression, he doesn't seem nervous.

A nod to Mu Tianhao is a greeting.

Mu Tianhao also calmly returned.

However, Zhang Musheng was obviously more enthusiastic. He reached out and held Mu Tianhao's hand and exchanged greetings.

Feng nuoyuan approached Xin Shanshan a little and said in a very low voice, "the clothes are beautiful! It's a good match for mu Shao

The tone of obvious sarcasm.

Xin Shanshan white Feng nuoyuan one eye, low voice way: "I hope you take the movie emperor tonight."

The blessing is sincere.

Xin Shanshan knows that with Feng nuoyuan's current acting skills, popularity, and his degree of dedication, he has long been one of the few actors in the circle who have perfectly combined acting and idols. The real gap between him and the film emperor is just a trophy.

In addition, Xin Shanshan has also watched other films that compete with Feng nuoyuan for the film emperor this time. Comparatively speaking, there is no very strong competitor. Feng nuoyuan has high hopes.

Feng nuoyuan laughed: "you too! Take the best newcomer and I have a gift for you. "

Gift again?!

Xin Shanshan raised eyebrows: "no prize, no gift?"

Feng nuoyuan shrugged: "why should I give you a present if you don't win the prize?"

Xinshanshan hissed, bypassed Feng nuoyuan, nodded to the one who had already sat down and asked, "Hello, master."

It was a response.

Xin Shanshan sat down along Mu Tianhao.

Zhang Musheng even took the initiative to encourage Xin Shanshan: "your chances of winning a prize are still very high."

"Thank you, director," she said

Other actors came in one after another, getting closer and closer to the start of the award ceremony. The seats on the scene swept around and photographed the faces of every star.

Xinshanshan looked around. All the people were holding the most elegant posture. It was not good to have too many seats. She was afraid that her indecent image would be taken and become one of the photos she wanted to destroy most in her life.

After sitting for a while, Xin Shanshan's original tense mood unexpectedly calmed down.

Zhang Musheng is always trying to find Mu Tianhao to talk to him. Listening to that tone, it seems that there is a new film to be shot, which is a pull investment.

Mu Tianhao's ambiguous reply did not talk much about it.

Feng nuoyuan looks like no one else's head down to play with his mobile phone. He looks at the front of him with a dignified posture. He always has a smile on his face.

After a moment, all the actors finally got into the seats. The countdown started. The lights and music were all ready.

Under the theme song which has been broadcast for nearly 20 years at the domestic film awards, this film feast has finally opened.Fang Tong is indeed the female holder of this film award, and her partner is Chen Qiyang, the male host of the film channel's classic program "projection room".

Chen Qiyang is a veteran host, 35 years old, belongs to the kind of very male appearance, the voice is very characteristic, not slow, low, slightly hoarse, very texture.

The collocation of the two people has won applause before opening their mouth.

Fang Tong is a woman with witty words, and Chen Qiyang's sense of control over the whole scene is very good. The hosting of these two people has greatly enhanced the film awards.

Naturally, the first awards to be given are some off the shelf awards, such as best documentary, science and education film, art film, drama film, children's film, digital film and so on.

In addition to clapping and smiling, she didn't have much emotional ups and downs.

From time to time, Mu Tianhao looks at Xin Shanshan. Sometimes, the two people look at each other, and Xin Shanshan smiles at Mu Tianhao.

"What would you like to eat at the end of the ceremony?" Mu Tianhao suddenly asked in a low voice.

Xin Shanshan subconsciously replied, "Wu Meili doesn't let me eat at night. She makes me lose weight."

Mu Tianhao smiles and doesn't say anything.

Zhang Musheng laughed when he heard the conversation.

Soon, there was the best story award.

"Beauty in troubled times" is also among them.

Zhang Musheng became nervous at once.

At the same time, there are two other leading works nominated. One is the historical drama "the Warring States", which is directed by another senior director Xu Jianing in China. This play has a huge investment, a macro scene and a big movie posture.

The other is the light comedy "not going home tonight" directed by the famous box office guaranteed director you Xiaoqiang. The classic lines and slow rhythm make the relationship between men and women in urban emotion incisively and vividly.

At the same time, "don't go home tonight" is also on the box office.

Li Lianqing, the famous artist and chairman of the Organizing Committee of the film awards, presented the award. Without much ridicule and opening remarks, he directly announced: "the best feature film, Xu Jianing -- the Warring States period!"

When applause rang out, Xu Jianing took the stage to receive the prize. Naturally, the camera was aimed at Zhang Musheng and you Xiaoqiang. Both of them were smiling. When Xu Jianing passed these two people, they all stood up very gentlemanly, shaking hands, hugging and congratulating Xu Jianing.

In fact, "Warring States" won the best feature film, it is not as good as "don't go home tonight" in terms of box office, and it is not as good as "beauty in troubled times" in terms of word-of-mouth. However, the answer given by the organizing committee later made people speechless. "Gone with the wind" is a little childish, and "not going home tonight" is a suggestive film, box office is good, does not mean it will win.

Zhang Musheng obviously thought of the result, so he didn't show too much disappointment on his face. After all, he didn't win the prize. After all, the box office and reputation of "lady in troubled times" were good.

After the best feature film, it was the nomination for the best supporting actress. Zhou Na, who played No. 2 in "not going home tonight", came out first.

Zhou Na plays the role of an unmarried female architect who wanders in various nightclubs all night, never goes home to sleep before 3 a.m., and works in the daytime as an unmarried female architect. Her image is quite subversive, which can be regarded as two extremes. She is a man in the daytime and charming at night. She wanders among men of all colors. She has sharp teeth and sharp lips, which often damages the woman's view of love, outlook on life and values.

After seeing Zhou Na's performance, Xin Shanshan is very impressive. In addition, Zhou Na belongs to the kind of long and special personality. She interprets this character very well.

Another nomination is a very important role in the Warring States, the little girl named Tian Xi. To tell you the truth, Xin Shanshan really didn't finish watching the Warring States. Although the opening of this film is very spectacular, and there are various powerful groups joining in, the plot is really She doesn't comment.

At the beginning of the award, Xin Shanshan still had some expectations for the award. She felt that, in terms of acting skills, she and Zhou Na could both, and Tian Xi Xin Shanshan can only "ha ha".

"The best supporting actress, Tian Xi, the Warring States period!" The winner's words fell.

Xinshanshan's smile also rose. She clapped hands with everyone. Tian Xi stood up to receive the prize. She also gave her a special look when she passed by. She did not change her expression.

When Tian Xi stood on the stage, xinshanshan just looked like Zhou Na's direction.

Zhou Na is actually looking at her.

Xin Shanshan smile, Zhou Na also smile, it seems that she does not care about the same.

Mu Tianhao turned his head and looked at Xin Shanshan and asked, "disappointed?"

She turned her head, thought for a moment, and shook her head: "it doesn't count."

Mu Tianhao said: "you really don't care about this award. In fact, even if you can't win the best newcomer, you don't have much to care about. Before, I thought this domestic film award was a more democratic award among all the film awards. Now it seems that it is not."Xin Shanshan looked at the grandstand as if she had known the result for a long time, and thought, is there still a black curtain?!

After Tian Xi finished his speech, it was a program.

She knows that the next best supporting actor, then the best newcomer, and then the release of the movie queen.

Patience after watching the performance, the best supporting actor was awarded to the male No. 2 in "not going home tonight", an actor who often plays No. 2, Xu Jingfei.

Finally, the nomination for the best newcomer.

One is Xin Shanshan in "gone with the wind".

On the big screen, Yu Xuan's classic scenes in the movie are displayed. At the same time, the camera is also swept on Xin Shanshan's face. Even the screen Tianhao beside her is swept for a second intentionally or unintentionally.

The second is a supporting role in a niche film "baby". The nomination is a boy, just 20 years old, Duan Yun, a sophomore in the Acting Department of the film academy. This film has a typical word-of-mouth but no box office, but after watching the film, she thinks that the boy's performance is very good. He plays a dumb man with mental retardation, and the kind of family interaction with his father is very moving.

The other two are still from Warring States and don't go home tonight.

Seriously, if the Organizing Committee awarded this award to Duan Yun, it would be worthy of its name.

She fei'er, a pop star in the music industry, has just sung the theme song of "beauty in troubled times". She has simply opened the famous brand. Her voice is always cold and sharp, but she reads out three words: "Xin Shanshan!"

The camera immediately turns to Simpson's face, her surprised expression, the perfect frame.

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