Wu Meili takes a look at xinshanshan. Sometimes she is really confused. How can Xin Shanshan and Feng nuoyuan have such a good relationship.

Moreover, this kind of good relationship is not taboo Mu Tianhao.

Even Mu Tianhao doesn't care how close Xin Shanshan and Feng nuoyuan can go!

Wu Meili looked at the time. Before she knew it, the meeting had already started all morning. She clapped her hands and said, "OK, it's time for lunch. Shanshan, please read the script yourself. We'll decide which one you want to pick up in the afternoon. Let's go to dinner."

Finish saying, oneself took the lead to leave the office.

Other people are very conscious to follow Wu Meili out.

Feng nuoyuan's assistant then flashed in and said to xinshanshan, "sister Shanshan, here it is."

Don't look, put down the box is really not small, the package is also tight.

Xinshanshan nodded: "thank you, but please go there."

Assistant embarrassed smile: "that's nothing, I'll go first, goodbye, sister Shanshan."

Waiting for the assistant to go out, Xin Shanshan starts to look for scissors to tear down the gift from Feng nuoyuan.

Outside the carton opened, there is a layer inside, xinshanshan patience so layer by layer to dismantle, did not expect the box is getting smaller and smaller, and finally there is a palm sized box, it is not the end!

Feng nuoyuan, this idiot!

What the hell is he doing?!

Xin Shanshan heaved a heavy breath and continued to struggle with the box.

Finally, the box opened and there was a note inside.

Simpson took it out and said, "open the door, please.".

Just write these three words?!

Feng nuoyuan!

She held her breath and opened the door of the meeting room.

Sure enough, Feng nuoyuan stood at the door.

"You are sick Xin Shanshan scolded with no anger.

Feng nuoyuan shook the key in his hand: "let's go. I'll take you to see a man."

"Where's my present?" she reached out

Feng nuoyuan naturally encircled xinshanshan's shoulder: "the gift can't be without you. Let's go. You'll know when you arrive."

Xinshanshan was so far surrounded by Feng Nuo out of the office, all the way to the elevator.

"Feng nuoyuan, are you sick? Make such a broken box trouble me." "Congratulations, you have become the film emperor. Is Du Mei happy now? You're a real first-line actor now. "

As for Feng nuoyuan's winning the film emperor, Xin Shanshan also saw the relevant reports.

With his age and the variety of his acting, some media claim that Feng will be the only actor who can catch up with Zhou Gu Nan in Chinese movies in the past decade.

Feng nuoyuan is not really happy. His hand naturally rests on Xin Shanshan's shoulder. The two people seem to be extremely close. If this scene is photographed by the media, even if they deny it, no one will believe that the two are not in love.

When the elevator door opened, she was stunned.

Because Mu Tianhao is inside.

Feng nuoyuan also saw Mu Tianhao. He didn't mean to be embarrassed at all. How should he put his hands? He naturally said, "little curtain."

Mu Tianhao's eyes swept over two people: "going out?"

Feng Nuo said: "well, take Shanshan out to have a meal. It's something."

Mu Tianhao laughed and said, "that's not coming in yet."

Feng nuoyuan pushed xinshanshan in. When the elevator door was closed, his hand fell down naturally.

Xin Shanshan glanced at Mu Tianhao, but she didn't see anything abnormal in his mood. She thought about herself. Why was she nervous? She and Feng nuoyuan are just friends, but the more intimate physical contact between friends.

Moreover, I don't know why, even if she and Feng nuoyuan have intimate movements, they don't feel unnatural.

On the contrary, just stay in an elevator with Mu Tianhao, and there is an arm's distance between them. She feels that she even has a little shortness of breath.

Floor bit by bit to the fall, Feng nuoyuan asked Mu Tianhao: "Mu Shao want to go out?"

Mu Tianhao nodded: "well, there's something wrong. By the way, I forgot to congratulate you, the new film emperor. "

"Mu Shao knows I don't care about this." Feng nuoyuan eyebrows a pick: "but said that I finally took a film emperor, Mu Shao is not ready to reward me what?"

Mu Tianhao chuckled: "what else do you lack? Well, tell me, what do you want? "

Feng nuoyuan's eyes brightened: "I want to go to Singapore for a holiday, Du meI won't let me, you talk to Du Mei."

Vacation again!

Xin Shanshan takes a look at Feng nuoyuan. If she remembers correctly, it seems that she has just returned from a holiday.

"Singapore..." Mu Tianhao took a meaningful look at Feng nuoyuan: "when?"Feng nuoyuan busy way: "next week."

The elevator stopped with a jingle.

Mu Tianhao took the lead to walk out of the elevator, Feng nuoyuan immediately followed: "Mu Shao, you have not agreed to my holiday."

Mu Tianhao didn't look back: "I wrote it down. I'll arrange it for you during the holiday At the end of the year, you go to Singapore at the end of the year. And... "

Speaking of this, Mu Tianhao finally turned back, but his eyes fell on Xin Shanshan. He said to Xin Shanshan: "I've lost a lot of weight. I'll eat better at noon. I don't have to lose weight too deliberately."

And then There was no and then.

Xinshanshan stands in the same place, looking at Feng nuoyuan with a suspicious look at the back of Mu Tianhao.

When Feng nuoyuan finished venting, he turned to meet Xin Shanshan's eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Feng nuoyuan adjusted his clothes unnaturally.

Xin Shanshan patted Feng nuoyuan on the shoulder: "Feng nuoyuan, I don't think the relationship between you and Mu Tianhao is not so general."

"Why not! He's my boss, I'm his employee! I want to go to Singapore next week. He is not willing to go to Singapore! As for this kind of relationship, which eye of you can see something different? " Feng nuoyuan's tone seemed to be stimulated by something. The whole cat was fried.

Xinshanshan quickly waved her hand: "yes, I'm asking for nothing. What are you looking for me for?"

Feng nuoyuan looked at the time and pushed Xin Shanshan to the side of the car and said, "let Mu Tianhao get confused. Let's go. It's business!"

After getting on the car, Xin Shanshan knows that Feng nuoyuan drove out by himself. The car is a new car. Ordinary Jeep cross-country. You can meet such a car on the street in B city.

Today, Feng nuoyuan specially wore a very ordinary dress, a black coat, black trousers, and no hat or sunglasses. His hair style changed when he appeared in public in peacetime, and his bangs were put down, completely covering his eyebrows.

It seems that this time he was influenced by the gossip that was followed by reporters last time.

Looking at Feng nuoyuan's cautious appearance, Xin Shanshan doesn't ask him where he is going. Anyway, he has already got on the bus, so he will not sell her.

The car has been driving for a long time.

The place where Feng nuoyuan took Xin Shanshan was a coffee shop in a corner.

It can't be said that this place is inaccessible, but it is very remote. There is no one in the hall except the waiter, and from the front view, the place is not big.

As soon as Feng nuoyuan came in, he was led upstairs by the waiter.

After Feng nuoyuan, Xin Shanshan didn't expect that there would be a different world between upstairs and downstairs.

The upstairs area is very large, all separated into boxes. The wall lamps on the corridor have a peculiar shape, which has the retro style of Victorian period.

The floor is all wooden, and the leading waiter walks in front. Every step of the heel landing is very light, which makes the special sound after hitting the board.

"You really enjoy it. You find a place like this." She lowered her voice and said, "by the way, is there anything to eat here?"

Feng nuoyuan gave Xin Shanshan a look: "today's things are very important! You'll find out in a moment

Hearing Feng nuoyuan's tone, Xin Shanshan couldn't help being serious.

Although Feng nuoyuan looks very unreliable, every time he does things are particularly reliable.

At the door of the room, the waiter took them in, served a pot of tea and went out.

Xinshanshan was half soft in the sofa and glanced at Feng nuoyuan: "what's the matter! Are you here to give me a present? How do I feel you're here to sell me. "

Feng nuoyuan laughed: "don't say, it's almost like selling you! And it's a good price

"Poor, you!" She poured herself a cup of tea.

Feng nuoyuan got close to Xin Shanshan and said seriously, "you still remember Xiao Yanan!"

"You should have come for Mars." Xin Shanshan really can't stand Feng nuoyuan: "can you tell me the point?"

Xiao Yanan!

In terms of qualifications, that is really more old-fashioned than Zhou Gu Nan. Oh, to be exact, Xiao Yanan is no longer an actor, he is a director!

It can be said that Xin Shanshan grew up watching Xiao Yanan's films. Some people say that Xiao Yanan is a classic of an era and an unrepeatable myth. Some people say that Xiao Yanan records their youth and accompanies them in the whole crazy years.

It can be said that the three words Xiao Yanan, for many people, is not just a star, an idol so simple, he represents a period of time for many fans.

However, no one can see Xiao Yanan's new play now.

Because he had completely bid farewell to the screen seven years ago, he fell down on the set, overworked, but fortunately did not die suddenly. After living in the hospital for half a year, he can no longer work continuously.

Four years ago, Xiao Yanan directed a film of his own, which was completely behind the scenes. There was no shadow of him in this film, but his shadow could be seen everywhere. But the box office and word-of-mouth of this film is not good compared with his previous films, but it really makes the new female stars who only show their faces a few times.It's a comedy, but it's full of family love and science fiction.

At that time, the film had a good box office and a mixed reputation.

But since that movie, Xiao Yanan has disappeared from the entertainment circle again. Occasionally, he is photographed by the gossip magazine. From his back, he looks like an old man over 60, full of silver hair, white T-shirt, black trousers and slippers.

What's more, the directors, actors and investment companies that he had worked with before all jumped out and said that there was something wrong with others' character. He was an actor who could not cooperate at all. If he had not been popular at the beginning, no one would have asked him to film. Then, all the artists who cooperated with him and were praised by him all stood up and accused him of being wrong. Even the artists who signed up for his company had to cancel their contracts and leave him.

For four years in a row, Xiao Yanan appeared in the audience's field of vision as such an old man with a bad character.

Feng nuoyuan also took a sip of tea and said, "the point is

Before he had finished, the door of the room was opened again.

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