After hearing the "card", Xin Shanshan immediately released Wenjie and retreated to one side.

Xiao Yanan came over and looked at Wenjie and said, "Wenjie, this is May's initiative to hold you. Her action is very light. You shouldn't hold her hard. You hold her too tightly! You don't have to lift your arms, you know! "

Wenjie nodded: "sorry, director, do it again. I know how to play it."

Xiao Yanan sighed and took a look at xinshanshan: "your facial expressions and movements are very good. Let's just do it again."

She nodded.

Shoot again.

When Xiaoqiang says that to May and turns around, may embraces Wenjie.

Her action is very light, even this hug is not really a hug, but this is the first time that may has such close contact with Xiaoqiang.

Xiaoqiang is wearing a full body sportswear, his hair is no longer dirty, clean and stylish, and the brand-new basketball shoes under his feet are even more daunting.

But may or may, the old-fashioned floral shirt, baggy navy blue pants, the pair of shoes on the feet have been old, can not distinguish the original color.

Her face was still stained with flour.

Xiaoqiang is held by may like this. His arm doesn't move, but his whole body presses down on May.

From the camera's point of view, Wenjie has no problem.

But only Xin Shanshan knew that Wenjie almost all leaned on her, and even her upper body was very tight.

Before Xiao Yanan called "Ka", Xin Shanshan jumped away.

"Card!" Xiao Yanan came back.

"Shanshan, what's going on?" Xiao Yanan's voice in the studio has always been not high, or that kind of slow tone, he did not blame Xin Shanshan meaning: "the front is very good, how finally let go?"

In such a situation, Xin Shanshan is naturally embarrassed to tell Xiao Yanan Ming that she looks at Wen Jie with a warning in her eyes. After turning around, she says to Xiao Yanan, "I'm sorry, I didn't control it well just now. Mr. Xiao, I want to have a rest. Can I take pictures later? "

This is the first time that Xin Shanshan has asked for a rest.

Xiao Yanan did not force, he nodded: "twenty minutes enough?"

"That's enough," she said

Xiao Yanan passed.

Wenjie smiles at Xin Shanshan and is about to leave.

Xin Shanshan said, "Wenjie, come here, let's have a right play."

Wenjie picked his eyebrows and simply agreed: "good!"

Xin Shanshan takes Wenjie back to one side.

Wenjie took the script and said, "which sentence to start with? I think you recite your lines very well. "

Xin Shanshan smile: "Wenjie, in fact, we used to cooperate, you forget?"

"Do you have any?" Wenjie was surprised: "impossible, Shanshan, you are so beautiful. If we have cooperated, I will remember even if there is no match."

With a deeper smile on her face, she said the name of a play: "you're really right. We've worked together, but there's really no competition! At that time, I acted as passer-by B. you confessed to the heroine affectionately, and then I clapped while you hugged and kissed! I remember when the director asked for a kiss, but you just hugged the heroine for half a minute, and the kiss scene was shot... "

Wenjie did not change his face: "Shanshan, I don't understand you when you say this. What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. I just want to tell you that I'm not the same as that heroine! I'm from Liuguang international. I won't be forced to knock on an actor's door in the middle of the night for anything

Wenjie's face became gloomy: "Oh, I almost forgot if you didn't say it! You are from Liuguang international! What, Mu Shao hasn't kicked you out yet? Well, it's estimated that it's the length of the contract! Shanshan, who are you talking about knocking on the door? How can I not know about it! By the way, aren't you Taiben? Is that right? "

"Wenjie." "Don't go too far for the same crew," she said

Wenjie shrugged: "am I too much? I'd better think about it later. I'll take the initiative

With these words, Wenjie showed her a smile that he liked on TV, and then walked away.

Xin Shanshan stares at Wenjie's back and gnaws her teeth.

Seeing that Wenjie had gone far away, Mo quickly came over and said, "sister Shanshan, he is too much! Let's tell the director to go! "

Xin Shanshan waved her hand: "it's a shame to say it. No, just a hug. How long can I take it?"

When the shooting started again, Xin Shanshan had stabilized her mind and acted according to Xiao Yanan's requirements.

But Wenjie is again and again the situation, a small hug on almost ten times.

Such ng frequency, Rao is Xiao Yanan usually speak in a slow voice can not stand it."Wenjie, how many times have I told you not to move or move? Where do you put your hands?" Xiao Yanan didn't even come over this time, he just took the horn and called.

All the staff in the crew who have cooperated with Wenjie also know what kind of person he is. It's hard to avoid that the eyes of Xin Shanshan are more meaningful.

Xinshanshan stood in the same place quite calmly.

Xiao Yanan finally called out to Wenjie: "if you can shoot it, if you can't, you can still follow the previous script, and don't make any hugs."

Wenjieduo, a knowledgeable person, immediately apologizes to Xiao Yanan.

The last time we started shooting, Wenjie let one go.

After Xiao Yanan said "pass", Xin Shanshan turned around and left. Wenjie stood there quite comfortably and said, "32c, I can't see it. You look very thin. You have a lot of material!"

Xinshanshan listened to Wenjie's words and slowly turned around: "Wenjie, other actresses are embarrassed to tell you what you have done before, but I'm not! As you know, I've always been a bad critic in the circle. I put the screen Tianhao into Liuguang international, suspected of being indecent. With the help of Feng nuoyuan's scandal, I improved my exposure Since the media have already commented on me like this, I don't mind pulling you to make headlines again! If you act against me again, I will expose you to the media! I really want to know what it's like to be written a little more ugly! "

Sure enough, Wen Jie's face changed immediately.

Xin Shanshan smiles at Wenjie and turns away.

As soon as Xiao Mo saw Xin Shanshan come down, she handed down her down jacket and hot water: "sister Shanshan, that Wenjie is too much! Thanks to me, I really like his play! You can't judge a person by his appearance. You can't measure a slut

"It doesn't matter. I've taught him a lesson. He doesn't dare to do it again!" she said

Xiao Mo opened his eyes: "really! How wonderful sister Shanshan is

But what xinshanshan never thought of was that the next day she pulled Wenjie onto the front page of the entertainment check page again!

It's just that the title is a thousand miles away from what she expected!

"The gossip queen brushes the bottom line again, the film set takes the initiative to add drama, the fierce bear embraces the incomparable good man Wenjie"!

Second Olympics!

Is there any more bullshit in this news!

Xin Shanshan is sitting in the nanny's car on the set, brushing the news with her mobile phone. Wu Meili's phone is coming.

"Simpson, can you be more peaceful! The negative influence of the last time you and Feng nuoyuan's scandal has not passed. Qing Guo finally raised your popularity to a higher level, so you can send me negative news! Don't you and Wenjie have the most eye contact? When will there be more hugs? " Wu Meili scolded Xin Shanshan with all her face.

Xin Shanshan couldn't say: "reporters scribbled, I don't know what happened"

of course, Wu Meili knew that it was a reporter's scribble. She sighed and said, "Shanshan, it's not what I said. What's good about this play? Why do you have to play it! For this play, you offended Mu Shao. Now you can't play Wenjie on the set! When are you going to see Mu Shao? I'm very sorry. Let's get this out of the way. "

As soon as Xin Shanshan heard the scene of Tian Hao, her eyes were dark. She said, "the director told me to film, so I don't want to talk about it."

Hang up the phone, xinshanshan holding the mobile phone back a long sigh.

Xiao Mo's head stretched out: "sister Shanshan, don't be angry. This kind of gossip is not taken seriously. It will be over tomorrow."

Of course, Xin Shanshan knows that this kind of small wind and small wave reports can't affect anything at all. Qing Guo is now on the upsurge, and the box office is on the rise. This kind of gossip will soon be submerged in the tide of many news. She is angry because Wenjie's means are so mean!

He is even a pig Bajie!

Reach out, Xin Shanshan tube small Mo way: "give me your mobile phone."

Small Mo obediently handed in the mobile phone.

Xin Shanshan quickly opened her microblog, registered a new vest, opened Wenjie's microblog, and scolded Wenjie at the bottom of his comments: Wenjie, you're a fool. You're a little white face on the top of a woman!

The message was so abrupt among the thousands of praise words that her vest was attacked by many fans.

Xinshanshan doesn't care at all. In reality, she can't swear. To keep her image, she just needs a vest to vent her anger on the Internet. What about him!

Throw the phone back to mo.

She got out of the car and went to the set.

The staff are preparing for the filming work. Wenjie still buys a pile of coffee desserts to keep his good man's face.

When she saw Xin Shanshan, Wen Jie came to her and said, "Shanshan is really a gold tongue. She said she would take me to the headlines! Women who have little support are really different. "

Xin Shanshan glared at Wenjie fiercely, turned around and left.

Wenjie pretended to be a good man and generally called out after xinshanshan: "Shanshan, I bought you mocha. I'll warm you up with a cup of hot coffee on such a cold day."She didn't even look back.

Xiao Mo followed Xin Shanshan and whispered, "sister Shanshan, Wenjie is so good at acting! You don't pay attention to him. When you turn around, people say that you play big names and you are not popular with the cast. "

Xin Shanshan's anger was "whatever it is! I'll do it when I'm done. "

Small Mo also did not say what, handed over the tea of flowers and plants that had been made long ago.

The only consolation for Xin Shanshan is that she doesn't play against Wenjie today. Xiaoqiang has already played basketball, and he wants to form a Kung Fu basketball team with the encouragement of the coach.

To this end, Xiaoqiang went to his former martial arts classmates.

And Xin Shanshan has two plays today. One is to miss Xiaoqiang and the other is to steam steamed buns with her unique Kung Fu.

She's still a slovenly, hard-working image.

And Wenjie's dress is full of vigor and vitality.

As Xiao Mo said.

Wenjie's deliberate courtship and xinshanshan's indifference once again let her feel a power of gossip that can confuse right and wrong.

What's "Shin Shan's big name on set"!

"The empress is addicted. In the new studio, the working girl is still the Queen"!

There are so many such things.

For a while, the image of Xin Shanshan in the outside world almost became negative. Although "Qing Guo" was really good-looking and sold well at the box office, she was left behind. She was not really popular, but the gossip had dominated the headlines all the year round Gossip queen.

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