Wenjie heard Xiao Yanan say this, his lips showed a trace of smile.

Xiao Yanan looks at Xin Shanshan.

But Xin Shanshan lowered her head. After a moment, she said softly, "director, do you think this kiss is really necessary? The quality of a film depends not on the scale of the film, but on the whole. A movie about 100 minutes, if not well shot, will not increase the box office because of how many kisses you have. Similarly, if the shooting is good, even if the hero and heroine do not have any physical contact from the beginning to the end, it will become a classic. Once you were an actor, now you are a director. I believe you understand this more clearly than I do. "

Xiao Yanan was completely silent.

What Xin Shanshan said is right. From the beginning, it is not an emotional drama. The relationship between May and Xiaoqiang is just a minor line. But it's not because it's a minor line that he doesn't take seriously.

Generally speaking, the feelings described by Xiao Yanan are obscure. In essence, he also prefers this method.

However, now the entertainment industry is not the same as it used to be. If there is not a little bit of gimmick to attract attention, even if it is a good movie, if no one is watching it, who can tell the good from the bad.

What's more, Xiao Yanan didn't get any investment from the beginning. It's also because of this. His script is so clear that the men and women in Qingshui don't even have a hug.

Therefore, he would listen to Wenjie's advice, because he himself is not sure.

As soon as Wen Jie saw Xiao Yanan's silence, he began to feel a little anxious: "director, you can shoot some scenes first, and then use them later. After seeing the final effect of the film, you can decide. What do you think?"

Looking up again, Xiao Yanan said, "Shanshan, it's still that sentence. Take it first. If you don't need it, I'll cut it off at last."

Xiao Yanan's idea is very simple. It's useless to cut it.

But if in the end, because of the lack of this and regret, then not.

When Xin Shanshan looks at Wenjie, whether the kiss will eventually appear in the movie, Wenjie doesn't care at all. What he wants is this process.

With a sneer, she clearly said, "I don't think it's necessary to add this kiss here."

Before Xiao Yanan said anything, Wenjie called out first: "Xin Shanshan, do you mean you don't want to shoot?"

She frowned, her face still had makeup, which made her face almost ferocious.

At this time, Xiao Mo's mobile phone rings, it's Xin Shanshan's.

Xiao Mo looked at Wu Meili and quickly handed it to xinshanshan: "sister Shanshan, sister Wu's phone number."

Xin Shanshan eases her mood. It's time for Wu Meili to call. She has to think about what to do to prevent Wenjie from succeeding.

"Sorry, I'll take a call." Xin Shanshan explained to Xiao Yanan that she took her mobile phone and picked it up: "hello."

"You can come to the company right now. Something's wrong. Hurry up." Wu Meili finished this sentence and hung up the phone.

Although Xin Shanshan doesn't know what's going on, listening to Wu Meili's tone tells us that this matter is also very serious.

It's just right. Anyway, I can't shoot this scene any more. It's better to go back first.

Xin Shanshan came over and said to Xiao Yanan, "I'm sorry, director. I want to ask for leave. There's something urgent in the company. I need to go back."

Xiao Yanan is very happy to agree, because the next play he also needs to think about: "well, I'll shoot others first, you'll be busy with your own."

She nodded and went back to take off her makeup.

Wenjie stares at Xin Shanshan's back with a look of resentment.

This scene falls into Xiao Mo's eyes.

On the way back, Xiao Mo said to Xin Shanshan, "sister Shanshan, why is Wenjie like this? He was staring at you when you left

Xinshanshan was plain with a face, her body was wrapped in a coat, and she rubbed her forehead with faint pain: "don't care about him."

Xiao Mo said, "sister, do you want to tell sister Wu about this? If you don't want to make it clear to director Xiao, you will feel that you will not cooperate with him if he really feels that you are not willing to do the kissing scene. "

Of course, Xin Shanshan knows that if Xiao Yanan really decides to add kissing scenes to this play, she will have to shoot it if she doesn't, otherwise she will have a reputation of not cooperating with the director.

All the directors are tired of such actors, and when it comes time to make trouble in the crew, let the unknown truth spread out, which will have an impact on her future performance.

"I'll think about it. I'll go back to the company and see what's going on."

Xiao Mo nodded and said nothing.

Back at the company, Xin Shanshan pushes open Wu Meili's door and sees Chen Jing sitting there, making a phone call, and their expressions are not very good.

"What's the matter?" she asked

Wu Meili said, "do you remember the skin care product you spoke for last time?"Xinshanshan nodded. The advertisement for skin care products had a short shooting time and a lot of money. Moreover, it was the only one she received that was more reliable.

Moreover, this brand of skin care products is a new product, which has never appeared in the market before. Recently, she watched TV, and advertisements were put out.

She also promoted it on her own micro blog, but it was also written in the contract. She just did it.

"Is there something wrong with the advertisement that needs to be remade?" She asked.

Wu Meili sighed: "it is not the advertisement that has a problem, it is the product that has a problem. Now there are your fans who trust you to buy this brand of skin care products, and she accuses you and the manufacturer at the same time. "

Xin Shanshan's eyes glared: "even I've been sued!"

Chen Jing said: "if this is only an individual case, it is easier to handle. The problem is that not only one person has problems with this product, but a group of people! These people all claim to buy this product only after seeing your advertisement. They are not suing individually, but jointly. Now the judicial department has intervened in this matter, and your endorsement fee has been announced. The judicial department now suspects that you and the manufacturer have jointly defrauded consumers. "

"What!" She was completely stunned.

At the beginning, she thought it was just a matter of false endorsement. If this matter is not handled properly, it will be a "endorsement door". As a result, there will be very few people looking for her to shoot advertisements in the future.

But I don't think it's serious enough to go through the judicial process now.

Chen Jing went on to say: "I'm already in contact with the media, and I'm pressing them not to make too much noise about this matter for the time being. But I don't think it will last long. "

Wu Meili knows that Xin Shanshan can't be blamed for this. It's her carelessness. She knows that there are false elements in advertisements now, but it's the first time that such a serious incident can happen.

"What's the situation now?" she asked, forcing herself to calm down? Is it because a small number of people are allergic, or is there something wrong with the product? "

Wu Meili said: "product problems. Now the food and drug administration has begun to investigate the company. This product is no longer a problem of excessive lead and mercury, nor is it a fake that is not painful or itchy. It's full of chemicals. Whoever uses it has a bad face

Xin Shanshan was surprised: "it's impossible I I used it

"You used it!" Wu Meili listened to Xin Shanshan's words and quickly stood up: "I remember that time did not give you samples to use?"

"I bought it myself at the counter," she said! It was after the advertisement was put out. The last time I went shopping in the supermarket, I happened to pass by the counter and saw the products on display and put up posters. I think that the new counter, which is also self endorsement, should be regarded as a promotion of their own field, so I bought a set of the series I spoke for. Although I don't use it every day, I still use it once or twice. Seriously, I think it's very comfortable to use, and I don't have a bad face! "

Wu Meili felt something strange when she heard it: "what, where are you buying this set of things?"

"At home," she said

Chen Jing also felt that something was wrong: "I'm very strange. In addition to the endorsement contract signed by Shanshan, the manufacturer had it. But this matter came out. It was impossible for the drug administration to show the contract to the media. How could the media have these things so quickly?"

Wu Meili said: "there must be someone behind the scenes."

She sat down, tired.

Wu Meili sat down next to Xin Shanshan and asked her, "you look in a bad mood. Are you tired of filming these days?"

She shook her head and said nothing.

Xiao Mo is listening to her side and thinks that Xin Shanshan's life is too bad. How can any unfortunate thing be let her stand on the stand!

"Sister Wu, sister Shanshan was bullied on the set." Small Mo did not hold back for a moment, or said.

Wu Meili asked, "what's going on?"

Xiao Mo told Wu Meili all about Wenjie.

Wu Meili was even more angry. She couldn't help blaming Xin Shanshan: "I told you who Wenjie was before filming, and you said you could handle it! What happened? First, he was bitten by Wenjie and said that you took the initiative to hold him. OK, it's nothing. It's just hype for the movie! Now I was bullied to the end! You tell me, you offended Mu Shao for this broken play, and was bullied into this on the set! Now there's something wrong with the advertising endorsement. What do you want me to do

Xin Shanshan was already bored. Wu Meili said that she couldn't help her depression in recent days: "all blame me! Is it right now that I don't offend Mu Tianhao, there won't be any problems with the endorsement? Is it because I'm going to make a movie I want to make? Will I listen to Mu Tianhao for everything I do in the future? "

"Simpson!" Wu Meili was also angry: "do you know what's good or bad?"

Wu Meili can be really angry with Xin Shanshan. Why is she so angry? Not because of her!Although Xin Shanshan was often bullied before, it was the first time that she met such a thing!

Wenjie dare to take advantage of Xin Shanshan in this way. He is sure that Xin Shanshan is afraid of the influence of the outside world. He dare not say anything!

Frankly speaking, it's not because xinshanshan and Mu Tianhao quarrel, which is known in the circle.

Wenjie is bullying Xin Shanshan now. He doesn't have the backstage of Mu Tianhao!

"I don't know what to do with it." She stood up, turned and left.

Wu Meili quickly followed: "where are you going? There are still a lot of broken things to be solved here! "

"I'll go home!" she said

"You Wu Meili was about to chase her, but Chen Jing stopped her.

"Let Shanshan go back first." Chen Jing said: "she's tired after a day's filming. We'll discuss how to solve this problem so as not to let Shanshan carry this black pot."

Wu Meili also knows that she can't mess up now. She pushes Xiao Mo: "you can keep up and see if she has eaten. Get her something to eat and let her have a good rest at home."

Xiao Mo should chase out.

She got into the elevator and went all the way to the underground parking lot.

As soon as the elevator door opened, she was stunned.

It's not other people standing in front of her waiting for the elevator. It's Mu Tianhao, who she hasn't seen for a long time.

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