Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 287: Not all students are so lucky

"... Ah, I feel like I missed the whole world."

In an office of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Chen Yushan was lying weakly on the table with an expression of irritation.

It's been two weeks since the New Year's Day, and another two weeks is the Spring Festival. However, she who was unable to attend that Christmas party is still a little bit worried.

In contrast to her master's tutoring at Yanda University, the mentor at the University of Pennsylvania is spartan-like to her students. Since she came here, there are always endless topics waiting for her, and she will never be idle.

At first, this life made her feel fulfilled, after all, she did learn a lot.

But over time, even if she is passionate about management, she is beginning to have trouble.

Chen Yushan believes that her situation is definitely a case, because most of the international students studying at Wharton School expressed sympathy for her experience.

Although everyone is also giving mentors free labor, few people are as exaggerated as she is.

At this moment, the office door opened and Ms. Michelle Parcy, wearing a fur-necked coat, came in.

This exquisite strong woman cleaned herself up very well, and her professional makeup covered the crow's feet in her eyes.

Glancing at the student lying on the table, she said blankly.

"I'm going to meet with the customer in a while. Are you ready for the chart on the market research of lithium battery anode materials in Huaguo?"

Chen Yushan lying on the table weakly pulled open the drawer and took out the USB flash drive: "It's basically done."

Management is a very broad subject, which means that its business scope can be very narrow or wide.

Perhaps today is still planning the company's organizational structure, and tomorrow will begin to collect data for the investigation of the lithium battery anode materials market in China. According to the different requirements of customers, the types of services they provide will also be different.

Although the content of am firm's outsourcing is only the former, Ms. Passy is keenly aware that the cooperation agreement between the Star Sky Technology established in Cayman Islands and Umicore in Belgium does not include the vast Chinese market.

For her, this was undoubtedly a pleasant discovery. To conduct market research and formulate an intellectual property licensing strategy that maximizes benefits, all these require professionals like her.

Providing customers with "value-added services" in this form can be said to be one of the ways to expand her business scope.

After all, business will not come to you. For an excellent Wall Street elite, it is not only the ability to meet customer needs, but also the ability to help customers discover what they need.

He took the USB flash drive from Chen Yushan's hands, and Ms. Parcy put it in her handbag, and said blankly.

"I will check your homework. For now, go to bed first. By the way, say hello to Los and me, and let her hand in the report as soon as possible. The deadline is tomorrow."

Of course, Chen Yuqian will not take her words as a sympathy for herself. The subtext of this sentence is nothing more than a good rest to work better.

"Good professor, I'll go now."

With a weak reply, she stood up from her desk and staggered towards the door.


Meanwhile, far from northern California, on the west coast of the United States, at a small research institute on the fringe of Silicon Valley, Professor Salot is facing the toughest moments of his life.

Facing the man sitting in front of him, his fifty-year-old neck was red, and he argued fiercely.

"... Our team has a world-class level in the field of organic synthesis! It is Cornell University that provides us with technical support. Do you understand what this means? You want to buy my team for $ 10 million, how do you Don't rob the bank? "

He sneered at the professor's claims, and Woolf just smiled and said in a ridiculous tone: "Of course I know that Cornell University, one of the Ivy League schools, has given birth to 54 Nobel Prizes, and there are so many professors ... ... but what does it have to do with you? "

Watching Professor Salot who was motionless there, Woolf continued slowly.

"And as far as I know, professors at Cornell University usually don't worry about funding, and they don't open the company to Silicon Valley on the west coast. So Professor Salot, this month's salary ?"

The psychological price given by the employer is 20 million US dollars. The lower the price, the higher the commission he can get.

He wouldn't even pay a penny if it wasn't for a few more valuable devices.

Serving science?

No no no, that's just advertising.

am of course serves the rich.

Salot blushed and didn't speak.

If you are a foolish person who doesn't know how to do things, he can say that he is right. Even if he tore at the mrs meeting with his peers in front of investors, he can stay in the wind.

But when it comes to investors who know something about Woolf, his little cleverness won't work.

After all, when professional knowledge can't play a role, Woolf's bargaining power is enough to explode the "laymen" in his business field.

In fact, Woolf did indeed poke his weakness.

The reason for opening the company in Silicon Valley, not Ithaca, New York, was to get funding.

In materials science, those well-known professors usually don't do this, because funding is not a problem for them. Many companies are willing to cooperate with them, and they need talent more than funding.

And materials science and computer industry are different, Silicon Valley's talent density is definitely not as high as those near Cornell University ~ ~ As for Sarot ...

A few years ago he was able to get funding, after all, it was the golden age of lithium air batteries, and the heat was almost hot.

Microsoft skipped inside, ibm smashed it with real money, and Tesla, a new energy vehicle company, almost jumped in even the U.S. Department of Energy ... This direction seems like there will never be a shortage of funds, and a local tyrant is pit And there will be new tyrants lining up to keep up.

However, in recent years, the situation has changed drastically.

In particular, the great pgbruce in the field of lithium air batteries, pgbruce, which was published in "Natural Chemistry" in the previous two years, was badly criticized by another Daniel. No one can repeat his results and make it to the end. The professor Bruce was almost out of business late.

Although most people believed that it was an "honest mistake", they had long labelled Bruce the "old liar", and even took the entire lithium air field with a heavy blow.

Salot is only a calf in the field of lithium air. Originally, he could drank with the big cows. Now the big cows can't protect themselves, forcing him to come out and invest by himself.

To be honest, based on the current financial status of his research team, let alone experiment and publish a dissertation, even the researcher's salary cannot be paid.

"Looks like you need some time to think about ..." Seeing Professor Salot still standing, Woolf shrugged and stood up from the sofa. "I'll go around."

Seeing that the opportunity was about to slip away from his own hands, Sarrot changed his thoughts in an instant.

Finally, he couldn't sit still and let out his voice.


Stopping, Woolf turned back and asked easily, "Did you change your mind?"

Sarote whispered, "You villain."

Woolf Haha smiled: "Everyone."

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