"If you want to solve the uniform deceleration linear movement with the final speed of zero..."

"Reverse thinking method."

"Okay , I’ve learned how to answer, right, ask again... forget it, don’t ask you."

After leaving Wu Bin in the office, Cai Guoping kept throwing out all kinds of high school freshman The Physics questions were all answered by the kid in front of him. Whether it was a formula substitution or some error-prone questions, he answered decisively.

I heard that Cai Guoping finally stopped raising questions, and Wu Bin was also relaxed. During this half an hour, he felt like he was participating in a program like "One Stop to the End". It was too tired, but still Fortunately, Cai Guoping didn't throw up some problems because he couldn't ask him down. Instead, he kept asking around the basics.

"How long have you been studying by yourself?" Cai Guoping asked Wu Bin when he walked to the water dispenser and poured water for himself.

"Um...about a week."

At this moment, Wu Bin is absolutely afraid to say that he only taught himself for a whole afternoon, otherwise the teacher in front of him might want to Jump feet.

"Oh, I don't think you have been tossing Mathematics."

"I will watch it when I study in the evening. I am still very interested in Physics."

Hearing this sentence, Cai Guoping finally showed a smile on his face, "It's a good thing to be interested. Interest is the best teacher."

"Teacher Cai said. "

"Wait a minute, let me see if I have any papers for the first year of high school." Wu Bin naturally passed the test, so Cai Guoping sat back at his desk and turned over the cabinet after speaking. When he opened the second drawer, he asked while looking for it: "Have you seen the electrical part?"

"Not yet, I just read the book of the first year of high school." Wu Bin shakes Shaking his head, electricity is the focus of the second year of high school, and he has no idea at all in his mind.

"Then you can hold on to the look, it's more interesting than electricity."

"Okay, I'll watch it at night."

Now Wu Bin's confidence in learning Physics is completely overwhelming, and he only needs one night of self-study to be able to Lightning Control!

After a while, Cai Guoping drew out two papers and said to Wu Bin: "My pure mechanics papers are really not there. You can just use this set to do it first, and I will help you tomorrow. Find it."

"Thank you Teacher Cai."

Wu Bin took the test paper with both hands and couldn't wait to spread it out.

The multiple-choice questions at first are all basic sub-questions, such as asking which of the following groups belong to the basic units of the International System of Units, the correct statement about the curve movement, etc., and then the next few questions The arithmetic problems are not difficult, and they can be solved easily.

These basic knowledge are completely engraved in Wu Bin's mind, and there is no reason to go wrong.

But the next big question caused Wu Bin to get stuck.

Cai Guoping, who has been watching Wu Bin's questions, was stunned, and said: "Which formula is used when it comes to the time problem and the descending displacement problem?"

"Displacement Time formula." Wu Bin replied very positively.

"Then what are you still thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about how to answer the second question..."

This sudden one about The question of free fall instantly shattered the swelling that Wu Bin had just established. He originally thought that as long as he understood the formula thoroughly, he would not be afraid of any questions. The so-called test questions were nothing more than turning the content of the book to seventeen or eighteen. It's just a bend, it's all paper tiger!

But now he knows he was wrong, this turn is simply a five straight hairpin turn! Too much test operation!

"Hey! That's right, I don't know how to do it." Seeing Wu Bin slumped, Cai Guoping smiled brightly.

'Naive middle age person! '

After spitting out in my heart, Wu Bin kindly asked: "teacher, please teach me a little bit."

"Listen, see that this kind of question is connected It’s best to use the whole process method, and there is also a subsection method. I will teach you later."

After Cai Guoping, I began to patiently explain the problem-solving method to Wu Bin.

"So now you know the average speed in the last 1 second?"

"20m per second?"

"By the way, isn't it simple? "Cai Guoping put down his pen and looked at Wu Bin.

"After listening to the teacher, I feel very simple, the teacher is amazing!"

After solving this problem, Cai Guoping's image in Wu Bin's mind finally changed from a The naive middle-aged old man with hair loss" has become "Physics with a halo!"

"This kind of question is not worth the word amazing, the difficulty is still to come, continue to do it." Cai Guoping Having said that, there is still some pride between the eyebrows, and I understand why Liu Yushan slowly stopped Wu Bin from complimenting him. This feeling of being worshiped by the students is indeed elated.

Next, under the guidance of Cai Guoping, Wu Bin completed all the questions he could do in several sets of papers in the office, and he still had some ideas.

"Okay, time is almost up, let's go to the cafeteria." After teaching the last question, Cai Guoping looked at the clock on the wall and said.

"Okay, thank you Teacher Cai."

In fact, Wu Bin feels that he hasn't done it yet, but it also delays the teacher too much time, so I have to say it reluctantly. "Teacher, can you give me some more papers?"

Cai Guoping was taken aback after listening, and then said with a big smile: "hahaha, okay, I will pick two for you."

Finally, Wu Bin, who got the papers, bowed and left the office happily, looking forward to having fun in the evening self-study.

"Teacher Liu, teaching this kid is indeed Interesting."

Waiting for Wu Bin to leave, Cai Guoping looked towards Liu Yushan while sorting out the teaching materials.

"It's quite interesting." Liu Yushan hehe smiled, "I just can't figure out how a person who basically gave up studying in the past two years can become so motivated. It can be said that he is better than I have seen. Any student must...Tsk, how do you put it."

"Hungry to learn." Cai Guoping took the sentence.

"Yes, that's the feeling. After all, the look in the question is not deceiving."

"hahaha, if I want to ask for the paper, the look in the eyes will not deceive." Cai Guoping laughed again when he thought of Wu Bin's expression when he asked for the paper just now.

Liu Yushan smiled after hearing it: "He reminds me of my little grandson's expression when he wants to play more game consoles on weekends."

"Yes, yes. Yes, it feels like this." Cai Guoping strongly agrees, "You said how can this person change so much, tsk tsk, maybe this is adolescence."

Cai Guoping shook his head and said with emotion. Continue to organize teaching materials.

After dinner in the cafeteria, Wu Bin hurried back to the dormitory to find out the Physics books for the second and third year of high school. Although the questions that went around were not so easy for him to solve, it was one night. It should be no problem to absorb the basic knowledge in these two books during the time of self-study.

The ending was not what Wu Bin expected. In just two self-study classes, he had read the Physics of the second year, but when he was about to open the Physics book of the third year, he suddenly remembered Today's three-hour system tutoring was useless, so I didn't dare to waste it and immediately took out the Mathematics book and started learning.

"Ah, life is really fulfilling."

Wu Bin holding the Mathematics book couldn't help feeling.


Gu Fan from the next door can't help but complain.

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