"Elegance, do you understand? You have to let students understand the elegance of Mathematics. She is sometimes as cute as a baby, sometimes like a landscape within reach, but still far away in the sky, sometimes ......"

"Alright, Wu Bin, please calm down first."

Originally, Wu Bin described how to introduce Mathematics more interestingly. But as she talked, her expression became enthusiastic, and Su Yun even felt that if she stopped speaking out, Wu Bin would probably start singing.

"What's wrong?" Wu Bin asked strangely.

"Cough..." Su Yun lightly coughed, sorted out his thoughts and asked: "Would you like to talk about how you felt when you first started Mathematics?"

" At the beginning..." Wu Bin recalled the scene where he first started making up Mathematics under Teacher Liu's teaching, and he couldn't help showing a sweet smile.

"In the beginning, I would count for a long time for the fixed point of the conic section, and it turned out that all the parameters were reduced."

"It would be the structure in the inequality Clicking one's tongue in wonder."

"I will rack my brains for the letters in the algebraic formula, but in the end all the letters are canceled out and make people want to stop."

" Will come up with a solution The question was altered and scratched, but if it was solved in the end, it would be so cool that every pore was cheering."

"I will toss and turn for a problem, neglect sleep and forget about food, But I don’t feel uncomfortable, because I know there must be another beautiful and correct answer waiting for me to find it."

"Will be..."

Listen to Wu Bin is full of affectionate descriptions. Su Yun can’t help but recall that when she was learning Mathematics, although she did not have the enthusiasm of Wu Bin, she did feel that Mathematics really had a strong temptation. Although she was abused countless times, she Still reluctant to let go.

After recalling the in-depth interactions with Mathematics, Wu Bin couldn’t help but shook his head and continued with emotion: “As for Mathematics, she always entangles you and tortures you again and again, but you are about to When it collapses, it shows you its amazing beauty, so beautiful that it makes you feel that the previous suffering is worth it."

"Yes, yes, that's how it feels!" After listening to Wu Bin this In other words, Su Yun, who was also in the memory, couldn't agree more.

"Right?" Wu Bin laughed, "And the deeper you learn, the more you will discover the most deadly charm of Mathematics, that is, she is so wide-ranging and profound, no matter how smart you are, Working hard, there will always be more unknowns and freshness waiting for you, and there will be no sense of boredom at all."

"Just like the best lover in the world?" Su Yun asked with a smile.

"Lovers?" Wu Bin thought for a while, nodded, "Probably so."

"Ai, if this textbook can bring your love for Mathematics Just pass it to the students." Su Yun sighed, muttering: "I always think it has some shortcomings."

"Then fill it up slowly, and I will help. "

"Well, anyway, I will go back and analyze the suggestions you wrote and see how to incorporate them." Su Yun finished speaking and took a sip of the soup. "Okay, let's eat first, it's all cold." Now."

Wu Bin listened to nodded and ate.


Next, Wu Bin's campus life is basically the same as before, except for the addition of C language learning.

In class, he spent most of the time reading C language books, occasionally he would solve two problems at the blackboard and explain his own ideas for solving problems.

In the lunch break, I will help Gu Fan to talk about them. Of course, many other students will come to him with questions, and he will patiently answer one after another.

After smashing the innate talent points obtained during the first upgrade in the previous finals to the innate talent Clever Rythmn, Wu Bin’s lecturing ability has been greatly improved. The top students also worshipped him, sometimes treating him as a teacher, and being humble when asking questions.

Wu Bin will still go to Bi Wanqing during the evening self-study, but now Bi Wanqing is more about discussing with Wu Bin, because as far as the Physics competition is concerned, Bi Wanqing has nothing to teach Wu Bin Yes, it can even be said that Wu Bin's understanding of some problems has surpassed him, and he can always come up with some fresh ideas.

In short, it is very fulfilling and makes him feel extremely happy.

When he came home from school on Sunday, Wu Bin took the trophy that the school had just returned to him and got on the bus home. The passengers were constantly looking at him, all wondering what kind of trophy it was. .

Get off the car and return to the community. Before Wu Bin has walked two steps, several aunts who were on the bench suddenly gathered around and looked at the trophy excitedly and said, "Oh, Wu Bin is back, this That’s what... the trophy of the Physics competition?"

"Such a big one, it’s good, it’s good, it’s promising."

"Yes, listen to you Mom said, this is the only way to get the first place in the country?"


Listening to the questions from the Aunts one after another, Wu Bin couldn’t help smiling for a while. I also made up how my dear Mother described my journey to win the prize vividly.

Finally, after answering the Aunt's answers one after another, Wu Bin finally got away and returned home.

"Oh, our champion is back! Come on, hug me the trophy."

As soon as he entered the door, Wu Bin's Mother rushed in front of Wu Bin, Grabbed the trophy.

"Aiya, it will be kept at home in the future. You can watch it for as long as you want." Wu Bin said as he put down his schoolbag, he couldn't help complaining: "Mom, is it all right now? The community knows about this?"

Wu Bin's Mother gave an awkward smile after hearing it, and then immediately explained: "This can't be all to blame for me. When Jing Teacher Hua came, the show was too big. My neighbors all came to ask me, so I had no choice but to truthfully answer it."

Although Wu Bin was deeply suspicious of this phrase, Wu Bin was very pompous when he came, but in the end he didn’t follow up. , Mother is happy anyway.

"This trophy is really beautiful." Wu Bin's Mother said, picking up a cloth and wiping the non-existent dust on it, "Oh, by the way, son, you haven't decided which one to go. University?"

"Well, when the time comes, I will go to Peking University for training. When the time comes, take a look at the university there and make a decision when you come back. Anyway, it’s not in a hurry. There is still half a year. Yeah."

"Yes, my son is now a hot product, so he should make a good decision."

Wu Bin's Mother the past few days can be considered as a lot of experience, this will When I heard that Wu Bin was going to Peking University, it was completely calm.

"Are the admissions offices of those universities still calling?" Wu Bin asked smoothly.

"I don't fight very much. I probably know that I can't help them persuade you." Wu Bin's Mother said a little bit of credit.

So Wu Bin gave her a thumbs up immediately, boasting "My mom is great."

Then Wu Bin's Mother was busy again, and put the trophy on On the refrigerator, I put the trophy on the locker for a while, but in the end I was not satisfied, and was anxious.

Wu Bin took a few packets of cat food and slipped out of the house quietly.

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