
In the middle of the night, Wu Bin, who was already like an old monk in Ding, sneezed fiercely, raised his hand and rubbed his nose, just about to continue Looking up, he felt a coat draped over him.

Looking back unexpectedly, he found that it was Lin Ziqi who had clothed him.

"Thank you." Wu Bin tightened his jacket and asked, "I haven't gone back yet?"

"You are going back, how about you? I plan to stay here all night. Is it?" Lin Ziqi said as he handed a thermos cup to Wu Bin: "Here, drink some hot tea to warm up your body."

"Thank you." Wu Bin rubbed his hands and put the cup I took it, and replied: "Overnight is not impossible."


Lin Ziqi: "If you can't learn Physics anymore, you just switch to philosophy. You are Want to change to metaphysics?"

Wu Bin unscrewed the lid and took a sip of hot water. After a comfortable sip of mist, he smiled and said, "Everyone has their own way of finding inspiration. I recently discovered When I look at the moon, my brain circuit is very clear."

"The moon?" Lin Ziqi looked up at the moon strangely, but didn't think there was anything special. He couldn't help saying, "Sure enough, a genius. Must be a little quirky?"

"This is called hobby, what does it have to do with quirks."

"Okay~ But you can watch the moon in the room, big Why do you have to stand outside in cold weather?"

"I pay attention to feelings in everything, being close will naturally make me feel smoother." After speaking, Wu Bin took a sip of hot tea and asked Lin Ziqi: "How are you doing with PPT?"

"Is thinking about important points."

"Well, keep on working hard."

Lin Ziqi was very witty and said after hearing this sentence: "Then I will go back first. It's very cold in the middle of the night. If it's really cold, go back to the house as soon as possible. It's not good to toss up with a cold."

"Don't worry. , I know it in my heart." Wu Bin made an OK gesture to Lin Ziqi.

"Well, see you tomorrow."

Lin Ziqi finished moving towards Wu Bin, waved and left.


2nd day, Lin Ziqi got up early and rushed to the laboratory, but was surprised to find that Wu Bin was not here.

"Oh, Xiaolin is here so early." Feng golden brilliance, who was eating rice balls, walked over and said hello to Lin Ziqi.

"Old Feng teacher is early." Lin Ziqi turned back and complied politely.

"By the way, I saw Wu Bin in the cafeteria just now, and his state is a little weird..."

"A little weird? What do you mean?"

" How should I put it..." Feng golden brilliance thought for a while, "I can't see whether his expression is tired or excited. Anyway, it's very strange. Normally, even if he spends two or three days all night, the kid has the slightest expression on his face. I don’t see tiredness."

Looking at Lin Ziqi's still incomprehensible expression, Feng golden brilliance pointed out and said, "Why don't you go to the cafeteria now, he might still be there? That's it."

"Oh, well, I'll go take a look."

After Lin Ziqi, he ran out of the laboratory building.

When he came to the cafeteria, Lin Ziqi quickly found Wu Bin in the corner, and his expression was just like Feng golden brilliance said. He couldn’t tell whether he was tired or excited at all. Unexplainable strange.

"I said you wouldn't really spend the whole night outside, right?" Lin Ziqi sat opposite Wu Bin and stretched out his hand in front of him and shook it.

"Well, almost." Wu Bin nodded was thinking about the problem.

"What did you think about?" Lin Ziqi asked curiously.

Wu Bin suddenly lifts the head after listening, looked at Lin Ziqi’s eyes and said, "The truth of the world."

Lin Ziqi couldn’t help swallowing the sudden serious look in Wu Bin’s eyes. He spit out: "Wh... what is the truth? You don't understand string theory, do you?"

Wu Bin shook his head slightly, and whispered more mysteriously: "Have you been at the gate of your house? I have seen some small restaurants. Everyday all has no business, but they are always open?"

Listening to Wu Bin's strange tone, Lin Ziqi became nervous inexplicably, and seriously recalled the replied: "Well, it seems to be there."

Wu Bin suddenly smiled after hearing this, and continued to whisper: "Because it is just a modeling."

"Building... a model? "Lin Ziqi is inexplicable.

"Yes, although the world looks very big, the area you have explored is very small. It is nothing more than homes and schools and a few places of entertainment, and the similar neighborhoods on the roadside In fact, there is no modeling inside, you can't get in at all, and once you try to get in, you will be corrected by the God of Truth."

"What are you trying to say..."

If you change to someone else, Lin Ziqi would have passed "boring" a long time ago, but Wu Bin said so seriously, it made her feel that all the hairs on her body are about to stand up.

"Don't understand?" Wu Bin sighed then said, in an extremely heavy tone: "The world we are in may be virtual."


"I think you are blowing too much cold wind, and you are suffering from a mania." Lin Ziqi finally couldn't help rolling the eyes towards him.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Wu Bin's expression is still serious, "In fact, after knowing the wave-particle duality of light, I have this kind of suspicion. A virtual world requires a lot of high speed. To save the amount of calculation, some unnecessary information will be omitted, such as the particle nature of light."

Looking at Lin Ziqi's sudden sluggishness, Wu Bin continued: "Why this The world is rich and colorful in the macro, but the basic particles in the micro are almost exactly the same? This is like a colorful picture, but the pixels are exactly the same."

"Why is the upper limit of the speed of light? Because of the operation of the machine The speed has an upper limit."

"Why is there a Planck constant? Because the accuracy of the machine's data is limited."

"Why are microscopic particles a cloud of probability? This is for Avoid random disturbances caused by the system being trapped in a loop."

"Why is the Quantum computer running so fast that you can try all possibilities in an instant? Because this is essentially an excuse for calling the host."


"Wait, wait..." Lin Ziqi suddenly extended the hand to stop Wu Bin from saying: "I'm a little messy, you can let me take care of it first."


Wu Bin waved his hand and said: "It's okay. It's normal that you can't accept it for a while. In fact, my spiritual world has also suffered a huge impact this night."

"No wonder you The expression is so subtle..." Lin Ziqi lowered his voice and asked, "Then what are you going to do next?"

"I..." Wu Bin took a deep breath, "I want to find this The truth about the world."

"I, my mind is still a bit messy, the amount of information is too big..." Lin Ziqi slammed his hair a few times, as if to vent, said: "I just want to eat It’s just breakfast, why do you feel like you have a major event?"

"pu... hahahahahahaha!"

Looking at Lin Ziqi's extremely tangled expression, Wu Bin finally couldn't help it. , Burst into laughter.

While Wu Bin smiled, Lin Ziqi finally realized that he was still being tricked.


PS: I'm back, I've had a good year, and I'm in a very good state of mind now! In the new year, everyone should cheer duck together!

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