"My school experience is not the same as yours. I was admitted to Yichun Teachers College at the time, not a very good school in Physics. At that time, I had a Senior Brother, it can be said that he has had a great influence on my academic career."

In the office, Academician Chen Xianhui is sitting on the sofa and slowly narrating his story to Wu Bin.

"At that time, he experienced a lot of majors, such as laser, condensed matter Physics, theoretical Physics, surface Physics. It can be said that from pushing formulas, compiling software to drawing blueprints, and processing machinery assembly. "

"But why do you think he has to toss so much professional?" Academician Chen Xianhui suddenly smiled and asked Wu Bin.

"Curiosity? Or...like to try?" Wu Bin thought about replied.

Chen Xianhui shook his head after listening, "Because many people were not motivated to study so simply, including me, Senior Brother."

Looking at the expression somewhat Inexplicable Wu Bin, Chen Xianhui continued with a smile: "We were college students in the early 1980s. At that time, life was different from now. In our university, except for a few who have very good family backgrounds, many of our classmates have experienced starvation. You can't count on it. What a lofty ideal a starving student has. So when he was undergraduate, he wanted to go abroad because he can eat a full meal when he goes abroad."

"As for why I said this to you all of a sudden, in addition to wanting you to understand now The superior scientific research environment is hard to come by. I also want to share with you why this Senior Brother’s later experience had a huge impact on my academic career."

Wu Bin can’t help but feel like this. Some are flattered, an academician Daniel is not only unassuming, but also shares his experience in scientific research with himself. This is simply not more close to the people.

"In the University of Science and Technology for so many years, I have met a lot of students of all kinds, but I have never seen someone as special as you. This special is not only about you Academic excellence means that you do not have the confusion of many undergraduates."

After a sip of hot tea, Academician Chen Xianhui continued: "Just like you did at your own graduation ceremony. Like the speech, independent search for knowledge is a concept that many freshman students cannot adapt to, but from your resume, I don’t see any discomforts when you first entered university. On the contrary, you still feel a bit like a fish back in. water."

" Later, Academician Pan told me that you plan to study in China, which made me feel your speciality. This special feeling even made me feel very pressured to be your mentor. It's big."

Wu Bin hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Professor, you are serious."

"Not heavy, not heavy." Chen Xianhui shook his head: "What is the purpose of the teacher? It is to teach students to become talents, but you are already a very good talent, so how can you bring a student like you to bring it up a level, but it really puts me under a lot of pressure. To be honest, this is the first time that a student can bring it up. It brings me this kind of trouble, and it is also a rare and novel experience for me."

Wu Bin: "Teacher you this remark puts me under pressure. Really, my calves are all there now. Shake."

"hahaha." Academician Chen Xianhui laughed twice, "I want this effect. Let me see how you plan to turn this pressure into tenfold motivation."


After laughing, Academician Chen Xianhui said seriously: "When my Senior Brother was studying Condensed Matter Physics, the entire university was an X-ray machine. It was also an instrument of Earth and the Department of Space Science. The conditions of condensed matter are really bad."

"At that time, he felt that the conditions of condensed matter Physics must be so bad. So he soon found a way to transfer to the theoretical Physics Academician. Before Physics Academician got his hands, he had another opportunity to go to Germany to study for a degree in experimental Physics Academician. As I said earlier, for this Senior Brother, going abroad is his biggest purpose of studying at university, so He decided to go to Germany very decisively."

"After that, we also often exchange letters. He told me that there were four STMs (Scanning Tunnel Microscopes) in the laboratory of his mentor. But the STM at that time was actually very rough. After a week, if you are lucky enough, you may not be able to sweep out two. Zhang pictures. "

"But my Senior Brother didn't know at the time. His mentor gave him four experimental directions and asked him to think about picking one. But he didn't understand the four experimental directions. After all, the experimental conditions in the country were too bad before, and he hadn't done any of them. "

"So he could only ask a German Imperial Teacher who went to him. Brother De Imperial Teacher said that there is a very old surface analysis instrument, which is photoelectron spectroscopy plus some plasma plus mass spectrometry. The previous Senior Brother has been working on it for six or seven years and has not graduated. You just don’t choose It, everything else is pretty good. "

"So on the 2nd day, he ran to my instructor and told me that the other three would work, as long as I didn't choose the old surface analysis instrument. "


I can’t help but laugh when I hear this Wu Bin, it’s too straight...

I heard Wu Bin Academician Chen Xianhui also shook his head and said: "Yes, until now, every time we talked about it, he would laugh at himself as being too stupid. "

"You can imagine how speechless his mentor heard it, so he just said to him,'Then you choose this old one. '"

"He was so depressed at the time that he wrote three letters in a week to express how painful he was, but he suddenly stopped writing for a while until 3 months. Later, I was thinking about whether he would be forced to drop out, but I received a letter from him again. "

" In the letter, he told me how much the old instrument impacted him, because we almost never played with instruments in China, so he still used the method of learning theoretical Physics. I went to find the relevant textbook first, and moved the nine-volume German "Electrical Engineering and Electronics" back to the dormitory in one go. "

"As a result, there was a sentence in the preface of the book that had a great impact on him and me. Today, I will also teach you this sentence. "

"All electrical and electronic instruments are just outputting current and voltage in a certain way. "

After hearing this sentence, Wu Bin suddenly fell into thought.

"Can you understand? "Academician Chen Xianhui asked Wu Bin.

"Probably understand a little bit. "Wu Bin nodded.

"Okay, then you will explain. "

"It's almost like when you encounter electrical and electronic equipment, you don't care about its name, STM, AFM, photoelectron spectroscopy, etc., anyway, they just output current and voltage in a certain way. . "

"Good perception! "Academician Chen Xianhui clapped his hands. "That's right. In fact, the spectrum we get in the laboratory is just the current and voltage output by a certain instrument. Then you know... what does this mean? "

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