After some in-depth questions and answers, Wang Manyun and Lu Jingning admire Wu Bin more and more.

Wang Manyun: "Thank you very much for the guidance. I feel that you seem to emphasize that we should read more documents. In fact, I also understand this point. But every time I search for documents, I get numb scalp. , I really don’t know which article to read from... I don’t know if you have any experience in reading literature that you can teach, is this a trick?"

"Of course not." Wu Bin laughed Shaking his head, "What do you usually use to search for documents?" "Google Scholar" Lu Jingning rushed to replied.

"Oh...In fact, I would recommend using WebofScienc to search for keywords. It's not that Google is not good, but the literature searched by Google is more comprehensive, but it is also easier to distinguish some unworthy The quoted content is also added. If you cite some low-quality articles when you write your paper in the future, the reviewers may have negative comments on you, because many reviewers will look at you first. Which articles are cited in the references."


After listening, the two hurriedly wrote down in their notebooks.

"In addition, superconductivity is still a hot topic in recent years. If you search with keywords, you can find hundreds of articles. Don’t worry about it at this time, and learn how to read. The abstract can help you select whether you want to read the full text."

"Great God, this...seems a bit difficult."

For Wang Manyun, it can be selected only by picking. The documents you need are simply magic skills! Why does Wu Bin's tone sound as simple as flat A!

"It's a bit difficult?" Wu Bin stroked his chin and began to think about how to solve it.

"I'm so sorry for being such a weak chicken!" Wang Manyun said with a sad expression on his face when he was lost in thought.

"No, no. If you don’t have enough experience, it’s really difficult to do this. I was negligent."

After listening to Wu Bin’s words, the two girls almost burst into tears. Now, this great god in front of you is so close to the people!

After thinking a little bit, Wu Bin said: "There is also a relatively simple and rude reading method, that is, when you select the literature, the classic articles are the highest priority, then the top journal articles, and then It is the articles with a large amount of citations. If you filter it, there will be no more than 15 articles of this kind. If you add in your own specific ideas, it is estimated to be reduced to five articles, which looks much easier. "

"One thing you have to remember is that in academia, big cows always dig pits and calves irrigate. You have to understand how big the pits are dug before you can catch this. The framework of the topic, and then it will be easier to tear down the Mavericks article."

"Okay, okay."

The two girls talked and took notes again. .

"Oh, by the way, in addition to the literature, it is also a good way to study Daniel's book list. You can search the homepage of Daniel in related fields, and they will usually post themselves The Academician course syllabus is often accompanied by a reading list. For example, EzraZucker has his advanced Quantum detailed materials on MIT’s Opencourse. Because these professors need to compile courses, these books can be said to be meticulous. It's worth reading."

"Thank God, thank God." At this time, the two girls didn't know what to say, anyway, it was right to keep nodded.

Wu Bin: "Well...that's almost my experience, you can go back and try it first."

"Okay, thank you very much for your teaching." Wang Manyun When she closed the notebook, she was full of surprise smiles, because at first, she just wanted to come over and film the gods, but she didn't expect to get so many dry goods.

"Then you guys have to come on."

After making an encouraging gesture to the two girls, Wu Bin took his schoolbag and was ready to leave.


Wang Manyun suddenly shouted.

"Is there anything else?" Wu Bin asked back.

"Well... can I add a WeChat account of the great god, if I have academic problems in the future, I would like to continue to ask you."

"Academic problems?" Wu Bin After speaking, I took out a stack of sticky notes from my pocket, wrote a series of letters on it, tore it down and handed it to Wang Manyun, "This is my mailbox. It is more convenient to communicate with academic problems."

"Ah? Oh..." Wang Manyun was nodded in a daze after receiving the memo from Wu Bin.

"Goodbye, then." After saying Wu Bin, he moved towards the classroom.

After Wu Bin left, Wang Manjun looked at the note in his hand and muttered to himself: "Do you guys all have this style of painting..."

"Probably... …Yes." Lu Jingning slowly nodded on the side.


On the way, Wu Bin, who was about to go to the next class, felt the phone in his pocket shook, so he took it out and took a look and found that it was Qin Senior Sister Called.

"Hey, Senior Sister, what's the matter?"

"You haven't come for a run for a long time~" Qin Simeng said straight to the point on the phone.

"Ah...that, it seems to be oh." After laughing, Wu Bin said again: "It was too busy a while ago, but I will continue to come from tomorrow."

" Exercise requires persistence, otherwise the previous accumulation will easily be in vain." Qin Simeng said in the tone of someone who came over.

"Yes, thank Senior Sister for your concern, I will definitely come tomorrow."

"Okay~ Don’t be so serious. Actually, I am selfish. I just learned the data recently. The structure and the composition of the original, the mentality is a bit exploded... I feel like I am hopeless." Qin Simeng's tone of voice has already brought some grievances.

'Data structure......? 'Wu Bin's mouth couldn't help being twitched, and I couldn't help feeling again,'This Senior Sister, who is excellent in all aspects, is really a scumbag in programming language...'

After making an appointment to meet Wu at the old time Bin hung up the phone and continued to move towards the classroom for the next class.

While eating in the cafeteria in the evening, Wu Bin flipped through his notebook and recalled the content of today's class, and found that he was really not good at group theory.

At this time, the phone he placed on the table vibrated, and Wu Bin was a little surprised that the caller ID was Professor Zhang.

Picking up the phone, Wu Bin pressed the call button and said: "Hello Professor Zhang."

Probably after hearing Wu Bin’s chewing sound, Zhang Guohua asked: "I’m eating. ?"

"Well, I'm almost done eating."

"Are you free after dinner?"

"When you are free, Professor Zhang is looking for something to do with me? "

"Yes, there is something, and it's a happy event. The material patent has been applied for, and our subject has been completed. Calling you is to come and celebrate with you."

Wu Bin was also pleasantly surprised after hearing this: "That's really congratulations to Professor Zhang."

"Tongxi, Tongxi, this honor also has your share, in any case, come here and celebrate. The feast is waiting for you."

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