"Academician Chen is here, hurry up and take your seat, just waiting for you."

As soon as the two entered the faculty canteen, Professor Wang Bowen greeted him. After the greeting, I discovered that Academician Chen Xianhui was still following.

"Hey, this is not Wu Bin, why did you get caught by Academician Chen."

Professor Wang Bowen is an expert in material genome, Wu Bin used to talk to Professor Lin Ganwang I have seen this person in the materials, and those who come and go are considered familiar.

Before Wu Bin could speak, Academician Chen Xianhui first opened the mouth and said: "Aiya, bring him here. I want to prove it to me. I'm not late for no reason. I teach this. Child is too troublesome."


Academician Chen Xianhui tone barely fell, and there was a sudden burst of laughter from a table not far away.

Wu Bin walked along with the prestige and couldn't help his expression in a daze.

'Good guys, a bunch of big cattle professors from the Academy are all here. '

"This is..." Wu Bin was a little dazed. He had come to have a supper with a very relaxed mood, so how come he suddenly encountered such a big battle.

Looking at Wu Bin with a bewildered look, Wang Bowen said with a smile: "It seems that you were pulled over by Academician Chen without knowing anything."

This Academician Chen Xianhui also added in due course: "The exchange group of Peking University will come to our school in a few days, so many professors have specially found time to come back. We also took this opportunity to have a dinner and chat."

After hearing this, Wu Bin asked: "Are you here to exchange and study?"

Academician Chen Xianhui nodded: "Almost."

Listening to Academician Chen Xianhui’s somewhat ambiguous answer, Wu Bin can’t help but feel a little weird. You must know that in the C9 league, Peking University and Jinghua are notoriously not playing with others. Both schools play by themselves. At most, occasionally, when they are in a good mood, they will go to the next door to do a fight. That's it, as for other schools...

From the news that Wu Bin heard from Li Yan, it seems that every time C9 exchanges students, the column in Jingbei is Blank.

This time, I came to the University of Science and Technology for academic exchanges. It’s a bit of a mystery...

While Wu Bin was thinking, Director Jiang of the Wuyuan Academy stood up with a smile Said, "As you can hear from everyone's laughter, Academician Chen's words seem to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

"Who said no? Who knows who taught this kid."

"This is a master who doesn't emptied you."

"Before, I almost doubted my academic level when this kid did it, but today I heard from Academician Chen I'm finally relieved by saying that, otherwise I really plan to go back to university and study again."


Wu Bin, who suddenly became the protagonist of the topic, had no choice but to There was an awkward and polite smile.

At this time, Director Jiang stepped forward to patted Wu Bin and said: "Okay, don't stand stupidly, go get some favorite food and sit over and have a chat."

"Okay "Wu Bin nodded, then moved towards the dining area.

University of Science and Technology's faculty canteens have always been self-service mode, and the taste can be said to be good.

After picking up some meat and seafood, Wu Bin just wanted to find a corner to eat by himself, when he was caught by Director Jiang who was following him.

"I told you to come over and eat together, why do you go there?"

"Isn't this afraid of affecting everyone to talk about business." Wu Bin said with a smile.

"No business, just get together to chat."

Looking at Wu Bin who was snatched back by Director Jiang, the surrounding Sects gave him another burst of laughter.

After taking the seat, Wu Bin ate silently, and the surrounding professors were indeed chatting about some daily interesting things in the past, until Professor Chen Zengbing of Molecular Physics opened the mouth and said: "Academician Chen, you take Wu Bin Do you want him to show his face at the exchange meeting?"

Wu Bin, who was competing with a shrimp, couldn't help but lift the head after hearing it, an ominous premonition rise in the mind.

"It’s a bit like this, I don’t know what everyone here feels like?"

"I think it’s pretty good."

"I’ll give him another 10 Minute report time is better."

"Less, less, 10 minutes is enough, give him 20 minutes!"


Listening to the heated discussion among the professors, Wu Bin as the client couldn't help asking: "Aren't the professors discussing how to divide me into eating meat?"

Director Jiang finished listening said with a big smile: "How much is your meat worth, or keep a useful body and speak more at the report meeting."

"Me?" Wu Bin pointed to himself, "But I I’ve never given a report..."

Director Jiang was taken aback after listening, "I forgot that you did not participate in any academic conference. It would be better. This time it was originally just a small academic conference. At the exchange meeting, it’s time to practice your hands."

"Don’t... Director Jiang, this is not appropriate."

At this time, Academician Chen Xianhui opened the mouth and said: "It doesn't matter if you make a report. The main purpose of this time is to let you experience the atmosphere of the academic exchange meeting. After all, you will inevitably participate in this kind of meeting in the future."

"Oh..." Wu Bin nodded.

For Wu Bin, this kind of academic exchange meeting is indeed something that Wu Bin has only heard of by name, but still knows it. I only know that if there is some achievement in a certain field in the school, it will inevitably fly everywhere.

'Academic exchange experience...it is quite interesting. '

PS: 4D failed...I can't write anything when my head is dizzy. I will try to write as many chapters as possible in these two days. After all, I was still too busy at work at the beginning of the month.

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