When the 2nd day results were announced, Wu Bin naturally did not reach the average score line in the class. After all, he only read half of the content in the second year of high school. Something I haven't seen before.

But Yu Xuguang didn't really make him punish him, he just called him to the office.

"The penalty copy is just a little joke with you. I read your paper, and the rate of answering questions and correctness far exceeded my estimates. It took only one week since the last month. Time, most of you are still in Physics competitions, so when did you absorb this knowledge?"

"Chemistry class and after I go back to the bedroom, I will read books."

"Just these time?"

"Well, just these time."

"oh!" Yu Xuguang sighed angrily after listening, "Why don't you Are you interested in Chemistry first?"

"Huh?" Wu Bin looked inexplicable.

"If you are interested in Chemistry first, I will definitely report to you for the Chemistry competition."

At this time, a female teacher sitting diagonally across from the audience couldn't help but shout: "Yu teacher, you praise him too much."

She is the Chemistry teacher Shen Huiping teacher in Class 1. She is 56 years old this year and is considered a very experienced teacher.

"Hey! Teacher Shen, do you see me like that kind of untargeted person? This kid is really good."

"Hey, I'm really familiar with what you said, teacher , Teacher Cai likes to say that before.” Lu Gang who had just entered the office also interjected.

"Recently, I’ve been in the office to hear you praise how smart this little boy is. Come, come, teacher, tell me, what kind of ability does he have?"

"After reading the textbook for a few days like playing, I remembered most of the content of the first year and second year of high school, and the understanding was not bad, do you think this counts as ability?"

'Wow... …Teacher, you really spared no effort in blowing up. '

Wu Bin, who was on the side, blushed when he heard this kind of compliment, although it was true that he hadn't made a mistake on the whole.

"Hey, this sounds like a young genius, so why did you take off in the third year of high school?" Shen Huiping asked nodded.

"I still want to ask him, it looks like he's dreaming in the first year and second year of high school, otherwise I guess there are several recommended places." When it comes to this topic, all the teachers in Wu Bin are a pair of hates. The look of iron for not becoming steel.

Lu Gang drank a sip of tea, nodded: "This is the truth, don't tell me anything else, relying on this kid's Physics innate talent, and some are robbed by the school."

Listening to the two teachers taking turns blowing themselves, Wu Bin is also a bit sorry, so he said to Xu Guang: "Yu teacher, if there is nothing wrong, I will go back to the classroom and continue studying."

"Praise you, What are you running?" Yu Xuguang laughed, "Okay, it's the same sentence, don't keep thinking about it by yourself, the teacher will wait for you in the office during lunch break."

"Okay, thank you teacher "Wu Bin left the office after speaking.

Back in the classroom, Wu Bin glanced at Zhou Bo before returning to his seat, and found that he was actually copying Fenbijishu for punishment.

Wu Bin couldn't help but cast a sympathetic look. A little joke between the teacher and him, he became the only victim, so sad.

"Task [basic operation] has been completed."

"Get 200 points of task experience."

"Task evaluation: excellent"

"Get extra reward: divergent thinking ability +1"

"The host level is increased to LV4, and 1 innate talent point is obtained."

Wu Bin just sat in position, system Suddenly the voice rang.

'Maybe my paper score came out. '

Wu Bin, who probably thought of the reason, began to see this reward.

The upgrade and innate talent points are naturally expected, but this additional reward makes Wu Bin feel very interesting.

Divergent thinking is also called radiant thinking, radiating thinking, diffuse thinking, or divergent thinking. It actually expresses the same meaning, that is, the so-called brain The hole is wide open.

If abstract thinking is a tool for learning, then divergent thinking is the Divine Item for problem solving and innovation.

Summarizing a bit, Wu Bin can think of several benefits of divergent thinking, such as the ability to quickly generate multiple opinions or solutions to one thing, which is particularly prominent when solving science problems. People can come up with several solutions as soon as they look at the problem because their divergent thinking is very powerful.

In addition, people with strong divergent thinking also have the ability to imagine or solve multiple problems at the same time, which is a standard generalist. Such people in the workplace are generally the core of the team and the soul.

There is also innovation. People with divergent thinking can't be blocked when they open their brains. They often come up with various opinions or things that most people can't think of.

Innovation is actually the most important point in divergent thinking. The advancement of the times depends on it. Steam engines, electricity, airplanes, communication equipment, which were once not fantastic, have finally been realized.

However, if some people with strong divergent thinking do not use this ability on the right path, it is actually a headache.

For example, the most familiar kind of divergent thinking is actually a "stroke spirit".

For example, there were ten birds on the tree, and one person shot and killed one. Only, there are still a few left. I believe most people have heard of this question.

The honest person will answer that there are nine left, and the wise person will answer that there is not one left.

However, "Gang Jing" will give the questioner a brand new experience.

For example, he would first ask "Is it a silent pistol?"

The questioner answered: "No."

"How loud is the gunshot?"

"80decibel to 100decibel."

"Ok, are there any deaf birds in the tree?"


"Are there anyone in a cage?"


"Are there any disabled birds that can't fly or are so hungry that they can't fly "


"The only one who was beaten to death is not pregnant? If it is pregnant, does it count as the one in the belly?"

" No!"

"Will you kill two with one shot?"

"No, get out!"


Look, this is actually a kind of divergent thinking. Of course, you can also say that he is logically rigorous, but Wu Bin promises that if someday there is such a rigorous logic to analyze the problem with him, he will do it directly, no BB.

The previous abstract thinking +3 really gave Wu Bin a more obvious feeling and improvement, so I am especially looking forward to this divergent thinking, although it is only +1

The other is to upgrade The innate talent that I got is clicked, and Wu Bin is going to throw it on Chemistry, because he is indeed very interested in Chemistry now.

Open the Chemistry column in the innate talent tree, Wu Bin began to study the innate talent in the first row.

[The Lord of Flame: According to the color of the flame, you can quickly analyze the burning elements in it]

[Alchemy Man: The chance of success in experimental operations is slightly increased]

[Headless Chicken Master: Strengthen the understanding of transformation between organic matter (while lighting up [Master of Headless Chicken] innate talent can strengthen the understanding of the relationship between various substances)]

[ Master of Headless Chicken: Strengthen the understanding of simple substances to compounds, from Physics properties to Chemistry properties. (At the same time, lighting up the [Headless Chicken Master] innate talent can strengthen the understanding of the relationship between various substances)]

'system ......You are getting skinny. 'I didn't look carefully the last time I saw it. I didn't expect the name of the innate talent in Chemistry to be so skinny, especially for organic and inorganic substances. Not only the names are weird, but the effect description is even more weird.

For Wu Bin's complaints, system did not give any response.

Wu Bin, who has long been used to it, naturally didn't care, and began to analyze which one to order.

[Lord of Flame] This innate talent looks good at first glance. In the Chemistry exam, there are definitely not a few who have broken the flame color.

But this innate talent is only relying on color to quickly analyze the burning elements in it. It always feels that the functional range is a little small. You must know that many things are burned with the same color. There is no difference between all analysis and no analysis. , It's just a small reduction in the scope, it is estimated that a higher point can have a good effect.

[Alchemy Maniac] is a very good innate talent, but I feel that it will only be useful when we do difficult experiments in the future, such as the production of new drugs or polymer experiments, etc. The effect is remarkable. After all, high school The experiments are all in pediatrics, the standard answer is there, and it is easy to succeed as long as you follow the steps.

So what is left is the master of the two robots. The effects of the two innate talents are very helpful for learning. After all, these two robots can be said to run through the entire high school knowledge.

'But I always feel a bit of a loss if I can't light them at the same time...'

Looking at the "suit" effect, Wu Bin, who is a bit obsessive-compulsive, is very sad.

"Ai, forget it, please click the inorganics first, wait for the mid-term exam and complete a task, you should be able to upgrade to Level 1."

After clicking innate Talent, Wu Bin sighed, and quickly pulled out the Chemistry book for the second year of high school and read it, so that he could quickly forget the "suit effect"


The next few days , Wu Bin did run to Yu Xuguang’s office during the lunch break.

Because Yu Xuguang's problem-solving methods and understanding ideas are indeed helpful to him.

On Saturday’s lunch break, Wu Bin prepared to go to Yu Xuguang’s office as usual, but met Liu Yushan when he left the classroom at the door.

"Teacher Liu is good." Wu Bin immediately stopped and said hello.

"En." Liu Yushan nodded, and asked: "Where to go?"

"Go to the teacher, and ask him a few Chemistry questions."

"You haven't come to learn Mathematics very much recently, you are all right?"

"It's not true, but I have to pull the scores of other subjects online first, otherwise the teacher won't let me go. Participate in the Physics competition."

"Oh~ like this." Liu Yushan nodded, "Well, I helped you sort out a few sets of papers. When do you finish studying other subjects, come to the office to find me, and I will help you Speaking, it should improve you."

"Okay, thank you Teacher Liu, then I should go first?"

"Well, go." Liu Yushan nodded .

"Goodbye Teacher Liu."

Wu Bin moved towards the stairs and walked over.

Looking at Wu Bin’s back, Liu Yushan was lightly sighed, thinking of Cai Guoping’s appearance of being a master teacher in the past two days, he couldn’t help muttering: “This child is obviously interested in Mathematics first. ."

PS: Stable update ing, there will be a chapter later, please ask for a recommendation ticket~

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