Chen Fang didn’t plan to stand aside and stare at Wu Bin, so she moved a chair and sat next to the podium, but when she moved towards Wu Bin, she found him The speed of doing the questions is a bit too fast, "shua~ shua~ shua~" is almost moved towards the next side of the paper in a few clicks.

'Is this to choose C in front of me? '

Under doubt, Chen Fang got up and walked to Wu Bin's table and glanced at his paper.

'Oh, the multiple-choice questions are almost finished. '

Chen Fang was surprised and started to check Wu Bin's answers. He hasn't read the two questions yet. Wu Bin has already put this paper aside and started working on the next one.

So Chen Fang simply picked up the paper and looked down one after another.

"C, yes, B, yes, C, still right..."

The expression on Chen Fang's face becomes more and more exciting as she looks down. I understand that the set of papers she chose is not simple. It is a set of Jiangsu papers from a few years ago. The content of the test is very comprehensive and it is a very comprehensive test for the students.

Take these 14 multiple-choice questions as an example, test the knowledge points of attributive clauses, verb meaning analysis, communicative language, English colloquialism, independent nominative structure, etc., and the four options in the answer are confusing They are all very high, and it is easy for students to think that A seems to be right, but C is also right.

'And this kid is not only correct in one question, but also in doing it so fast, he obviously has a thorough grasp of this kind of question. '

The next cloze question, Wu Bin, is still done very quickly. The title is a narrative, which is a relatively easy-to-understand type. But the most troublesome problem of this type of question is that there are many holes, and the holes. Letting foreigners do it is not necessarily the right degree.

For example, the translation of a sentence into Chinese is like this. In the face of this sudden change, he _____ doesn't know what to do.

A. Suddenly, B. Suddenly, C. Temporarily, D. Timely

For students with sufficient vocabulary, although C and D can be filtered out instantly, A and B is very confusing, obviously it can be used.

But in fact, suddenly it actually means hindsight. It is used in the past tense, so you have to choose a moment here.

The standard usage is that after reading the answer, I suddenly found out that it was right for a while.

So, even if a foreigner comes to do it and finds that he has chosen the wrong one after doing it, he will definitely say "MMP, is there a gross difference?"

So the English class is not just to learn English vocabulary, but the English version of the Chinese class, which has a lot of twists and turns.

It can be said that when you pass the English Test 8, you are probably foreigner than most foreigners in English.

However, for Wu Bin, who has basically mastered high school English, he can easily jump over these pitfalls.

At this point, the linguistic ability +5 provides a lot of help. Wu Bin can feel that this +5 is not to help him remember the word quickly, but to understand the word quickly. This form, tense and function made him very clear thinking when reading the text.

The reading comprehension afterwards is also no problem, and it is easy to pass, but in the task-based reading questions, Wu Bin is a bit dazed.

'Hiss~ The person who asked the question is a little bit irritable. '

The test question is a theoretical report on Freudian Psychology, which analyzes the acceptance habits and response characteristics of different groups of people to news reports.

In this way, students’ knowledge and abilities in information retrieval, content induction, language structure, etc. can be examined from the perspectives of news categories, reader responses, and heterogeneous infiltration.

'Well...withdraw here should be more suitable than retreat. '

Wu Bin turned around and decided to look at this question from the beginning when he was uncertain.

Chen Fang has checked all of Wu Bin's previous answers, and they are still all correct, making her stare at Wu Bin not knowing what to say.

"This kid really has such an innate talent in every subject? All-rounder?"

Isn’t she not a student who has innate talent in learning English for so long? I have seen it, but it is really rare for her to have such a high learning efficiency. She has learned this way in just over a week and still has to take into account other subjects.

At this moment, Chen Fang felt that she herself somewhat began to understand Cai Guoping's feelings.

'OK, it’s okay to use withdraw here, and then according to the third stage description, readers will closely associate themselves with what happened in the news story, and empathize with the participants, so fill in share should be the best. '

After filling the remaining boxes like a hot knife through butter, Wu Bin finally came to the last level of English, composition.

Every English teacher should emphasize a sentence with students, "Use high level vocabulary more!"

This is why, because the high level vocabulary gets the most points!

It's the same as writing in Chinese. For example, if you want to write about someone I like, but he doesn't like me, I change my heart to the mountain and the king to the water.

Is this score going up?

English is the same, but you must not think that the so-called "high level vocabulary" is an uncommon word. To be precise, it should be a relatively complex vocabulary, phrase or practice that you learned later in high school. language.

The prerequisite for this is to have a relatively strong language ability. To put it bluntly, it means to be able to say two unclear words.

To briefly summarize, if an English composition wants to get a high score, there are five points to do. First of all, the content of the article should cover all the main points. The lexical structure and vocabulary of English are more than most people. , Use high level vocabulary more, and the cohesion between sentences should be coherent, so that the article appears compact, and the effect of the final composition fully meets the requirements of the topic.

Oh right, there is another very important point. Don’t deviate from the main content of the article because you want to show off some words that you think are very high level. You have to know that there are only a few lines in the English composition. Write one more line of the content of the partial question, that is very obvious, let alone write too much.

After reading the paper, the teacher was afraid to scold the last sentence: "You write your horse!"

After understanding this, Wu Bin wrote 10 lines in accordance with the requirements of the topic.

Wu Bin, who checked it again after writing, couldn’t help being nodded.

'My literary talent is internationally used! '

"teacher, do you do listening now?" Wu Bin lifts the head and asked Chen Fang.

Chen Fang didn't answer after listening, extend the hand and said: "Let me take a look at your composition first."

Wu Bin nodded, he handed the paper over.

Chen Fang read it carefully after taking it, and finally sighed and said: "When did you practice Chinese calligraphy?"

"Probably copied more recently." Wu Bin is slightly shy replied.

Wu Bin's previous characters are actually quite satisfactory, but they are just a bit better than ugly, but after the improvement of abstract thinking, his characters have become "spirituality", anyway Wu Bin looks very comfortable on his own.

The reason why Chen Fang asked this question was because she had originally thought that she had to curse this kid's prestige in her composition.

But in this composition describing going to the suburbs to plant trees, Wu Bin’s article has clear ideas and coherent points. He is also very particular about the choice of words in language expression, and at the same time uses participle phrases as adverbial comparisons. Expressed in good sentence patterns.

Even at the end, the article was sublimated and raised to the height of environmental protection advice. It can be said that the central idea is profound.

'Completely perfect composition. '

This is Chen Fang's only thought after reading it, and because Wu Bin's writing is really good, she can't even deduct the roll points, which makes her helplessly sighed.

PS: I got up after taking the medicine and drank some porridge. I didn't vomit, so I quickly got up and coded. I was moved by myself. Ask for a recommendation ticket~

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