For Wu Bin Mathematics's first grade test this time, the impact on the students is no less than the last time Wu Bin Physics scored full marks, because even though everyone I understand that Wu Bin's academic ability has soared, but he still regards him as a "competition player" in his heart, but Physics is particularly strong.

Normally, there are not a few ordinary candidates who look at competition students with a colored eye. Why? Because they are "naked candidates."

Take last year’s elite science cast line as an example. It was all above 675 points, and even for a strong province like Hu Bei, there were only 205 people who could pass 665 or above. But Hu Bei There are hundreds of thousands of provincial candidates!

So I want to approach Jinghua as a "naked candidate". For most children, it is basically a dream, which is too difficult.

But in their eyes, contestants take too much advantage. They do a good job with direct recommendations or self-enrollment signing, or some outstanding performances in the autumn camp or winter camp will have 20 points in the college entrance examination. 30 points, even 60 points, this advantage is simply heavenly!

Therefore, every year, parents of naked candidates have never stopped calling for the cancellation of competition points.

But this is all about seeing the wolf eating meat, but not seeing the idea of ​​the wolf being beaten.

How many students really dare to bet their entire study career on the competition?

Most Mathematics students have to spend a lot of energy on competitions and squeeze time to take into account the college entrance examination course. The pressure is so great that many students can't bear it, so they leave midway.

Even if you can bear this pressure, there are a lot of contestants who have been involved in three years but have not gained anything, but who is going to call them wrongs?


In response to all envy and jealous eyes, Wu Bin took the paper and walked off the stage and returned to his seat.

"Kaz", "Kaz", "Kaz..."

As soon as Wu Bin sat down, he heard a sound next to him, turned his head and looked around and found that it was Gu Fan Sharpening his utility knife.

Seeing Wu Bin, Gu Fan "hehe" smiled, brightened the utility knife and said: "If I fail Mathematics this time, I will stab you to death!"

"Don't make trouble, you can scare a cockroach from the lower bunk to the upper bunk. People who rush to the upper bunk instantly dare to stab someone, I'm so scared!" Wu Bin said while looking for him on the paper. Two points.

'Gan! It was actually thrown on the cone, fall in the sewer! '

Wu Bin thought that after rushing out of the turbulent collection letter several li, he bumped his head against the reef of the cone, which was uncomfortable.

"Hey..." After listening to Wu Bin's words, Gu Fan sighed, threw the utility knife into the belly of the table and said, "I don't think you watched Mathematics much this week. Why did you fly again? "

"I have learned a lot." Wu Bin replied casually.

The deeper you learn Physics, the more Wu Bin discovers why Mathematics is called the cornerstone of learning. If you can’t count it, you really won’t learn anything.

This is why even if you study liberal arts, you must pass Mathematics. Politics has statistics, Economics, history has currency conversion, not to mention geography, that is the science lurking in liberal arts. .

This is the case for liberal arts, science naturally relies more on Mathematics. It can be said that without a strong Mathematics ability as a basis, then it will be difficult for you to move forward in other sciences.

So Wu Bin's effort on Mathematics this time is no less than Physics. It can be said that a few teachers have already jumped out for him to draw the range of learning to go deeper. go ahead.

After all, how could Wu Bin, who owns the weapon of Calculus, resist the desire to punch through the copy of Gaoshu.

"The following classmate should also focus on praise, Gu Fan, 108, great progress."

Liu Yushan tone barely fell, Gu Fan’s eyes were originally like a dead fish. Suddenly regained his energy, he bounced off the chair in an instant.

When I heard that Gu Fan passed 108, the students below were also in an uproar. The surprise was all on their faces. After all, this was the first time I heard Gu Fan in the score area above 100. name.

"Does our class have a counterattack BUFF this year???"

"This effect is too strong, right."

"It is indeed a bit powerful, both It’s starting to fly."


But at this time there are still emotional chats. It was a lot of points, but they lost to their serious "student scum".

"It's not bad, it looks like it." Wu Bin kicked Gu Fan and said.

"Who did it, I really didn't expect."

After Gu Fan rubbed his hands beside his trouser pockets, he trot up and took Liu Yushan's hands with both hands. Papers.

"Keep it up, come on." Liu Yushan said gently.

"Thank you teacher, I will." Gu Fan hurriedly nodded.

"Well, sit back." After Liu Yushan finished speaking, he glanced at Wu Bin again, laughed, which was quite meaningful.

Gu Fan, who walked down holding the papers, was full of smiles. He even felt that this moment was the happiest in the three years he had been studying in high school.

As soon as Gu Fan sat down, Wu Bin grabbed his paper and started to look at his wrong question.

"Hey, what are you doing, I haven't watched it myself yet." Gu Fan shouted.

"Look where you are wrong, so that I can help you make a first stage review plan." Wu Bin said while watching.

"Oh oh, then look at it." Gu Fan immediately made a please gesture.

While reading the questions in Wu Bin, Liu Yushan on the podium finished reporting the scores of several people, and then he patted the papers and said: "The following are the students who failed the exam. I really have to work hard. There is not much time until the college entrance examination."


The audience was silent, and the students who hadn't got the papers all bowed their heads.

"Xu Tong, 89."

A girl lowered her head and slowly walked onto the stage and took the paper.

"This shouldn't be your level." Liu Yushan said earnestly.

"Sorry...Teacher Liu." Xu Tong's voice was already crying.

"Turning discomfort into motivation, the exam is not to make you lose confidence, understand?" Liu Yushan took out a pack of tissues from his pocket, took out a napkin from it and handed it to Xu Tong .

"Thank you teacher." After Xu Tong took the napkin, he ran back to his seat, leaned on the table and started whimpering.

As for Xu Tong's crying, the students understand that she is usually a player who wanders in the 120 area. This failure can be said to be like falling into the abyss.

Picking up the next paper, Liu Yushan suddenly nodded with a smile, which made the students below be inexplicable. In the failing area, what can make Teacher Liu laugh?

"Xu Hao, 86, if you work harder, you will pass the test." Liu Yushan said with a smile.


The whole class was in an uproar again.

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