In the morning of 2nd day, Wu Bin came to the classroom with thick dark circles. There was no way. He was too irritable this week. He slept for about four hours almost every day, which fully demonstrated What does it mean to be addicted to learning, losing weight day by day, but there is no way, who makes learning so happy!

During the review of Mathematics, the morning class passed quickly. At the lunch break, Wu Bin immediately took the completed Mathematics papers to the teacher's office.

"Teacher Liu, I'm done." Wu Bin put a stack of papers on the table.

"Diligence is a good thing, but you must also pay attention to rest." Liu Yushan glanced at Wu Bin's face and expressed concern.

"Got it, Teacher Liu." Wu Bin nodded accepted it humbly.

"en. ”Liu Yushan nodded, he picked out the red pen from the pen holder and started to change the topic.

As the red hooks were drawn out, Liu Yushan who was marking the papers became more and more surprised. Although he knew that Wu Bin worked hard, he still couldn’t think that in just one week, this kid would be able to I have fully understood all the knowledge I taught him.

Soon, the first paper was approved, and there were only red hooks on the roll, which represented a 100% correct rate.

"Good job." Liu Yushan looked at Wu Bin nodded and expressed affirmation.

"Teacher Liu teaches well."

Generally speaking, when Liu Yushan changes the test paper, just skip the right ones. If the small steps are wrong on the big topic, just make a circle. , If the mistake is outrageous, just give an X, and this time I changed Wu Bin's papers one by one, which obviously encourages him.

"You don’t need to take a flattery, if you don’t work hard, it’s no use what I teach." Liu Yushan said, knocking on the paper, "I chose this paper specially for you. There are many error-prone questions. If you can answer all of them correctly, it means that you have learned very well."

After listening to Liu Yushan's words, Wu Bin smiled happily, and his efforts are sure to be always happy. In the study this week, he can say that he really did neglect sleep and forget about food.

Then Liu Yushan quickly corrected all the remaining papers, and they were still all right, not even a single question was wrong.

After stacking all the papers, Liu Yushan looked at Wu Bin and said, "You have completely mastered this part of the test. I will tell you about compound functions and trigonometric functions from tomorrow. , You go back to the classroom and look at these two parts first."

"Okay, thank you Teacher Liu." After Wu Bin finished speaking, he left the office.

As soon as Wu Bin left, Chen Fang, the head teacher, walked to Liu Yushan's office desk and asked, "Teacher Liu, did Wu Bin do all the papers you chose for him?

"Well, it's all right, not one question is wrong. "Liu Yushan nodded.

"Oh, it's pretty good to be serious. "Chen Fang was a little surprised at Wu Bin's speed of improvement. Even if it was just a practice paper, it was very difficult to deal with that he could achieve full marks. After all, he had only learned it for a week.

"It's not just pretty good. what. "Liu Yushan laughed, "From his idea of ​​solving the problem, it can be seen that this kid is not the clever group of Peak. Being able to do this in a week can only show one problem. He is really going to work hard. . "

"Teacher Liu has such a high evaluation of him, then I have to beat and beat this brat too, this can't always give me a blank paper. "Chen Fang took up the teaching materials and walked out of the office.


"Aye! "

As soon as I sat back in his seat, Wu Bin sneezed, and I don’t know who was talking about himself again.

"The energy provided by the host is enough to do it once. lottery, do you draw? "

Just when Wu Bin was about to take out the Mathematics book to study the next part, the voice of system in his head suddenly rang.

'lottery? What do you smoke?'

"Sorry, this question is not in the searchable range. "


"Then what is the energy that I provide? "

"Sorry, this question is not in the searchable range. "


'Oh, as expected.'

In this week, Wu Bin tried to ask the system from various directions Questions, and even some questions he thinks are very basic, but they always get "Sorry, this question is not in the scope of inquiry. "

Let Wu Bin feel that this is a computer that can calculate the orbit of a rocket, but does not know what 1+1 is equal to.

"Smoke it. "With the thought of not pumping white and not pumping, Wu Bin chose lottery.

"lottery is in progress, please wait a moment. "

"This lottery result is: 9th prize"

"Reward: Physics Learning Talent +10"

'pu... 9th prize The points are really clear. Hey.'

"Physics Learning Talent +10..."

For this kind of consolation prize-like reward, Wu Bin is not very enthusiastic. Hope, but he still took out the Physics book from the first year of the table to try the effect.

What he didn’t expect was that at the moment he opened the book, he It is as if people are trapped, and they start to absorb the knowledge in books frantically.

From the time displacement of the mass point, to force and gravity, elasticity, friction, Newton's law, the law of conservation of energy...

A series of Physics knowledge is instantly absorbed by Wu Bin sponge like seawater.

Wait until Wu Bin came back to his senses, it is already the third class in the afternoon.

Closed the Physics book, Wu Bin couldn't help swallowing a big mouthful of saliva. This was the first time for him to learn such an efficient way. After just over two hours, he actually finished the entire first year of Physics. I have absorbed it all.

In order to verify if this is his own illusion, Wu Bin turned out the Physics workbook for the first year of high school and made it.

D, D, B, A, A, A, C, B, B, C...

2.8, communication, much greater than, 0.30...

One by one, the answers are filled in the answering place quickly, although they can’t be said. There is almost no need to think about such an exaggeration, but Wu Bin can indeed quickly think of a problem-solving method.

This surprised Wu Bin himself. There are only formulas and formulas in the book, but he seems to have You can use them freely.

Wu Bin can also solve the next few big questions very easily. It only needs to set the formula.

When all are done, Wu Bin Suddenly felt that he didn't need to go through the answers, he was sure that he must have done everything right.

"9th prize? ? ? "

Wu Bin, who was fully aware of his changes, was completely shocked. Is the award of the 9th prize so scary? What is the first prize for? Conquer Earth?

In short, Wu Bin can't satisfy Wu Bin at all the questions in the workbook now. He wants to do something more difficult!

So when the third get out of class is over, Wu Bin goes straight to the teacher’s office.

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