Looking at a group of people in the dormitory sitting in a row and eating fruit, Wu Bin smiled and started talking.

"There used to be a high school student at a certain key point. When he reached the second year of high school, he felt that the college entrance examination was a bit boring, so he went to participate in the Physics competition."

"Yes, This is a big guy." Xu Bo nodded.

Wu Bin was also nodded, and went on to say: "After participating in the Physics competition for the first time, he was brushed off during the rematch, but he just shot his forehead. I think this competition is quite interesting. , So I decided to continue."

"But at that time, several of his teachers did not recommend him to participate in the Physics competition. Because of the same problem, the average person in the competition class was one If he can manage it at an hour, he will have to spend two to three hours, and the competition is a time and rhythm competition."

Although everyone who listens wants to complain about the competition, isn’t it IQ? The game, but now the big guy is telling the story. What he says is what it is.

"Then this high school student said he was dissatisfied after listening to it. Why can't I? I just want to participate!"

"Looking at his determination, those teachers So he stopped pouring cold water on him, and threw "Conundrums of Difficulties" to him, asking him to make manuscripts."

Speaking of which, Wu Bin took a few thick books from the bedside and stacked them on Together, they pointed to them and said, "Almost a year later, this high school student found the teacher with six files thicker than this, and said that he was confident that he could get the National One."

Looking at the book in Wu Bin's hand at this moment, which totaled more than 1,500 pages, the others in the dormitory looked up and made up six documents that were thicker than this.

After showing the thickness to the surroundings, Wu Bin went on to say: “In those six files, all his ideas for doing the questions, experiment process diagrams and experiment reports, etc., are saved. Each page , He has marked it in the upper left corner. For example, the puzzle collection is the first book he wrote, he will mark it as A, and then he will mark a certain problem in the "Puzzle Collection" as page A-396, the reference system is the same This is the relative motion question of ”.”

“At the end, when he reached the sixth folder, the mark in the upper left corner had changed to AY, that is, AZ was not enough for him, and he went from AA Start to continue to subscript."

"Fuck...Is there so many books for him to read?" Xu Bo was surprised.

"Why don't you have any books if you want to study the questions? You can ask Teacher Cai tomorrow, and he is estimated to be able to report more than 1,000 books to you."

"Shen special? More than 1,000 copies..."

"Later? Did he win the prize?" Xu Hao said curiously on the side.

"Well, he did take the National One, but he didn't join the National Team." Wu Bin picked up "Difficulties Collection" again, "At the time, what the teacher said to us was this " "Difficulties Collection", he did it five times, and every time there is a new harvest."

"cannot afford to offend, cannot afford to offend."

Everyone finished. They went back to their beds and continued to read their books.

Looking at Gu Fan who slipped away quickly, Wu Bin picked up a jelly and smashed it over and said: "You are not required to do the "Conundrum Collection" five times, you will always be fine if you do it five times in the Chemistry book. Right."

Gu Fan, who was hit, took the jelly off and ate it: "I know, isn't it looking at it."


As soon as the mid-term exam was over, Wu Bin naturally went all out to prepare for the competition.

Wednesday evening self-study, Wu Bin and Bi Wanqing completed a few experimental reports in the laboratory, and then returned to the small sect room.

"I will save the experiment for measuring the refractive index until tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"Okay." Wu Bin nodded sitting in his seat.

"Well, then we will continue to talk about the more off-track questions today." After speaking, Bi Wanqing picked up the chalk and wrote on the blackboard.

[Approximate solution of Lagrange (star mass);;planet mass;;satellite mass]

"When calculating the first two or three points, the center of mass can be approximated as For stars, when calculating the fourth and fifth points, the center of mass should be approximated to the center of mass of stars and planets. The essence of small calculations is to find the derivative and then substitute zero in. What should we pay attention to here?"

Bi Wanqing Ask Wu Bin back.

"It is too early to be substituted." Wu Bin replied immediately.



Wu Bin's progress is undoubtedly rapid, so now Bi Wanqing is discussing with Wu Bin most of the time Doing the questions, and occasionally teaching, is also teaching some more partial knowledge, if this kind of test is considered to be a winner.

During this period of time in Bi Wanqing, Wu Bin did know the special circumstances that would happen in various exams.

For example, even if you know the method for some questions, it is almost impossible to count them right once during the exam, such as the famous hand-calculated sixth rank determinant.

In addition, there are some fresh knowledge that Wu Bin saw when he flipped through various books. What Bi Wanqing told him is that it is better to master some knowledge when you really need it.

For example, when you really need Hilbert space, you are learning Quantum mechanics.

Memorizing various Gauss integrals is also when learning Quantum mechanics.

In addition, when Bi Wanqing once told him that my country's Quantum mechanics is considered to be the frontier of the world, he immediately became interested in this subject.

The other is group theory.

Bi Wanqing told him after hearing that this was only used when some weird Mathematical Olympiad questions were needed, and there were few questions that used group theory in the competition.

But of course this is not to say that group theory is a fancy and useless technique, but that Wu Bin hasn't used it yet.

In the truly cutting-edge scientific research, whether it is Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry, group theory has a large number of applications.

Because there are many different Physics structures in the research, the crystal structure and hydrogen atom structure can be modeled by group theory.

On the podium, after finishing the approximate explanation of Lagrange, Bi Wanqing patted the chalk on his hand and looked at Wu Bin and said, "Is it less than a month left for the exam? "

"Well, there are still more than twenty days." Wu Bin nodded.

"It can do it!" Bi Wanqing slapped the podium, "I think even if you go now, you will have hope for Guoyi. If you give you another 20 days, National Team is definitely not a dream! when the time comes, I must go to the scene to see how Jingbei grabs you, hahahaha."

"Eh? Teacher, are you going to the scene?" Wu Bin asked in surprise.

"Of course I want to go! How can I not go to the national competition for my students? Even if I lose my job." Bi Wanqing said with a smile.

"If the teacher goes too, then I will definitely increase my confidence!"

"Hehe, it is not me who should give you confidence, but the knowledge in your mind. "Bi Wanqing finished talking and took a sip of tea, and continued: "Well, for the remaining twenty days, you still focus on self-study. During this period, you will study yourself for a few days and nights. I will consolidate the mechanics for you. It is the most basic foundation of Physics, but it is also the top priority."

"Okay!" Wu Bin nodded and said vigorously.

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