Song Xintong went out two steps, "with Uncle Yang in, I also feel relieved a lot."

After buying the Yang family back for half a year, song Xintong felt that the character of the family was very good, so he was willing to entrust it with important tasks.

"It's a small duty to share the girl's worries." Poplar respectfully said.

Song Xintong nodded. There are few people available in her hands now, so Yang Shu can only take up the job of accounting room and these jobs. However, she has a good idea of these accounts and is not afraid that he will cheat herself. "Xie Yi and he Donghe Xi are literate. Please take uncle Yang with them. If they can become talents, it's good. If they can't... It's also feasible to just be an accounting room."

Before aunt Xie, they revealed this information to her. Song Xintong thought that the personalities of these people were feasible, and there was a poplar staring at them, so there was no need to worry.

Yang Shu understood that the girl could not only do such a little business in the future. Now it was to cultivate people. When the Song family grew up, she would be the housekeeper of the Song family, so he didn't worry that someone would divide his power in the future. Now he didn't hesitate and said, "I will obey you."

Song Xintong let out a sound and continued to walk out.

"Girl, do you want a name for our vermicelli?" The poplar followed.

Song Xintong went to the door, "isn't it called vermicelli?"

"Girl, villain doesn't mean that. You see Mr. Xu's restaurant is called lucky restaurant. Should we also think of a name?"

Song Xintong just reflected that poplar means to take a trademark, which is a problem, "I'll go back to think about it."

"The girl walks slowly." Poplar will be sent to the door, this just went back, called a few people waiting at the door of Xie Yi into the house.

"Xintong, watch the steps." Outside drying sweet potato autumn mother-in-law son loudly reminds a way.

"I know, grandma Qiu. I'm looking at the road." Song Xintong asked as he walked.

"Xintong, you are different now. You have to be careful." On one side, a few helpers also said.

"It's not."

"Xintong is so good-looking, the baby born in the future must be very handsome."

Song Xintong is also happy when he is praised for being good-looking. He chuckles. These people don't know how to cover up all the ugliness, and they will be beautiful if they wear good-looking clothes.

"That's not true. Lu Fuzi is not good-looking, but..."

Autumn mother-in-law son drank: "say what?"

The mother-in-law immediately shut up and knew that she had said something wrong. For fear that song Xintong would not want her to work, she immediately apologized to song Xintong: "Xintong, you don't want me to be wise."

Song Xintong light smile, no longer pay attention to her, just and autumn mother-in-law said a first to go back.

Daya has been following song Xintong, "girl, do you want me to beat her?"

"It's not like a girl to fight and kill all day long." Song Xintong thinks that if Daya lives in modern times, she must be a kind of special forces or soldiers. After a few grunts, she can throw dozens of people to the ground. It's a pity that she was born in the great Zhou Dynasty.

Big Ya embarrassed smile: "girl don't dislike me."

"I don't dislike you." Song Xintong walked forward a few steps, then turned to ask her: "Daya, you are nineteen this year?"

Daya didn't know why the girl asked her this, but she nodded honestly: "yes, it's nineteen in July."

"Nineteen." The 19th century is still a little girl in modern times, but in ancient times it was already an old girl. Song Xintong looked at Daya anxiously: "you are not too young. If you have a man you like, you can tell me that I will make the decision for you."

Although Daya was careless, she blushed and stammered when she heard this: "girl, I don't want to marry. I will serve you all my life."

"Why not? It's normal to get married and have children, and you can serve me when you get married. " Song Xintong asked.

"I... I'm afraid I won't have enough to eat when I go to other places..." Daya said embarrassed.

"..." hearing Daya's reason, song Xintong couldn't help picking eyebrows, "if you have enough to eat, will you marry?"

"If I can eat enough, I will marry."

Sure enough, it's Daya's obsession!

However, in this ten mile eight village, it is estimated that in addition to her, there are several local rich owners, and no one can satisfy her wish, right?

Song Xintong looked at her anxiously, ah! Keep going home.

"I'll stand here for a while. By the way, I'd like to eat fish with pickled vegetables. Go to the pool and get one." When he came to the gate of Lujiayuan, song Xintong suddenly said.

Daya quickly said, "don't stand that girl for a long time. It's windy."

"Well." Song Xintong went to the window of the classroom and looked into the room. He found that Dabao and Lu Yunkai were writing ink books seriously, while Lu Yunkai was standing by the door. When he found song Xintong, he stepped back and said, "how did you come here?"

"Just want to see." Song Xintong looked at the second class next door, "don't stare here?"

"No, these students have mediocre qualifications. They can read and keep accounts. It's good to be able to do accounting in the future." Lu Yunkai said softly.

"Then don't be too different." Song Xintong saw that class a had already learned to write poetry couplets, while class B had not.

"Yes, but it's too difficult." Lu Yunkai said softly, "the counting method taught by Niang Zi last time is very good. They learn very fast."

Song Xintong laughed, "it's much faster than abacus."

"Can you think of a name for me? It's used as the name of our family's industry, which will remind us of us as long as we mention it in the future. "

Lu Yunkai replied, "let me see."

"Easy to understand, don't be too abstruse." After Song Xintong's advice, she went back to the yard. Mother Lu called her and showed her several small clothes made of fine silk, which felt very soft.

Probably because she was pregnant, song Xintong was not interested in this kind of children's things. Now when she saw these fine embroidered clothes, she couldn't put it down. "Niang, are you doing all this?"

Mother Lu nodded and said, "look at these little clothes. Do you want to embroider some lines on them?"

Song Xintong took a look at the small clothes, "you don't need to embroider, and you don't need to do so much. There are a few pieces that you can change to wear. Children look the same every day. If you do so many things, you may not be able to wear them after a few times."

Lu's mother thought about it, too. "Then I'll make them bigger and wear them longer."

Song Xintong nodded, "Niang, don't worry. There are still eight or nine months left. It's still early."

"It's getting late. We have to make clothes all year round, and we need to make more sets." Lu Mu took out a flower from the thread basket again, "Xintong, do you think this flower looks good? It will be embroidered on the vamp at that time."

Looking at the cut pattern, song Xintong said, "Niang, I don't know whether it's a man or a woman. How can I make such a flower?"

Lu's mother thought about it and said, "my mother has forgotten this. If it's my daughter, I don't need to change the look of flowers."

Song Xintong couldn't help laughing, "Niang, if you are a girl, don't be angry."

"No, no, when my mother was pregnant with the clouds, she especially wanted to be a daughter. She prepared all the clothes for her daughter. As a result, she was born a boy." Lu's mother thought, "if I hadn't lost my body, I would have to have another daughter."

"Good girl, my daughter is my parents' intimate little cotton padded jacket." Mother Lu sighed after the stroke and looked at the jujube tree in the yard in a daze.

Seeing Lu's mother like this, I don't know what she thought. Song Xintong always thinks that Lu's mother is a woman with a story.

After lunch, song Xintong asked the twins to take a rest in the special place where they took a nap. Then they went back to the yard. Lu Yunkai's study has been moved here, next to the bedroom.

"Have you got a name?" Song Xintong sat down on the other side of the desk and asked.

Lu Yunkai: how about song Ji

Song Ji? Song Xintong thinks about it and thinks it's feasible. Their name is song, but now she's married to Lu Yunkai. It's not right for the Lu family to use song Ji.

Lu Yunkai saw her hesitation, "don't you think it's good?"

"It's nice, but you've got your share of the business." Song Xintong asked, "do you want to call it Taohuayuan?"

"It's not right. It's song Ji." Lu Yunkai wrote song Ji, "that's it."

Song Xintong thought, "do people outside think you are a soft eater?"

Lu Yunkai's pen in his hand said, "don't you mean to make money to support your family?"

"That's what I said, but I don't want others to say that about you." Song Xintong very seriously said, "in the future, you have to take an examination. If others attack you with this, what should you do?"

"My heart is like a stone."

"But my heart aches."

"That Tong is good, and the Wutong flower has not withered yet, and it is also lining your name. Clear dew flows in the morning, and new tung trees are introduced at the beginning. How much do you like to travel in spring

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