In the classroom, Fan Junzhe and Wan Qi sat together, but Wan Qi's eyes kept staring at the front row.

"A professional! We are in the same profession as them, God help me too!

Wan Qi clenched his fists and whispered, excitedly pointing at Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu in front of him,

"So? What about this? Are you going to disgust them? Fan

Junzhe still looked like he hadn't woken up, supporting his head with his hands, almost falling asleep.

Wan Qi rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "The so-called near water building platform gets the moon first, if you want to establish a deep friendship with that buddy, you must make a move as soon as possible!"

"What are you going to do?" A bugbed bug like you used to say hello to someone, but he might be chased away by his fiancée, right?

"Then wait for him to be alone..." Near

noon, the freshmen were also ready to go to the cafeteria to eat, and they were also full of expectations for whether the things in the cafeteria were good or bad

, although Luo Geng they didn't have to go to the cafeteria to eat, but since they were all here, they still went to eat once.

"Let's go to the cafeteria too."


Luo Geng pulled Chi Xiaoyu out of the classroom, and there were many people staring at the two

of them along the way, and it was only the first day of college, and a pair of handsome men and beautiful women had already been successfully matched, which made them very unhappy.

Especially those boys, looking at Chi Xiaoyu, they were very gluttonous, and their eyes were full of unwillingness.

"I'll go to the bathroom, you can wait."

Luo Geng turned around and walked into the men's toilet, while Chi Xiaoyu nodded and also walked into the women's toilet, ready to wash his hands and wait for Luo Geng.

"Here's your chance! Above!

Wan Qi's eyes froze, he and Fan Junzhe had been following Luo Geng and them for a long time, this was the time he was waiting for Luo Geng alone!


Fan Junzhe sighed and followed Wan Qi into the men's bathroom,

he was now thinking about how to stop that buddy from beating Wan Qi to death in case the two of them fought

... When Luo Geng went to the toilet, his eyes glanced and saw Wan Qi and Fan Junzhe who walked in, and he didn't care.

But this huge toilet, there is no one at all!

A row of urinals, Wan Qi came directly to Luo Geng's side!


Luo Geng's eyelids jumped, and there was a sense of foreboding

, but he didn't look up, but wanted to get out of here quickly.

"Ahem... Friend, take the liberty to ask, was that your fiancée just now?

Wan Qi narrowed his eyes, leaned his head next to Luo Geng again, and asked in a low voice.

Fan Junzhe was watching Wan Qi make a fool, if he provoked people to be angry, he could pull Wan Qi away at the first time...


Luo Geng frowned, stunned for a moment,

thinking that there was something wrong with this person, right? Come in to the toilet and ask this next to yourself?

"Ah, yes, are you in trouble?" Luo Geng looked at Wan Qi suspiciously and asked.

As a result, Wan Qi got the answer, nodded silently, and then turned around and went to Fan Junzhe's side!

"It's confirmed, it seems that Plan A is stillborn!" Wan Qi lowered his voice and whispered in Fan Junzhe's ear.

"Huh? And are you going to carry out your stupid plan B now?

"That's right! Look at how I quickly build friendships with others! Wan

Qi showed a confident smile, raised his eyebrows, and then turned around and walked towards Luo Geng with a smile.

Luo Geng's eyes widened, and he took half a step forward under his feet!

His hands were already in a martial arts posture, ready to attack Wan Qi who was close to him.

Go to the toilet by yourself, two people suddenly sneak in, and then ask this strange thing next

to themselves, and after asking, they go to the other person's ear to whisper something, and then walk over to themselves with a bad smile,

this is anyone's fear, right? I must have thought I had encountered a pervert!

"Oh, brother, it's such a coincidence, you also come to the bathroom?"

Wan Qi looked like he had forgotten everything that had just happened, so he calmly greeted Luo Geng

, Fan Junzhe covered his eyes with his hand behind him, he couldn't bear to see this scene, it was simply cruel to him.

Luo Geng was even more confused, he now had no idea what this pervert on the other side was doing, he promised that as long as this guy got closer again, he would definitely knock him to the ground.

The corners of Wan Qi's mouth rose, and then he put his hand into his pocket, took out a hundred-yuan bill from it, and

quietly threw the bill on the ground.

"Oops! How is this a hundred bucks? Dude, this is yours, right?

Wan Qi pointed to the banknote that had just been dropped on the ground and used his exaggerated acting skills against Luo Geng.

That's his ultimate dating technique!

Self-damage a hundred, at this time, even if the other party knows that this money is not his at all, but he will definitely say, "Yes, yes, it's mine." ", and then pick it up, after all, the money is not for nothing!

Even if you don't establish a friendship, it's okay, just leave an impression, and the next time you see each other, you can talk!

This can be said to be his skill of talking to girls and trying everything!

That's right, Wan Qi's skill in talking to girls is to throw money to find topics!

Every time it succeeds, the girl will smile and say thank you to him, then pick up the money, and talk to him next time,

but he just doesn't understand why he can't fall in love....

"Well... A unique way to make friends. Fan Junzhe put his hand down and was dumbfounded.

It was the first time he had seen such a blunt way of talking, what was the difference between this way and directly telling the other party that he was a fool?

Wan Qi thought that this move would work

, but Luo Geng slowly moved under his feet and slowly moved past Wan Qi

, his eyes kept staring at him, for fear that he would suddenly pounce.

It wasn't until Luo Geng fled to the door of the toilet that he breathed a sigh of relief and left a sentence: "Neuropathy."

As if he had expected it, Fan Junzhe sighed, walked to Wan Qi, who had been petrified, picked

up the banknote on the ground, and naturally put it in his pocket.

"Are you stupid, you all know that it is someone's fiancée, that big diamond ring must have been bought by him, can you give you this money?" You are quite powerful, originally normal conversation and normal friendship may be relatively simple, but you operated it and turned into hell mode, and now you want to make friends with him, it is estimated that it is more difficult than ascending to the sky..." Fan

Junzhe patted Wan Qi's shoulder, thinking that no wonder you don't have a girlfriend, it's so normal.

Wan Qi slowly turned his head, glared at Fan Junzhe, and shouted,

"You! Facts aside, aren't you wrong? Why don't you help me? Just watching a play right next to it? I can't make friends anymore, don't think about it, those school flower-level beauties have nothing to do with you!

"I wasn't going to be involved in any of your plans... These are your own delusions ... Oh no, it's just your lust, wake up, don't live in your own world..." Fan

Junzhe laughed at him, shook his head helplessly, and then turned and left the toilet.

Luo Geng did not dare to stay in the toilet, but ran to the pantry to wash his hands, and

when he returned to Chi Xiaoyu's side, he still looked shocked.

"What's wrong?"

"Ahhh... Just in the toilet... There's a psychopath..."

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