Wan Qi and Fan Junzhe found a location closer to Luo Geng and them, and Luo Geng didn't pay attention either.

Wan Qi was like a paparazzi reporter, lowering his head and pretending to eat seriously, but in fact his ears were about to prick up.

"I said, it's necessary, this is a university, so many female college students, it's not enough for you to choose, why do you have to torture people?"

Fan Junzhe knocked on Wan Qi's dinner plate with chopsticks, his face full of helplessness

, "Shh, make a little noise."

Wan Qi stretched out his finger and signaled him to be quieter, then raised his eyebrows and asked in a low voice: "Eh, what do you think of that girl?" "

Huh?" Fan Junzhe looked at Luo Geng and them, and Wan Qi pointed at Su Qinglu.

Fan Junzhe nodded and said: "It's good, but you definitely don't have a show, let me say, your first love or choose a relatively low difficulty to test the water first." "

Huh? Like what?

Fan Junzhe pointed to the window of the cafeteria and said: "For example, the aunt who just served you rice, I see that she seems to have served you an extra spoonful of rice, do you say it will be..."

I'm not kidding you, really, you said I went to ask for her contact information, can she give it.

"I'm not kidding you either.... Ahem, I think, the odds are not great. "

Gee!" Wan Qi simply stopped eating, began to gnaw his nails, looked in that direction with a sad face, and stared at Su Qinglu all the time.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Wan Qi seemed to have heard some key information, pricked up his ears and listened

, his brows were furrowed from the beginning, slowly stretched, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Wan Qi smiled, crossed his hands, and said

, "A-Zhe, we're going to do part-time!"

"You go by yourself, I'm not interested, my living expenses are enough."

Fan Junzhe shook his head, ignored him, and concentrated on eating his meal.

Wan Qi stretched out his hand, grabbed Fan Junzhe's wrist, and said, "Brother, I beg you, accompany me, stay anyway."

"I'm not going, I don't want to get involved in your stupid behavior."

"I'll wash your socks for two months!"


Luo Geng and they finished eating and were ready to leave, Su

Qinglu asked Chi Xiaoyu: "How is it?" Xiaoyu, do you want to try it? Today is just the beginning of school, their living expenses are quite sufficient, there are very few part-time people, when they realize that the money is not enough to spend, part-time work is not easy to find!


Chi Xiaoyu pinched the corner of Luo Geng's clothes with her hand, a little hesitant, because she knew that Luo Geng had always opposed her part-time job, and she didn't dare to go against Luo Geng's meaning, so she didn't dare

to say anything.

Luo Geng looked at her appearance, sighed helplessly, and said, "Just try it, right?" I also go, if I feel that it can't work, you have to listen to me, stop having these thoughts, and honestly spend my money.

"Why do I sound so uncomfortable..." Su Qinglu had a bitter melon face, listening to this heart-piercing words, her mood somehow appeared inexplicably sad.

I work hard to work part-time for living expenses, otherwise who wants to do it, and enjoy a relaxed university life.

As a result, in such a comparison, Su Qinglu felt that the importance of her boyfriend was too great.

"Good!" Chi Xiaoyu nodded and agreed with

Luo Geng's statement, but this also meant that if Luo Geng really felt that he couldn't do part-time, then there was basically no chance.

"Let's go, let's go, I'll take you."

Su Qinglu walked in front, left here with Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu, followed

by two people

, Wan Qi carried the dinner plate, and finally quickly pulled two mouthfuls into his mouth, and then threw the dinner plate into the sink, and chased out with a bulge in his mouth.

"Wait a minute."

Fan Junzhe followed unhurriedly, although very reluctantly, but it was still very cost-effective to get someone to help him wash his socks for two months.

There are still many shops in the campus park, and some restaurants often hire college students part-time

, Luo Geng They came to this Chinese restaurant, Su Qinglu seemed to be familiar with the road, directly pushed the door and walked in.

Now at noon, there are many guests, and the waiters are busy.

"Hello, welcome..."

Standing at the cash register was also a female college student, but she looked relatively mature, wearing work clothes, heard the sound of pushing the door, and subconsciously spoke

, but when she raised her head and saw Su Qinglu, she said: "It's you, little Lulu."

"Sister An Ying! I'm coming!

Su Qinglu trotted over and greeted her.

"Go change your clothes, you're going to be busy."

"Wait a minute, this is my friend, Chi Xiaoyu, she also wants to try a part-time job."

Su Qinglu dragged Chi Xiaoyu over and introduced An Ying.

"Xiaoyu, this is a junior senior, named An Ying."

"Hello, Senior Sister." Chi Xiaoyu also briefly greeted her.

An Ying glanced at Chi Xiaoyu up and down, and couldn't help but have some doubts, looked at Su Qinglu and asked, "Are you serious?" This sister doesn't look like someone who can do this kind of work.

When she saw Chi Xiaoyu for the first time, she felt that her appearance and temperament were not very suitable for part-time work, and she thought that Su Qinglu was joking.

"It's true... I just wanted to give it a try.

Chi Xiaoyu nodded and said, and then glanced at Luo Geng casually and found that he had already sat down in the empty place inside.

It seems that he really intends to keep an eye on himself here as a supervisor....

"Oh... Then little Lulu, take her to the manager.

An Ying was still a little incredulous, and pointed to the inside of the restaurant and said.


After Su Qinglu walked in with Chi Xiaoyu, outside the restaurant, Wan Qi and Fan Junzhe also came here

, Wan Qi looked at the store, whether it was cashiers or waiters, they were all female college students, full of youth, he couldn't walk.


In just two words, Wan Qi made an evaluation of this restaurant, if he stepped into this door, it would undoubtedly enter heaven for him.

"Why don't you have male employees?"

Fan Junzhe found that it seemed to be all female classmates, and he couldn't see a single boy.

"Leave him alone, we're the first!"

Wan Qi pulled Fan Junzhe into the restaurant, and as soon as he entered the door, Luo Geng noticed them.


Wan Qi caused a great psychological shadow to Luo Geng, and seeing this person, Luo Geng had a sense of foreboding.

"Beauty, is there still a shortage of part-time jobs here?"

Wan Qi came to the cash register and asked An Ying.

An Ying glanced up, quickly nodded and said: "Lack, especially the lack of male students, go to the back to find the manager!"

She motioned for Wan Qi to go to the back, Wan Qi's eyes lit up, this especially lack of male classmates made him very excited!


Dozens of minutes later, Wan Qi and Fan Junzhe put on their work clothes and stood in the back kitchen....

"Those two newcomers, don't stand silly! Go peel the 100 pounds of potatoes over there, and after shaving it, brush the bowl in the pool! "

Because the stove in the back kitchen is very loud, the head chef basically shouts at the top of his throat.

Wan Qi scanned the circle, in this huge back kitchen, half of the women could not see... It's all men!

"What's the situation..."

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