The expectant gaze fell on Luo Geng's figure sitting in front of the piano

, Luo Geng closed his eyes, and his fingers danced on the keys like elves.

As the music came out of his fingertips, filling the entire hall, the sound of the piano was as clear and pure as the stream, as soft and elegant as the wind, making the audience quiet.

Even Chi Xiaoyu stared at Luo Geng intently, listening attentively, enjoying the pleasant piano sound, and stabilizing the restless mood just now.


After a burst of turning, Luo Geng's movements also changed from soft to intense, and the piano sound also seemed to change from a stream to a turbulent wave, completely different from the style just now, as if what erupted in this timbre was the suppressed emotions, with a kind of release and cathartic power.

The state of the audience below also changed, and the moment the timbre changed, everyone showed a surprised expression

, and if it weren't for the fact that it was performance time, they couldn't help but exclaim.

Everyone was immersed in it, and when Luo Geng stopped moving, he couldn't calm down for a long time and didn't slow down.

Luo Geng stood up, walked to the stage, and bowed again.

There was an uproar, it was the applause that almost lifted the roof of the hall, if the previous applause was a spectacle, then the applause that Luo Geng won this time was all based on his strength.

It was as if all of them had listened to a concert for free, and it was hard to imagine enjoying such music at a university performance.

So that some people are worried, this kind of god start, what performance can catch? How stressful should the people behind be?

During the rehearsal, Luo Geng showed his excellent strength, and they also planned to let Luo Geng drive the atmosphere, but obviously they didn't expect the effect to be so good.

Luo Geng enjoyed the applause, scanning the crowd below, and finally, saw Chi Xiaoyu in the crowd.

At this moment, everyone seemed to have turned into a big radish, only Chi Xiaoyu was in his eyes.

Luo Geng walked off the stage, and as the host came on stage to announce the second show, everyone's thoughts were pulled back, including Chi Xiaoyu.

"Let's go."

An Ying stood up and prepared to leave with Chi Xiaoyu first, since he had already watched Luo Geng's performance, it was time to go to business.

"What about me?" Fan Junzhe looked at the two who were about to leave, pointed to himself and asked.

He was also not interested in watching it anymore, after all, he came here to see Luo Geng.

"You go and block Luo Geng and delay time."

"Huh? I..."

Fan Junzhe pointed to himself, and before he could say anything, An Ying and Chi Xiaoyu had already left.

Fan Junzhe sighed helplessly, stood up, and also left here, going to the back door of the hall

, after the performance, Luo Geng is likely to come out here.


He waited for a long time, and finally when Luo Geng came out of the back door, he was a little surprised when he saw Fan Junzhe.

"Huh? How did you get out? Wait for me here?

Luo Geng looked at Fan Junzhe who was squatting at the door and asked suspiciously.

"Hmm... yes, since the show is over, let's go have a drink, how about it? Fan Junzhe stood up and looked at Luo Geng with a slight smile and said.

"Huh? Why..."

There is no why, isn't today your birthday, it's a birthday celebration for you, and it's also a celebration of the successful end of your performance, let's go. Saying

that, Fan Junzhe was about to pull Luo Geng away.

"It's not... But laughing rain them..." Luo Geng pointed to the inside of the hall, he saw Fan Junzhe alone here, doesn't that mean that Chi Xiaoyu and they are still inside.

And Fan Junzhe didn't know how to explain it, so he said hesitantly: "That... They went to get their things, they should come to us in a while, let's go first.

"Whaa Then wait until I change my clothes.

"Don't change yet!" Fan Junzhe stopped Luo Geng and startled him.

At this time, Luo Geng was still wearing the suit he wore for the performance, and wearing this set to have a drink was really a bit eye-catching.

Luo Geng blinked, looked at Fan Junzhe in surprise, and asked, "For: Why..." "

This... How handsome this one is, what a pity to change, today is your birthday, you are the protagonist, wear it.

"But it's weird to wear this."

"Not strange! What a strange thing... Oh yes! It's Chi Xiaoyu, she said she likes to see you dressed, so... Very handsome. Fan

Junzhe suddenly thought of something, clapped his hands and said.

"Huh? It's true? What did Xiaoyu say?

Luo Geng was a little suspicious, and looked at Fan Junzhe with a raised and low eyebrow, with doubts on his face.

But seeing Fan Junzhe nodding firmly, he didn't want to say anything more.

"Alas——, okay."

Luo Geng sighed and left here with Fan Junzhe.

Came to a restaurant, Fan Junzhe ordered a few bottles of wine, and drank with Luo Geng first, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't see Chi Xiaoyu and them.

"Hey... Shouldn't you be doing some surprises...,"

Luo Genghu asked suspiciously, his eyes narrowing slightly at Fan Junzhe.

"Huh? I don't know, it has nothing to do with me, I don't know.

Fan Junzhe raised his hands and shook his head completely, this time

he really didn't lie, he really didn't know anything, it should be a surprise, or maybe not, he didn't know anything at all, just followed what An Ying said.


"Well, really."

Luo Geng took out his mobile phone and prepared to call Chi Xiaoyu, but

after the phone rang for dozens of seconds, it was connected there.

"Hello? Xiaoyu..."

Luo Geng didn't say anything, but it was not Chi Xiaoyu's voice that came from the other side of the phone,

"Hey? It's me, I'm An Ying. "

Ahhh.... What about laughing rain? "

She's right next to me, what's wrong?"

"Where have you been, aren't you coming to us?" Luo Geng frowned, why could they still ask what was wrong so naturally, of course, they were asking why they hadn't come to the two of them yet.

After the performance of his own, he couldn't wait to come out, but he didn't expect that now in the past two hours, I didn't see Chi Xiaoyu, and now it's going to be dark outside.

"Yes, where are you."

"We are..."

Luo Geng told An Ying their location, and hung up the phone, Luo Geng felt a little inexplicable, but looking at the appearance of Fan Junzhe on the other side, he seemed to feel a little inexplicable, and he didn't know what the situation was now.

After a while, the door of the restaurant was opened, and An Ying walked in, but only An Ying was alone.

"What about Xiaoyu?"

Luo Geng looked behind An Ying, and there was no Chi Xiaoyu's figure, and asked suspiciously.

"She's waiting for you, come with me."

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