During the time in the car, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu did not communicate much, and

in their respective hearts, they were thinking of something that could not be said.

It wasn't until they got out of the car that the two said goodbye and then walked separately to the road home.

"Communication..." Chi

Xiaoyu pursed his lips, the word appeared repeatedly in his mind, it couldn't be left at all, and

what was also lingering, as well as Luo Geng's appearance in his mind.

"Can a person like me really associate with Luo Geng? It's a bit delusional.

Chi Xiaoyu shook his head, and then continued to walk forward, ready to go home.

Dozens of minutes later, Chi Xiaoyu returned home, her home is more simple than Luo Geng's home, and

even Chi Xiaoyu's

whole temperament is out of place in this home.

The lights in the house are dim, and I don't know if I don't turn on the lights to save electricity.

On the slightly old cabinet, there was a portrait of a

man, smiling, looking very gentle, and looking very similar to Chi Xiaoyu, easily recognizable, that is, Chi Xiaoyu's father.

"Light rain? Are you back? "

Inside the kitchen, there was a woman's call and the sound of turning off the faucet

, "Well, I'm back, Mom."

Chi Xiaoyu responded, and then walked into the kitchen, where

a middle-aged woman was cooking, wearing an apron and rolling up her sleeves

, but the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, and the obvious silver hair on her head, and the eyelids were half pulled up, you could see how tired she was.

"Go change your clothes, you still have to wait a while before you can eat, give me the lunch box, I brushed it for you."

Chi Xiaoyu's mother, Ren Lan, is a single mother, and

her husband, Chi Xiaoyu's father, died many years ago.

In order to raise Chi Xiaoyu, Ren Lan worked part-time for many jobs outside, almost a week to return home once or twice

, the rest of the time is Chi Xiaoyu living alone, cooking alone, preparing lunch, studying, cleaning up.

And the year Chi Xiaoyu's father died was the year she just entered junior high school.

Everyone is immersed in the excitement and joy of making friends and entering the new semester

, Chi Xiaoyu is already immersed in the sadness of losing his father

, silently sad and tearful at school, and is regarded as a lonely person by others, and is talked about behind his back.

At that time, his appearance was not very outstanding, his studies were relatively average, and he had a withdrawn personality, so he had no friends at all.

It is common for a person to eat alone, to look out the window quietly during the rest time, there is not even a single person to speak, and

he can't say a word a day, this kind of thing is common.

I originally thought that the three years of junior high school would pass so sloppily, and Chi Xiaoyu didn't have any expectations.

But at this time, Luo Geng appeared.

The boy who was always smiling had a great influence on Chi Xiaoyu.

He always took care of everyone around him, even if it was himself a lonely guy, he

asked the teacher about my situation, and after knowing it, he did not choose to communicate with me directly

, but one morning, in his desk, there was an extra letter.

The letter that allowed him to come out of the shadows and bravely face the future was written by Luo Geng.

Since then, many classmates have come to take the initiative to talk to themselves and make friends

, and whenever they feel confused and overwhelmed, they will raise their heads and see the boy's gratifying smile.

Maybe for him, this is a trivial matter in junior high school, and it will soon be forgotten

, but it is to let Chi Xiaoyu remember for several years, and every time he wants to step forward and formally make friends with him and formally thank him, but

he just can't do it, and even in the end, he can't even look at each other.

He always has friends talking and laughing with him, and he can only hide in the shadows and watch him.

Once she saw a sentence from a book: "The more you like, the more you hide."

Chi Xiaoyu didn't understand what kind of relationship it was, and she didn't know if she liked it

, so she consulted a lot of information, a lot of books, and finally even asked her mother.

The answer is: in fact, it is not because of not daring or afraid, but because there is a kind of cherishing, cherishing, cherishing emotions, for fear of loss.

If you feel that way, then you must love that person very much.

Some people face people they like, they will confess generously, express their hearts, look directly at each other, and let their eyes be each other.

And some people face people they like, only dare to secretly look, secretly guard, not to mention confession, even normal conversations will be red-faced, heartbeat faster, and even every time they look at each other's eyes, they will involuntarily dodge.


, in the end, looking at each other and dodging, which one is really liked?


this matter was also something that Luo Geng

wanted to explore, he wanted to know if Chi Xiaoyu was interesting to him, and why he always deliberately avoided him.

And Qi Qianru's eyes were once full of her own appearance, and she had already verified with a lifetime that she was fake.

"Daddy, I'm back."

Luo Geng entered the room and saw that Luo Yongfu was already sitting at the table and serving him a meal.

"Hurry up, put the bag down, wash your hands, eat."

Luo Yongfu hurriedly greeted Luo Geng, and Luo Geng also showed a smile

, no matter what the family looks like, whether his father is sound or not,

he can always eat hot meals after returning home.

Luo Geng ate with Luo Yongfu at the dining table, and

the two hardly talked and ate with almost no sound.

"Oh... I want to discuss something with you..."

What the?

Luo Geng was a little puzzled, looking at Luo Yongfu as if he was making up his mind, a little puzzled.

"Do you mind... I'll find you a stepmother..."

Luo Geng spewed out the rice in his mouth, and then coughed several times in succession, almost choking to death.

"I rely on... You're too heavy... Why did you suddenly have this thought?

"Look at what you said... I'm only in my forties, and it's normal to want to find another one... But this is not to ask your opinion, your dad I watch so many TV series, not in vain, then make family discord..."

"I, I don't have an opinion, but dad, don't blame me for saying ugly, you this..."

Luo Geng looked at his disabled leg, even if ordinary people remarry, they won't find this

, they still have to serve him, who can stand it.

"You don't care about this, as long as the personal charm is there, this is not a problem!"

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