Time passed bit by bit, the operation time also came to a few hours

, the mood of several people has not calmed down, although Luo Geng and Yu Wanxin are already trying their best to comfort Hou Pengyuan, and chat with him about some more relaxed topics

, but his heart has been lifting, there is no way to relax

, until, the light in the operating room, turned out, Hou Pengyuan stood up, Quickly ran to the front of the operating room, ready to meet the news from inside.

Luo Geng and Yu Wanxin also followed behind Hou Pengyuan, waiting for the result

, the door was opened, the doctor came out from the inside, sweating profusely, he took off his mask and gloves, exhaled, and said:

"The patient is out of danger."

This short sentence, let the three people's hanging hearts, put down, the breath they were holding, also relaxed

, the corners of Luo Geng's mouth rose slightly, finally nothing bad happened

, Hou Pengyuan did not move, opened his eyes wide, tears condensed like crystals, until he blinked his eyes, as tears slipped from the corners of his eyes, he excitedly grabbed the doctor's hand and kept saying: "Thank you!" Thank you!

"We just did what we had to do, take good care of your grandma."

The doctor patted his arm, and from the operating room, the old man was pushed out, not yet awake, with his eyes closed.

Back in the ward, Hou Pengyuan sat on the side, still a little frightened, his breathing slowly returned to steadiness

, looking at his grandmother on the bed, he had the feeling of having a nightmare.

Hou Pengyuan turned his head and looked behind him, only to see Yu Wanxin's figure, but did not see Luo Geng,

"Huh? What about Brother Luo?

Yu Wanxin said: "He said, since it's okay, then he will leave first, call him again if there is something, and he will visit again another day, that's it."

After Luo Geng saw that there was nothing to do, he left here silently, and the next time was left for Hou Pengyuan to take good care of his grandmother, and he couldn't do anything by staying there.


Luo..." Hou Pengyuan's heart is very unpleasant, Luo Geng is like his dawn of hope, hurriedly coming, hurriedly leaving, he doesn't know how to thank him, how to return this kindness

, this is a life-saving grace, although it is not his own life, but his grandmother's life is also equivalent to his own, if his grandmother dies because of this, then he will definitely not have half a life.

"Gentle... You said, how can you make money quickly..." Now

he just wants to earn the 80,000 yuan as soon as possible, and then return it to Luo Geng, since he still doesn't know how to repay the favor, repaying the money that day is the first thing he can do.

"Work steadily, don't think about getting rich overnight or using some improper means."

Yu Wanxin poured a glass of water on the side and handed it to Hou Pengyuan

, and he also knew that he could not use any improper means and illegal acts to make money, but when would he be able to save 80,000 yuan to return it to Luo Geng with a down-to-earth job?

According to his future development considerations, plus he must take care of his grandmother, he must reserve some money in his hand, after all, I don't know what will happen in the future

, so after calculation, he may not be able to pay Luo Geng's money for ten years.

"Didn't you ask just now, Luo Geng is now a famous cartoonist, quite rich, people have also told you, don't worry about paying him back, if you have money, first spend it on grandma."

Yu Wanxin also learned about this when she asked why Luo Geng was so rich, she also knew that the comic that is now particularly popular, or more or less at this age, after all, many friends around are watching, but they don't care who

the author is, and now I learned that the author is actually Luo Geng, which really shocked her again

, maybe she should have thought of it a long time ago, When he saw the big diamond ring on Chi Xiaoyu's finger, he should have guessed that Luo Geng was rich.

"I know he's not in a hurry to get me back... But I should..." Hou

Pengyuan lowered his head, still thinking about how to make money, Yu Wanxin patted his head and said: "

Okay, your mind is still on taking care of grandma first, do you want Luo Geng's kindness to go to waste?"


Wife, I'm back."

Luo Geng returned home, he should have been a happy day at the beginning of the new year, but such a thing happened early in the morning, which made him also scared.

After Chi Xiaoyu heard Luo Geng's voice, he quickly walked out of the room, looked at Luo Geng and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, don't worry."

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu, who was also worried at home, and touched her head with a smile

, "It's okay, by the way, you should be hungry, go out without eating in the morning."

After Chi Xiaoyu learned that it was okay, he began to worry about Luo Geng's situation, after all, it was already afternoon, and Luo Geng, who had not eaten breakfast and lunch, was now very hungry

, but he had been tense and had no hunger before, and now after relaxing, he could hear his stomach growling.

"Hungry, have you eaten?"

"I didn't eat either, I'm waiting for you." Chi Xiaoyu shook his head and said.

"There are no restaurants open today, so trouble you to make something to eat, wife."

Luo Geng stepped forward and kissed Chi Xiaoyu's forehead

, "Okay, then you rest first."

Chi Xiaoyu tilted his cheeks with a smile on his face, and then walked to the kitchen, ready to make something for Luo Geng to eat.

Luo Geng sat on the sofa to rest, looking at Chi Xiaoyu who was busy in the kitchen, he thought in his heart that Chi Xiaoyu should be kinder than himself

, and when he lent out so much money, Chi Xiaoyu did not give a single opinion, although the two are not married, but knowing that their boyfriend lent so much money, normal people must have some opinions.

Luo Geng thought of his parents, if his parents had not divorced, if his father dared to lend out so much money, the roof of the house would definitely be lifted.

Luo Geng knew that this money would definitely not be able to get it back for a while, after all, Hou Pengyuan could not take out so much money to return to himself so quickly, although he was not in a hurry at all, he did not only have 80,000 yuan in his hand.

The manuscript fee of the previous one is still being given, and the profits of new works are also pouring into his card, as well as the comic book copyright fee of the previous one, and the cost of publishing a single book, are all increasing income for Luo Geng, which is sky-high for Hou Pengyuan, and it is nothing to Luo Geng.

After a while, Chi Xiaoyu made the meal, served it to the table, and untied his apron

, "Husband, come and eat."

"Here it is."

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu sat at the dining table, Luo Geng thought for a while and said: "Wife, I'll go to get a driver's license, and then buy a car, let's drive back when school starts, how about it?"

Chi Xiaoyu didn't think about it and nodded,

"I'll listen to you."

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