After eating, Deng Yuxuan sent Luo Geng home, to be precise, Chi Xiaoyu's home.

This was the first time he came to Luo Geng's home, and at first he thought that Luo Geng was joking, although he didn't know Luo Geng's family situation, but he didn't think that Luo Geng's family situation was not very good.

Deng Yuxuan looked at Luo Geng, who was about to get off the bus, and said, "You bought so many things for Qi Qianru when you went to school, I thought your family was rich."

"Being rich and being stupid are two different things."

Luo Geng said lightly, got out of the car, closed the car door

, Deng Yuxuan looked at Luo Geng outside, waved his hand, and said: "Bai, when you get married, remember to invite me, if you are willing."

Luo Geng chuckled and said, "One more blessing, one more gift, who doesn't want to."

"Yes, too."

Deng Yuxuan raised the window and drove away from here, Luo Geng looked at the taillights that gradually faded away, silent for a long time

, although the two chatted a lot during the meal, but very tacitly did not mention the previous things

, as if for the two of them, there was Qi Qianru's existence in the past, and no one wanted to mention it.

"Maybe I can really be good friends with him in the future."

Luo Geng muttered, and then turned

upstairs, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, Luo Geng went upstairs lightly, took out the key and opened the door.

He found that the lights in the house were still on.

"Wife? I am back.

Luo Geng called out in a low voice, but did not get any response, so he walked in with some doubts, but

as soon as he came to the living room, he found Chi Xiaoyu lying on the sofa and already asleep.

Seeing this scene, Luo Geng's heart felt the happiness of home, and there was a girlfriend who would always wait for you until she fell asleep, and after returning home, her mood would be different.

Luo Geng walked over and gently picked up Chi Xiaoyu, but Chi Xiaoyu slept very lightly, and

when he was picked up, he opened his hazy eyes.

"Husband... You're back..." Chi

Xiaoyu's voice was crispy and numb, as if he hadn't woken up, and his hands directly wrapped around Luo Geng's neck.

"Where do I go to eat next time, will I take you with me?"

Luo Geng didn't want to leave Chi Xiaoyu at home alone, so he would feel uneasy outside.


Chi Xiaoyu rested her head on Luo Geng's chest, quietly listening to his heartbeat, as if it was a sound that could reassure her, and rubbed her body into Luo Geng's arms again.

Such a move, Rao is Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu have been living together for a long time, and they can't resist it, and their heartbeats speed up a little.

He now admits that Deng Yuxuan said that he is indeed successful in terms of feelings, and the other half is Chi Xiaoyu, which has laid the foundation for his success.

Until now, he also believes that in the relationship between the two of them, it is still Chi Xiaoyu who pays the most feelings

, and the countdown to the start of school has begun, in this holiday, Hou Pengyuan has hardly left the hospital and has been taking care of the

elderly, and Yu Wanxin often comes to the hospital to help Hou Pengyuan, visit the elderly, and often bring something to eat.

School is about to start, and Yu Wanxin also came to the hospital for the last time

, "Grandma, it's much better."

Yu Wanxin walked into the ward, eyebrows and smiles, at this time the old man has been able to slowly sit up by himself, leaning on the hospital bed, although he still can't walk, but the recovery has been very fast

, Hou Pengyuan came out of the bathroom, holding the washed towel in his hand, after seeing Yu Wanxin, he said with a smile: "Wanxin, you are here, every time you come, my grandmother is very happy."

Yu Wanxin looked back at Hou Pengyuan, smiled slightly and asked, "yes, then you are not happy?"

"Of course I... Happy too. Hou Pengyuan was stunned for a moment, and then nodded

, of course he was happy, only grandma could talk with him here, and he couldn't chat normally or something, every time Yu Wanxin came, he could chat with him, and seeing her could make Hou Pengyuan happy all day.

Yu Wanxin sat on the side, looked at Hou Pengyuan and asked: "School is about to start, you..." "

I took a leave, no one took care of my grandmother, I have to stay."

Hou Pengyuan lowered his head and whispered

, he also wanted to go back to continue his college life, but at the same time, he was not worried about his grandmother

, even if someone would come to watch, he would not fulfill his responsibilities, it was good to call a doctor at a critical time, and

it was hard to recover so well, Hou Pengyuan did not want to fall short.

Yu Wanxin nodded and said, "This way, okay, then I'll wait for you to come back."

"Wait for me... Do you have something to tell me? Hou

Pengyuan will deeply interpret Yu Wanxin's words, even this simple sentence will make him can't help but ask.

Yu Wanxin blinked, shrugged her shoulders and said, "It's okay, aren't we a couple?" I don't wait for you?

"Uh... Right, right. Hou Pengyuan glanced at the grandma on the bed, scratched his head awkwardly

, and almost forgot that in front of the grandmother, the two played as a couple.

But he saw his grandmother's eyes, as if he had found something

, the old man narrowed his eyes and stared at Hou Pengyuan, with suspicion in his eyes, in fact, this is not the first time she has doubted the relationship between

the two, even if Yu Wanxin will often come to visit her, and Hou Pengyuan will chat normally, but Hou Pengyuan's attitude every time will make her a little suspicious,

even if the two can chat, there is no intimate behavior.

"I thought... What do you want me to bring, haha..." Hou Pengyuan smiled, trying to make up for it, because he had already discovered his grandmother's suspicions.

He really can't act, how can a person who has not been in love know how to get along with girls, and what he will say together, he doesn't know anything.

"Then, I'll go first, I'll go back and pack my bags."

After chatting for a while

, Yu Wanxin stood up and prepared to leave, "Ah, then you go slowly..." Hou Pengyuan looked at his grandmother with afterlight, it seemed that after Yu Wanxin left, he was about to be questioned.

And Yu Wanxin stood up and did not leave immediately, but came to Hou

Pengyuan's side, and in the next second, she leaned her head over, a thin lip with a smile, and lightly touched Hou Pengyuan's cheek.


Hou Pengyuan suddenly widened his eyes, taken aback, his mouth couldn't close

, he looked at Yu Wanxin stunned, stared at himself and smiled, and said: "Then I'll wait for you to go back to school, bye."

Then she looked at the old man and continued: "Bye bye, grandma, I will come to see you next time I have a holiday."

"Well..." After

Yu Wanxin left, Hou Pengyuan still did not dare to look back, not because he did not dare to look at his grandmother, but because he was afraid of being stunned by his

grandmother, he knew that this was to make his grandmother believe that they were a couple

, but even if it was acting, this was too hard, right? They are not actors, and they have no money to take it for acting in this play.

"What to do... I kind of, can't wait to go back to school..."

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