"Husband, your phone."

Chi Xiaoyu came to the studio from next door and sent Luo Geng a mobile phone.

"Ah, I forgot at home."

Luo Geng in the studio was still painting, and did not notice that he did not bring his mobile phone, at this time the phone rang, and I didn't know who called.

"Who called?" Just take it, wife.

Luo Geng put the brush aside, wiped his dark hand, and took the phone.

"I don't know who called, strange." Chi Xiaoyu didn't want to

answer Luo Geng's phone without authorization, worried that Luo Geng would be angry because of this, although she really wanted to be Luo Geng's wife and then help Luo Geng answer the phone....

"Hello? Who is it?

Luo Geng leaned back on the chair, followed the phone, and a man's voice came from the other side of the phone, saying something to Luo Geng.

Luo Geng listened quietly, nodding his head gently as he listened.

"Well, okay, I see, in three days."

Luo Geng responded to the words of the other side, then picked up a pen and wrote down an address on the paper on the side, and

after listening, he hung up the phone.

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu and asked: "Wife, three days later, the Cartoonists Association has a seminar and invites me to participate, do you want to go with me?"

Chi Xiaoyu was a little surprised, but also a little expectant, and asked, "Can I go too?"

"Of course, just accompany me, by the way, go over there to play, didn't I promise you last time, next time I go out, take you with me."

"Hmm... Then I'm going to go with me too.

Chi Xiaoyu nodded, a smile slightly raised at the corner of her lips, she didn't expect that Luo Geng still remembered the promise

at that time, which made her very happy, because the last time the two were separated for a few days, they both thought that the other party could not think about it, and they couldn't wait to see that kind immediately

, so at that time, Luo Geng promised Chi Xiaoyu, the next time he went out, he would take her with him, no longer separated,

"Seminar of the Comics Association?!"

Xu Mengnan on the side looked very interested, stopped the brush, and wanted to know more from

Luo Geng, but Luo Geng just glanced at her and said: "You think too much, it's not like you think, everyone happily discusses comics or something, but a smelly and long speech, very boring."

Xu Mengnan sighed with some disappointment and muttered, "Ah... I thought people would gather around the table and discuss how to draw comics.

"It will be discussed, but there should not be anyone as interested in this kind of thing as you, so it is all casual fooling."

Luo Geng had also participated in several such seminars in his previous life, as if he had gone to study, listening to a group of old-timers lecture.

Although boring, it is also an activity that members of the association must participate in, and can make friends with many famous cartoonists, which is also helpful for future development

, "Mr. Luo, will you be allowed to give a speech on stage?" Isn't it time to prepare in advance?

Qin Qiao reminded on the side.

And Luo Geng shook his head and said: "I don't know, I think it shouldn't be, I'm a new person, and even if I am asked to speak, I don't have to prepare anything in advance, these things have long been imprinted in my mind."

Luo Geng pointed to his head, for him, he had heard too much of this kind of speech, even if he put it together, one by one was a speech, so there was no need to prepare at all.

"Where's the address?"

Xu Mengnan looked at the piece of paper where Luo Geng wrote down his address, and after finding that it was

Cheng Annan, he said: "Cheng Annan, it's not too far from here, Teacher Qin, let's go to Cheng Annan next time to visit the Cartoonists Association, right?"

"You don't have to." Qin Qiao shook his head, not interested at all.

"Sister An Ying seems to be in the city of Annan, right? Shall we go to her? After all, I haven't seen it for a long time.

Chi Xiaoyu asked Luo Geng, An Ying is her good friend, it has helped her a lot, so long not seen, Chi Xiaoyu also missed her a little

, although she has not been very serious to say some of that kind of things before, but Chi Xiaoyu is not annoying, at least about the useful knowledge between herself and Luo Geng, she is still very willing to understand.

"Okay, let's go and have a meal with her when the seminar is over."

Since Chi Xiaoyu said so, of course Luo Geng would not refuse.

Three days later is not a weekend, and there are a few classes, so they must

take leave, since Luo Geng was a little famous in school, it also reached the ears of those teachers, knowing Luo Geng this person, and his achievements, so Luo Geng

wanted to take leave, directly on the grounds of comics, said to participate in the seminar of the Comics Association, the teacher basically will not refuse....

"Take time off? Nope. "


Luo Geng was stunned, looking at the counselor in front of him with a blank face, originally thinking that he could take leave as long as he said a little, but

now he was directly rejected back, which made him directly confused.

The counselor looked at the document in front of him, shook his head, and said: "You hung up a lot of subjects in your previous exam, and the make-up exam is imminent, I know that you have your own affairs to deal with, but I also have to pay attention to your study, such results, but you can't graduate."

"I... Hanging branch?

Luo Geng pointed to himself, and then looked at the table, his last exam results, to be honest, miserable.

He is actually quite good at high school knowledge, but he is not very proficient in the knowledge of the current university major, after all, it is not the same as the university in the previous life, and the major is not the same

, so after going to college, Luo Geng's learning is almost back to the starting line, and there is no advantage.

And I am addicted to Chi Xiaoyu and comics, so I completely forget about learning this kind of thing....

The counselor waved his hand and said, "Don't you pay attention to your grades?" There is still a week to hold a make-up exam, if you take three days off, can you guarantee to come back before the make-up exam, and have you reviewed, the make-up exam has never been retired, this is to repeat or dissuade ah.


Luo Geng couldn't refute, he took care of so many things, if he could study so perfectly, it would be a bit demon

, but how could he go to the seminar again in a week, and review the content of the make-up exam?

"Huh?" Luo Geng suddenly thought of something, and then looked at the counselor and begged: "Teacher, you just approve the leave, I promise that I will definitely be able to come back before the make-up exam, and then the make-up exam will definitely pass, okay?"

The counselor glanced at him and asked, "How do you guarantee it?" Are you free to review?

Luo Geng nodded again and again and said: "Yes, yes, I can make me old.... Belch.... Someone can tutor me and help me pass the make-up exam, it's definitely no problem. "

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