"Wife, I've passed the make-up exam!" Two weeks later, Luo Geng's results of their make-up exam

came out, and Luo Geng passed without exception

, after all, there is Chi Xiaoyu's careful tutoring, plus the questions of the make-up

exam are simpler than the questions of the official exam, so it is difficult to pass or not.

"Husband is awesome!" Chi

Xiaoyu raised a smile at the corner of his lips, praising Luo Geng on the side in the classroom, as if praising a child, which may feel strange to others, but very useful to Luo Geng.


Luo Geng looked to the side, Fan Junzhe sat in his seat, he remembered that Fan Junzhe also went when he made up

the exam, "A-Zhe, have you ever retaken the exam?"

Fan Junzhe turned his head, shrugged his shoulders and said: "Of course, after ah, I just hung up a subject, it's still very simple." "

Wipe... I suspect you are mocking me. Luo Geng, who had hung up a lot of branches, twitched the corner of his mouth and gave him a blank look.

Fan Junzhe suddenly thought of something, stood up and walked over, and said: "By the way, An Ying said that he would discuss something with us tonight, I don't know if you are free."


Geng and Chi Xiaoyu looked at each other, a little surprised, the last time they went to the city of Annan, because An Ying was busy with work, they didn't see her, and then they didn't have much contact for so long.

"I don't know, but it seems to have something to do with her taking vacation, she was busy because of her shift, but it seems that she has recently changed her shift, and she can take a vacation at that time." Fan

Junzhe would go to the city of Annan every weekend to find An Ying, but she could only take advantage of the off-work time when the two were together, and she was still very busy at work the rest of the time.

Even if he can chat often, he still wants to spend time with An Ying.

So Fan Junzhe was still very happy to hear that she could take a vacation.

"It's nice to take a vacation." Chi

Xiaoyu also hasn't seen An Ying for a long time, last time because it was too sudden, she didn't see An Ying, and when she talked to An Ying, she also felt very regretful, and said that she would definitely find an opportunity to get together in the future.

In the afternoon, Luo Geng and they went back and came to the studio

, and saw Xu Mengnan sitting in his seat reading the comics, shaking his head excitedly.

"Why, the make-up exam has passed, all hanging?" Luo Geng came to Xu Mengnan's side and asked knowingly, after all, judging from her reaction, she knew that she passed at a glance, otherwise she would not have piled up a lot of comics on the side, ready to make up for everything she hadn't read for so many days.

Xu Mengnan nodded proudly and said: "Of course, Mr. Luo, I haven't read comics for a week, and I review them carefully, if this can't pass, then I might as well be persuaded."

"How can you talk a little aggressively..." Luo

Geng thought of his nervous look when he made up the exam, and felt a little embarrassed for a while, after all, he was really afraid.


Luo Geng!" Luo Geng heard Chu Yuning shouting to himself on the side, and when he turned his head to look, he saw Chu Yuning holding a thick envelope and handing it to Luo Geng.

"This is..."

Luo Geng took the envelope, touched the thickness, opened it, and found that it was a stack of banknotes.

"Half of the sales, thank you for your blessing, in just two weeks, it has already had a great effect!" Chu

Yuning had a smile on her face, she didn't expect Luo Geng's publicity to be so strong, the publicity effect was so good, these two weeks earned, more than the previous two months, those bookstores to buy from themselves very fast, go to the publishing house to print, ship, they can't be busy.

"Well, thank you, but don't worry, you should go to the next level."

Luo Geng nodded, he tried his best to help Chu Yuning publicize his works, although he did not have such a hot influence, but it was enough for many comic fans to respond to his propaganda.

And this degree is far from enough, it will not break out immediately, but the effect will slowly get better and better.

This also made Luo Geng have this extra income, without paying too much, it was already very good to be able to exchange so much money, and even made him feel that it was a little bad to receive so much money from Chu Yuning.


Chi Xiaoyu, who was sitting on the sofa, her mobile phone rang, she took out her mobile phone and looked at it, and found that it was An Ying calling.

"Hey, Sister An Ying.

Chi Xiaoyu answered the phone and listened to An Ying's voice over there.

"Well, yes, long time no see, well, I know you're busy, you'll be fine.

After Chi Xiaoyu finished speaking, he was silent for a while, listening to what An Ying was saying over there.


?" Luo Geng heard Chi Xiaoyu's words, and couldn't help but turn his head to look at her, Chi Xiaoyu

also looked at Luo Geng, a little surprised, she thought that An Ying was at most looking for them to have a meal or something, but she didn't expect that she wanted to ask them to climb the mountain.

"Yes, this weekend, go to Nanyu Mountain together, let's go to play together, ask Mengnan to come together, or you can have other friends, more people are more lively."

An Ying said excitedly on the other side of the phone, while Chi Xiaoyu stared at Luo Geng, as if he wanted to hear Luo Geng's opinion.

"Well, okay, then I'll discuss it with my husband and give you an answer."

Chi Xiaoyu hung up the phone and looked at Luo Geng, waiting for his reply.

Luo Geng walked to Chi Xiaoyu's side, put his arm around her shoulders, and asked, "I remember, in that book, there is also a project to climb the mountain together, right?" Chi Xiaoyu

pursed his lips and whispered: "You... You remember..."

"Of course I remember, then let's go together?" "

Okay, oh yes, Sister An Ying said to ask Mengnan too, and then if you have other friends, you can also come together, she said that there are more people and more lively."

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Xu Mengnan who was still addicted to reading comics over there, feeling that her desire to go would not be great.

"Other friends..."

Luo Geng also looked over there, speaking of Luo Geng's friends here, except for Fan Junzhe and An Ying, that is, the studio.

Since Qin Qiao followed them, except for going out to eat together, it seems that they have not gone out to play together

, even if other units, they will occasionally go out for team building.

"Going out on weekends, going to climb mountains, are you going or not?"

asked Luo Geng as he came to the work area and asked a few of them.

Qin Qiao and Xu Mengnan turned their heads in unison, muttering a little suspiciously: "Going to climb the mountain

?" "Yes, occasionally go out to relax, you haven't gone out for a long time, right?" After

Luo Geng finished speaking, he looked at Chu Yuning who was drawing with his head down over there, and asked: "Teacher Chu, will you go with you?"


yes, there's no way to leave you here alone..."

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