In the evening, Luo Geng and

Chi Xiaoyu and Wen Shao converged with Bai Yi in the urban area, and the four of them went to the restaurant to eat together

, in order to celebrate Wen Shao's success, Luo Geng took him to a particularly good restaurant and invited him to a big meal.

"Swim in Kurijima, it seems to be good, but after going to the beach, you have to go to the sea, and you have to buy a swimsuit..." Bai

Yi thought that the last time he went to the beach was a long time ago, it can be said that he has not been to it since he went to high school, so the previous bathing suit is already very small and can no longer be worn at all.

"I have to buy it too..." Chi

Xiaoyu has never been to the beach at all, nor has she ever had a swimsuit at all, she has always yearned to go to the beach to play, and she also wrote in her book that she wanted to go to the beach with Luo Geng.

Luo Geng suddenly thought of something and said to Wen Shao:

"By the way, before the holiday, I also invited Hou Pengyuan, I think it is good to take him to have a good time this holiday, so that he can relax."

"Toko? Why does he need to relax? Wen

Shao was a little puzzled, although the last time they met, they met in a hurry, and they left in a hurry, but the matter of him and Yu Wanxin pretending to be a couple still made Wen Shao remember, and he didn't know anything else.

Subsequently, Luo Geng told Wen Shao what happened to Hou Pengyuan, why he pretended to be a couple with Yu Wanxin, and what he was doing throughout the holiday.

After listening, Wen Shao raised his eyebrows, his eyes were unbelievable, he really didn't expect that such a thing happened to Hou Pengyuan, he was taking care of his grandmother throughout the winter vacation, and almost lost one of his most important relatives because of the surgery fee.

When he saw Hou Pengyuan last time, he really didn't see that he had such pressure.

Wen Shao supported his chin with his hand and muttered, "Then I really should take him there, otherwise he will be too pitiful this holiday, where is he now?" Call him out and talk, right?

"I don't know, he will definitely go to see his grandmother for the first time after the holiday, I'll call and ask."

Luo Geng took out his mobile phone and dialed Hou Pengyuan's number

, at this time, Hou Pengyuan was at his grandmother's house, in the kitchen he was wearing an apron, cooking, heard the phone in his pocket ringing, so he took the pot off the stove.

"Brother Luo?"

Hou Pengyuan muttered suspiciously, then wiped his hands with his apron and picked up the phone: "Hey, Brother Luo, what's wrong?" "

Well, yes, I'm at my grandma's house, well, it's fine, I'm reading in the house now, and the situation is very stable."

After Luo Geng heard this, he nodded, and did not directly mention the matter of inviting him to play together, but changed his tone and proposed: "Wen Shao and I are going to visit grandma, is it convenient?"

Hou Pengyuan was stunned for a moment, and said with some surprise: "Huh? This one... So suddenly, convenience must be convenient, my grandma will also be happy, don't you bother? There is no need to come and visit.

"It's okay, it's not troublesome, after all, I haven't seen you for a long time, see you."

Hou Pengyuan thought for a while and said, "Well, then you can come directly, you don't need to buy anything."

"Then how to do, how can you go empty-handed, you don't care about this, you tell me the location, tomorrow we will pass."

Luo Geng chatted with Hou Pengyuan, he told Luo Geng the location, and then hung up the phone.

Luo Geng looked at Wen Shao and said, "Let's go see his grandmother tomorrow, and then talk to him about going to play together."


Wen Shao also had no opinion and agreed.

Bai Yi said on the side: "Then Xiaoyu and I will go buy swimsuits tomorrow, how about it?"

"Well, okay." Chi Xiaoyu nodded and responded.

Early the next morning, Luo Geng packed up and prepared to drive away, while Chi Xiaoyu went downstairs to see him off.

Luo Geng sat in the car, looked at Chi Xiaoyu outside the car and asked, "I'll pick up Wen Shao first, will you go out later?" Or come with me now?

"Bai Yi said to go out later, you go first, be careful on the road, drive slowly."

"I'll give you money, have fun today, buy whatever you want." Saying that, Luo Geng was about to take out his wallet and pay Chi Xiaoyu.

Chi Xiaoyu quickly stopped him and said, "I still have it, it's enough, don't want it."

Chi Xiaoyu helped Luo Geng close the car door, knocked on the glass, and said, "You go quickly, don't worry about me."

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu and smiled slightly, then put away his wallet, waved at her, and started the car and left here.

How could he be worried about Chi Xiaoyu, he would only worry that Chi Xiaoyu would not play well outside.

Luo Geng drove to Wen Shao's house, picked him up, and then the two prepared to go to the mall together to pick out gifts for visitation.

Hou Pengyuan also got up early at this time and began to clean up the house, preparing for the arrival of the two.

In one bedroom, on the soft big bed, Yu Wanxin was wearing pajamas, lying on the bed, her slender legs swinging.

She held her mobile phone and edited the text message on the phone, and the recipient was Hou Pengyuan.

"How's Grandma?] Do you need me to visit her? Help you by the way? In

just one sentence, Yu Wanxin edited for a long time, but after thinking about it for a long time, he did not send it out, and finally deleted it all.


Yu Wanxin threw the phone aside, buried the whole person in the pillow, and sighed helplessly.

It has been a few days since he returned from vacation, although Hou Pengyuan said before that his grandmother is still looking forward to her visiting, but after so many days, there is no news at all

, and she has been discharged from the hospital, not in the hospital, and Yu Wanxin does not know where her home is.

"Don't you need me..." Yu

Wanxin looked out the window, at this time the sun had risen, the sunlight shone through the window

, she felt a little lost, obviously just a couple played by Hou Pengyuan, deceived his grandma with a white lie, hoping that his grandma

would be happy, since it was a performance, there would be an end to the curtain, she would definitely not care about this kind of thing before, the end was over

Even if Hou Pengyuan directly showdown with his grandmother, even if Hou Pengyuan really has a girlfriend, she will not feel anything bad.

But I don't know why, now she just feels a little lost, especially Hou Pengyuan's side has no news at all, which makes her even more flustered.

Since the last incident, Yu Wanxin found that Hou Pengyuan was no longer the same as before, and she was a little far away from her, and

she later knew that she had hurt Hou Pengyuan's heart, but making up for it would definitely not make up for it.

Her explanation of her mood at this time is to atone for her sins, even if she can't make up for the damage, at least help Hou Pengyuan in other things.

Yu Wanxin turned her mobile phone ringtone to the maximum, then turned off the mobile phone, put it aside, and covered herself with a quilt.

"When he needs my help, he should come to me... Don't bother him now..."

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